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Would God condemn a person to hell who's never heard his word?


Jesus loves you
This is the very same question that I posed to some JWs. They told me that God would judge them on their lives, because no one had explained the Word of God to them.

So, not knowing the Word = salvation as long as you lead a good life.

Being told about the Word but not accepting it = damnation, despite your life so far.

Therefore, missionaries all over the world that go round explaining God's word to those unaware of it have undoubtedly caused the damnation of millions of souls who, upon hearing of God's Word, could not accept it, for whatever reason, but who had thus far led blameless lives.

Telling them they are directly responsible for damnation gets rid of them from the door pretty quickly, I find.

I agree with you completely, it would be an act of malice by jesus Christ to instruct us to go into all the world and teach the nations and make disciples, and if they don't believe they shall be damned if by not hearing the word they get to go to heaven anyhow.
It makes more sense as a rescue mission.


Well-Known Member
The Vatican has accumulated throughout history, a great fortune by means of selling indulgences (to pardon sins) to the people. Thus people believed to be able to go to the sky. Unfortunately, the Pope could not sell indulgences in China, India, etc, because He only could sell to that they were under His dominion. The monotheist religion was invented the first time by Zarathrustra, a priest from old mesopotamia. This is what it studies in the university, in the Faculty of History.

And what the heck does this have to do with the OP???????

Here is a answer to your misconceptions about indulgences. But again this has nothing to do with the Op so please stick to that topic and if you want to ask a question about indulgences then go to the Catholic forum.

Here is the answer:
Myths about Indulgences

Peace to you always and God bless you through Mary immaculate's Son Jesus,

spiritually inclined

Active Member
I think Romans says creation witnesses to the existence of a creator or something like that....

Of course, believing in a creator is different from accepting evangelical or traditional forms of Christianity.

My own personal belief system does not include an external, theistic, judging god or an afterlife.



God is Fair and Just

He does not hold people accountable for what they don't know

Does he reward people for what they don't know? In other words, if he doesn't send people to hell, does he send them to heaven if they have never heard his word?


Freedom of expression
And what the heck does this have to do with the OP???????

Here is a answer to your misconceptions about indulgences. But again this has nothing to do with the Op so please stick to that topic and if you want to ask a question about indulgences then go to the Catholic forum.

Here is the answer:
Myths about Indulgences

Peace to you always and God bless you through Mary immaculate's Son Jesus,
The "holy inquisition" and the miracles of the Vatican is a MYTH also?:confused:


Freedom of expression
And what the heck does this have to do with the OP???????

Here is a answer to your misconceptions about indulgences. But again this has nothing to do with the Op so please stick to that topic and if you want to ask a question about indulgences then go to the Catholic forum.

Here is the answer:
Myths about Indulgences

Peace to you always and God bless you through Mary immaculate's Son Jesus,
What you think about this link?:confused:
The Dark History of The Vatican


Atheist Scum
I agree with you completely, it would be an act of malice by jesus Christ to instruct us to go into all the world and teach the nations and make disciples, and if they don't believe they shall be damned if by not hearing the word they get to go to heaven anyhow.
It makes more sense as a rescue mission.

Rescue mission?

So, you are of the school of thought that they are damned unless they turn to God? If so, what about those souls that never heard of Christ or God before they died? Surely it is an act of malice on the part of any God or Jesus Christ to condemn people to damnation just because they were born in a place untouched by Christianity. Bit unfair.

Or have I missread your post? If so, sorry, your point of view wasn't 100% clear to me.


Well-Known Member
God does not send anyone to Hell, especially those who have not heard the Gospel. People sentence themselves to Hell by their adultries, fornications, thefts, lies, sorceries, covetousness, murders, disobedience to parents, worshipping demonic idols of other gods, taking the Lord's name in vain, etc, etc...


it is my believe that God speaks to each one of us, that His Word is written on our hearts, no matter what our faith or lack of faith. we all have the capacity for compassion, gratitude, love, and awe. i do not believe that God would condemn anyone to hell simply for not hearing or believing in a specific doctrine. how much sense does that make?


