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Would Jesus Put This On His Car?


So it is OK to you, to have Satanists - for instance - chant/prey in school?

My religion doesn't believe in satan so we don't really have a problem with that.

We believe that satan is a metaphor for the lower nature of man that prevents us from having a relationship with God.


My religion doesn't believe in satan so we don't really have a problem with that.

We believe that satan is a metaphor for the lower nature of man that prevents us from having a relationship with God.
If people want to worship "satan" as a God that's probably fine since we don't tell people what to believe but worshipping yourself is probably not a good way to get close to God.


Ah Baha'i. That is one beautiful temple - by the way.

I've been to many Baha'i dinner discussions/debates.

Even the Baha'i have religions they do not agree with, and do not promote.

The essence of religion is one. To say there is more than one religion is man made. There is one God and one religion of God.


Where does that leave polytheists then?
Every man of insight will, in this day, readily admit that the counsels which the Pen of this Wronged One hath revealed constitute the supreme animating power for the advancement of the world and the exaltation of its peoples. Arise, O people, and, by the power of God’s might, resolve to gain the victory over your own selves, that haply the whole earth may be freed and sanctified from its servitude to the gods of its idle fancies—gods that have inflicted such loss upon, and are responsible for the misery of their wretched worshippers. These idols form the obstacle that impedeth man in his efforts to advance in the path of perfection. We cherish the hope that the Hand of divine power may lend its assistance to mankind and deliver it from its state of grievous abasement.

Tablet of the World -- Baha'u'llah

Blessed is that strong one who will shatter the gods of vain imaginings through the potency of the Name of his Lord, He Who ruleth over all men.


And now concerning thy reference to the existence of two Gods. Beware, beware, lest thou be led to join partners with the Lord, thy God. He is, and hath from everlasting been, one and alone, without peer or equal, eternal in the past, eternal in the future, detached from all things, ever-abiding, unchangeable, and self-subsisting. He hath assigned no associate unto Himself in His Kingdom, no counsellor to counsel Him, none to compare unto Him, none to rival His glory. To this every atom of the universe beareth witness, and beyond it the inmates of the realms on high, they that occupy the most exalted seats, and whose names are remembered before the Throne of Glory.

Gleamings from the Writings of Baha'u'llah

The meaning is that the Buddhists and Confucianists now worship images and statues. They are entirely heedless of the Oneness of God and believe in imaginary gods like the ancient Greeks. But in the beginning it was not so; there were different principles and other ordinances.

Some Answered Questions

Mr. Beebe

Active Member
You advocate imposing religious beliefs on children?

I believe the Bible,,all of it.

"You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children..." Deuteronomy 6:5-7


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
Its a true sentiment and likely an actual decorative license plate.

Some one posted this on Facebook from a Website called "Service For Christ". Your thoughts?
No, I honestly think Jesus would not. He would have a bumper sticker telling people to get up and do something positive instead of doting on political solutions. He would say to stop watching television, stop accumulating too much wealth, to care for strangers and all kinds of other difficult things. It would be a very pushy, ugly bumper sticker. Such a person as Jesus would go unheard and unnoticed by most.


Apistevist Asexual Atheist
I believe the Bible,,all of it.

"You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children..." Deuteronomy 6:5-7

That's great, I don't care.
Until you can present undeniable empirical evidence of it's truth, it's not general education.

Keep it in church.

Mr. Beebe

Active Member
That's great, I don't care.
Until you can present undeniable empirical evidence of it's truth, it's not general education.

Keep it in church.

1. Then don't reply to my posts.
2. All will hear the message,, then the end will come.
3. You are hearing it whether you want to or not.

4. You won't be able to tell God you didn't know. No excuses for you.


Apistevist Asexual Atheist
I'm just telling you what is coming on the earth. A Prophesy.

I'm sure millions upon millions of people have heard that same line for the past two thousand years.
It's old, metaphorically and literally.

When the Christians take over this country and overturn the country, I'll be the first one on a flight to Norway.
Don't want to stick around to be unfairly persecuted.


Apistevist Asexual Atheist
1. Then don't reply to my posts.
2. All will hear the message,, then the end will come.
3. You are hearing it whether you want to or not.

4. You won't be able to tell God you didn't know. No excuses for you.

1. I do what I please.
2. k
3. Yeah it was preached in my ear for a decade by my parents.
4. It'd tell god to suck it, first. such a thing isn't worth an excuse.

Mr. Beebe

Active Member
When the Christians take over this country and overturn the country, I'll be the first one on a flight to Norway.
Don't want to stick around to be unfairly persecuted.

The Bible says that "all" will be tested. The Mark of the Beast will be enforced first, in the USA,, and then the whole world. So, while you are in Norway,,,you will observing the Mark of the Beast,, or you will be oppressed to the point that the death decree will go out against you, unless you observe the Mark of the Beast.


Apistevist Asexual Atheist
The Bible says that "all" will be tested. The Mark of the Beast will be enforced first, in the USA,, and then the whole world. So, while you are in Norway,,,you will observing the Mark of the Beast,, or you will be oppressed to the point that the death decree will go out against you, unless you observe the Mark of the Beast.

The bible says a lot of stuff.
Nothing to prove it's validity though..

Let them come and kill me.
Make em put in some effort.


Apistevist Asexual Atheist
If you are alive on the planet,, you will either be obeying God and keeping His laws,, or you will be obeying the devil and keeping his mark.

No and no.
If I am still me I will do neither.
They will have to eliminate my personality entirely to make me do such things.


Apistevist Asexual Atheist
They will.. The death decree will go out against all who refuse to observe the Mark of the Beast.

Surely it will.
All to whom the death decree may apply deserve that penalty.

Be sure they set me on fire, or something cool.
Don't nail me to some boards, though. Too mainstream.