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Worlds richest woman makes case for 2 dollar a day pay.


Mother Heathen
Here: my father owned a business. He paid his workers competitive wages and benefits, and paid himself a decent salary. He also had a profit sharing system, whereby he took a significant part of his profit and divided it among his employees. This was his way of acknowledging that their efforts had contributed to the company's success. Most of his employees stayed with him for many years.

He did not complain about his taxes. He did not agitate for lower wages and labour standards so he could take more money home at the end of the day. He didn't outsource his office to India and lay off all his workers. He did not complain that poor people spent to much time drinking and not enough time working.

And his fortune was considerably more modest than this monstrosity we are discussing. Nevertheless, he was thankful for his good fortune, and never once even implied that he wished he had employees who would wear rags to work, sleep in lean-tos, let their children be poisoned, and still barely manage to avoid starvation on two dollars a day so he could make more money, faster.

I find this woman disgusting because she does not recognize that her fortune was created by the labour of others, and rather than wishing to reward them for their contribution to her company's success, which has made her the richest woman in the world, she wants to pay them LESS, so she can have MORE.

Thank you.

I took from the article that she inherited her fortune. I am of the mindset that people are entitled to the wealth that is theirs. Though I think those who operate businesses, should operate like your father, I can't fault those who choose not to invest their personal wealth into business.

When posting, I commented directly from what I read from the article, reading that she had inherited her fortune and was appealing for businesses to have the opportunity to lower the minimum wage. I didn't read that she was pushing for a literal $2.00 minimum wage.

If there were a general concern with competition in the market that threatened the stability of the coal mining industry, I would think that the industry should push for that which serves in its best interests. Without the industry, or with a hurting industry, there wouldn't be jobs.

I'm with you, now.


Thank you.

I took from the article that she inherited her fortune. I am of the mindset that people are entitled to the wealth that is theirs. Though I think those who operate businesses, should operate like your father, I can't fault those who choose not to invest their personal wealth into business.

When posting, I commented directly from what I read from the article, reading that she had inherited her fortune and was appealing for businesses to have the opportunity to lower the minimum wage. I didn't read that she was pushing for a literal $2.00 minimum wage.

If there were a general concern with competition in the market that threatened the stability of the coal mining industry, I would think that the industry should push for that which serves in its best interests. Without the industry, or with a hurting industry, there wouldn't be jobs.

I'm with you, now.

Happy to help clear things up. :)

Now, to the question of solving a hypothetical competitiveness problem. Her argument is that the Australian mining industry is hurting because wages in Africa are so low. Can you think of any other solution to this problem than lowering the wages of Australian workers? Wouldn't raising the wages of African workers eliminate the wage gap just as well?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Happy to help clear things up. :)

Now, to the question of solving a hypothetical competitiveness problem. Her argument is that the Australian mining industry is hurting because wages in Africa are so low. Can you think of any other solution to this problem than lowering the wages of Australian workers? Wouldn't raising the wages of African workers eliminate the wage gap just as well?

No because the slave drivers in Africa won't pay it. If someone else pays to increase the standard of living in Africa the owners of the African mines will still be able to sell lower than legitimate businesses and they will because they love money more than they love their fellow humans.


Mother Heathen
Happy to help clear things up. :)

Now, to the question of solving a hypothetical competitiveness problem. Her argument is that the Australian mining industry is hurting because wages in Africa are so low. Can you think of any other solution to this problem than lowering the wages of Australian workers? Wouldn't raising the wages of African workers eliminate the wage gap just as well?

Yes, but, I don't see that happening.


RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member
So she has no problem paying extra taxes to feed those that she plans on paying $2 dollars a day?

Cost of Living in Australia. Prices in Australia.
Average cost of food:
Milk-- $1.59

Basic (Electricity, Gas, Water, Garbage) for 85m2 Apartment --$203.49
Hell! Rent alone for a 1 bedroom averages $1500

WTF is $60 a month gonna get a person? The rich will be dolling out more money than they already do if what she wants were to ever happen.
As a woman, I am ashamed to know that this woman has all this money and none of the intelligence her parents had.

In the article she was saying that cost of living in Aus is too high. What she seems to be pushing for is lowering costs in general. If costs are lower, employers can afford to pay less as well.


Mother Heathen
Why not? She has enough spare change to buy a thousand African mines. She could get quite far in increasing the wages for African miners if she really cared about closing the wage gap.

You're right, but, like I said, I don't see that happening. And where in Africa are we talking about? Not always easy to work within Africa.

And again, though I understand you and I don't necessarily disagree with you, why should she take her wealth and do this?

Is it the right thing to do? Maybe. But is she genuinely obligated, because of her wealth, to take steps to close the wage gap.

I work for a humanitarian organization. In my professional and personal live, I strive to do what's right. And not only do I work for very little, I'm a major financial donor as well to the organization in which I work.

There's a difference between obligation and desire.


In the article she was saying that cost of living in Aus is too high. What she seems to be pushing for is lowering costs in general. If costs are lower, employers can afford to pay less as well.

How would lowering the minimum wage reduce the cost of living in Australia?


You're right, but, like I said, I don't see that happening. And where in Africa are we talking about? Not always easy to work within Africa.

And again, though I understand you and I don't necessarily disagree with you, why should she take her wealth and do this?

Is it the right thing to do? Maybe. But is she genuinely obligated, because of her wealth, to take steps to close the wage gap.