Well-Known Member
I was raised southren baptist & I was taught that if you did not were not told about jesus & how to get to heaven then it sucks to be you.

There were some bible verse's to back this up I'll have to look them up.


Well-Known Member
I was raised southren baptist & I was taught that if you did not were not told about jesus & how to get to heaven then it sucks to be you.

There were some bible verse's to back this up I'll have to look them up.
That is the party line! But Y _ H _ V _ H does not change! The lamb of God was slain from the foundation of the earth. If the only way to God was by Jesus, then G-d was the most unfair enity ever, leaving out of his relationship people for 4,000 years!

However, Christians are just dead wrong! Yeshua; Jn. 5:24
"Most assuredly, I say to you, he who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but has passed from death into life. NKJV
Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears my word and believes him who sent me, has eternal life; he does not come into judgment, but has passed from death to life.RSV
"In most solemn truth I tell you that he who listens to my teaching and believes Him who sent me, has the Life of the Ages, and does not come under judgement, but has passed over out of death into Life.WEY
‘Verily, verily, I say to you—He who is hearing my word, and is believing Him who sent me, hath life age-during, and to judgment he doth not come, but hath passed out of the death to the life.YLT

Y - H - V - H spoke the "word" He sent the "word" into the world three times, to Adam, to Moshe and then the "Word" became flesh. Yeshua is the "living Word" sent into the world to preach the "Good News" to all flesh and to have the Kingdom break forth unto all Nations.

Learn Hebrew, the bible is full of Hebrew Idioms you need to know to correctly understand the difficult words.

Baruch Ha’ba B’Shem Adonai
Blessed is he who comes in the name of the LORD! [Ps 118:26 NKJV]


Well-Known Member
I was raised southren baptist & I was taught that if you did not were not told about jesus & how to get to heaven then it sucks to be you.

There were some bible verse's to back this up I'll have to look them up.

I attended the SO. Baptist church for years, and they also taught that each man will be judged according to the light they have been given. Romans teaches all men have the creation pointing to a creator and God's laws written in our hearts, our conscience, meaning 'with knowledge'. All men know when they do wrong and can ask God to forgive them. But Romans also says that men left God and turned to idols so God gave them over to a reprobate mind and they became exceedingly wicked. God does not judge one for having never heard of Christ, but for his/her murders, adultries, lies, theft, covetousness, etc. Basically if one is so concerned about them, which we should be, we should go tell them the really Good News that Christ died for their sins and they may be sure of their salvation here and now as a free gift. Plus, we trust God is good and just and fair. Look at Cornelius, God saw that he gave to the poor and called him a righteous man, and he was the first gentile to be receive Christ.


Well-Known Member
So what the bible says about where the bible says the only way to heaven is though Jesus christ? I know not everyone here believe that the bible say's.


Well-Known Member
Does he reward people for what they don't know? In other words, if he doesn't send people to hell, does he send them to heaven if they have never heard his word?

The pre-requisite to enter Paradise, according to Islam, is belief in God and doing good deeds.

Those who have not received God's message in this world won't be judged for their belief but what happens as a consequence of their deeds, I don't know the answer to that one Aqualung

The Qur'an however does mention that between Heaven and Hell there is a place called (Al-A'raf) where believers whose good deeds and bad deeds were exactly the same: they don't deserve Paradise and at the same time they don't deserve Hell


We believe People will be judged according to thier works and thier knowledge. which is why we as Latter-day Saints do work for the dead by proxy, and why we have such a HUGE emphasis on Geneology and Family History. so we can do as much of Heavenly father's work as possible to allow those people who have passed on to be able to enjoy all the benefits and blessings of the truth.


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
So doesn't God speak to each person's soul individually?.....
This is blasphemous in our eyes as it denies God has omnipresence, as most holy books state.....


So doesn't God speak to each person's soul individually?.....
This is blasphemous in our eyes as it denies God has omnipresence, as most holy books state.....

He will only let you know things if you ask, and have faith that he will. or else why should he?