I work for a humanitarian organization. In my professional and personal live, I strive to do what's right. And not only do I work for very little, I'm a major financial donor as well to the organization in which I work.

There's a difference between obligation and desire.

She has every right to be a greedy cow. She's not obliged to do anything with her money. But that does mean she is choosing to be useless, immoral, greedy cow. She could end world hunger for a year, but her only desire is to make conditions for labour in Australia worse so she can get richer, faster. I don't see why anyone would bother to defend her.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
She wouldn't put her own wealth into her business. She could wake up one day and realize that she has enough money for the rest of her life and at today's standards probably enough for her descendants to a thousand generations and maybe could decide to take a cut in pay from now on so there will be more for the workers. Keep what she has but pay herself less.


Mother Heathen
She has every right to be a greedy cow. She's not obliged to do anything with her money. But that does mean she is choosing to be useless, immoral, greedy cow. She could end world hunger for a year, but her only desire is to make conditions for labour in Australia worse so she can get richer, faster. I don't see why anyone would bother to defend her.

I'm really not defending her. I just see a different perspective. I know what I would do if I had the extra wealth. And from what you've shared, I think I know what you would do. People are different.

I'm glad that there are people like your father, who do make a difference in people's lives. And you've given me a few things to mull over and I think I needed that. :)

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
BBC News - Gina Rinehart calls for Australian wage cut
"Africans want to work, and its workers are willing to work for less than $2 per day," she said in the video. "Such statistics make me worry for this country's future.
Why does them being paid so little make her worried about her countries future? And there is nothing admirable or even remotely threatening about that, especially when her own income is doing very well.
And she seems to be very arrogant:
Gina Rinehart, preaching and practising capitalist: The world's most valued and most envied individual

Gina Rinehart, preaching and practising capitalist

The world's most valued and most envied individual



Well-Known Member
She inherited her wealth.

People born into money generally are out of touch with the economic reality ordinary people face. Or more to the point, they don't give a ****.

From the article -
As Rinehart observed in an earlier magazine piece: "There is no monopoly on becoming a millionaire. If you're jealous of those with more money don't just sit there and complain, do something to make more money yourself. Spend less time drinking, smoking and socializing and more time working."

Rinehart knows what it means to pull yourself up by the bootstraps.She inherited a fortune now estimated to be worth about $18 billion. That's a heavy burden to bear.


Another important point - those workers in third world countries are the people who made so many westerners rich. Corporate pigs keep telling the lie that they earned their wealth, but in fact they and their ancestors became wealthy by subjugating and exploiting whole nations courtesy of 'superior firepower'.

Now that the poverty and desperation of those people forces them to accept slave wages, the workers in 'advanced' countries are being told that they must reduce their expectations and accustom themselves to ever-lower standards of living to compete in a global market.

Grand theft on a global scale. Obviously another world war is in order to ensure that western workers feel grateful for any scraps at all.

American wealth (and European wealth) was built on the backs of colonised and exploited nations, without which we would not have the plutocracy we have now. The 1%. Globally. In America, Russia, India and China.

There are no more third world countries to colonise and exploit. Time to reduce the western workforce to serfdom. They're just a bunch of lazy losers anyway, right ?


Just me
Premium Member
She inherited her wealth.

People born into money generally are out of touch with the economic reality ordinary people face. Or more to the point, they don't give a ****.

From the article -
As Rinehart observed in an earlier magazine piece: "There is no monopoly on becoming a millionaire. If you're jealous of those with more money don't just sit there and complain, do something to make more money yourself. Spend less time drinking, smoking and socializing and more time working."

Rinehart knows what it means to pull yourself up by the bootstraps.She inherited a fortune now estimated to be worth about $18 billion. That's a heavy burden to bear.


Another important point - those workers in third world countries are the people who made so many westerners rich. Corporate pigs keep telling the lie that they earned their wealth, but in fact they and their ancestors became wealthy by subjugating and exploiting whole nations courtesy of 'superior firepower'.

Now that the poverty and desperation of those people forces them to accept slave wages, the workers in 'advanced' countries are being told that they must reduce their expectations and accustom themselves to ever-lower standards of living to compete in a global market.

Grand theft on a global scale. Obviously another world war is in order to ensure that western workers feel grateful for any scraps at all.

American wealth (and European wealth) was built on the backs of colonised and exploited nations, without which we would not have the plutocracy we have now. The 1%. Globally. In America, Russia, India and China.

There are no more third world countries to colonise and exploit. Time to reduce the western workforce to serfdom. They're just a bunch of lazy losers anyway, right ?
Yeah, but... she's fat.


Seems to me she is butt hurt after failing to take control over what is left in Australian media (after Murdoch, that is). The mining company didn't want to take over Fairfax... they just wanted 2 seats on the board of directors while Rinehart desired the ability to hire and fire editors in the midst of her lobbying campaigns to fight taxes from the Australian government... :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Seems to me she is butt hurt after failing to take control over what is left in Australian media (after Murdoch, that is). The mining company didn't want to take over Fairfax... they just wanted 2 seats on the board of directors while Rinehart desired the ability to hire and fire editors in the midst of her lobbying campaigns to fight taxes from the Australian government... :rolleyes:

Welcome back !

Yes, she not only wants the right to hire workers for slave wages, and reduce her tax burden, she wants to control editorial comment about those issues.

And she's fat.