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Would you allow your child to marry and Atheist?

Would you let YOUR child marry an atheist? (Private Poll)

  • Of course.

    Votes: 52 94.5%
  • Of Course Not.

    Votes: 3 5.5%

  • Total voters


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
To go against the "norm" takes great personal resolve and is a lifelong dedication.

I've always found it rather easy. As a kid I never liked what I saw in what was considered "normal" (often called "cool"), so I went my own way. I often got ridiculed and laughed at for it, but I stuck to my personal path.


No one should need crutches of any kind to substitute for developing inner strength.

Personal Artistry is not a 'crutch'.
Just for fun... what is your personal method of the development of inner strength?

Yet religion does it in religious summer camps, sunday school and in church, the concept is taken home by the parents and further drilled into their malleable young minds.

There are many kinds of theists.

Are you trying to say thats the same as trying to introduce religion into public schools, politics, and government? There are also bumper stickers that say "eat **** 400 trillion fly's can't be wrong"

Everybody has a message to share. ;) :D

Indeed. ;) I, too, still have a long way to go to completely purge my superiority complex from my subconscious.

*UV types here so message will appear*


I've always found it rather easy. As a kid I never liked what I saw in what was considered "normal" (often called "cool"), so I went my own way. I often got ridiculed and laughed at for it, but I stuck to my personal path.

Well, I don't really have a choice in the matter mySelf. :D
It's not like I could "be" any other way, than what I am.

But... what I hide and reveal to others is a matter of careful concern to me,
as so many of my lifestyle choices, outlooks, philosophies, and interests
come under HEAVY societal/social taboo... by both mainstream theists and non thiests alike.
If I did not have children I would be less concerned.
If I didn't need a "regular" job, I would be less concerned still.

EDIT... Perhaps I should consider a job at Abercrombie and Fitch...
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Heh sometimes it takes a great effort to be 'normal' in todays general social norms.
given it may vary from country to country.

True! If you are someone who travels and lives in different places especially.
Or if you live in an area where there is much diversity.
(though the diversity usually shows itself in "groups" rather than rampant & extreme individuality)


As well "normalcy" has become VERY expensive,
and is quite unnafordable for many of us.

(cell phones, constant technology updates, the newest games, movies etc etc)

I have little motivation for "trying" to keep up with "everyone else".
I'd rather just do my own thing at my own pace.
As long as I have what I need when it suits me best,
what does the rest matter?


Well-Known Member
No, what's an example of bigotry is your comparison of theism to belief in the tooth fairy,

Can you show a material difference between any human conception of god and any human conception of the Tooth Fairy?

They are equivalent to my mind.

As to the Op, If I were a theist I would advise extreme caution if my child wanted to marry an atheist.

It would depend upon the strength of both of their convictions concerning belief or lack of.

I`ve heard far too many stories of ruined relationships once children become involved.

I would not have married a practicing theist or even a theist who followed any dogmatic theology as it would never have worked once we had children.

I simply wouldn`t allow the indoctrination of my child.
My family would have been split up and drug through court and custody hearings


Done here.
No, what's an example of bigotry is your comparison of theism to belief in the tooth fairy, etc.. Just because someone disagrees with you, doesn't make them an idiot.
I really can't see how that's an example of bigotry. The fact someone considers those of your beliefs that are unsupported by evidence to be nonsense does not make him a bigot. I also think it would make sense to wait until somebody actually calls you an idiot before you wax indignant over being called an idiot.

I think you are confusing atheists with 'THE DUTCH' :p
Potato, potahto. ;)


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Had I children I'd be happy to have them marry atheists. I'd have strong reservations about their marrying into mainstream Christian or Muslim sects, though.


Well-Known Member

*UV types here so message will appear*
My personal method for developing inner strength is to first realize that I am not going to receive any support from an imaginary being, next is developing self confidence in my profession, educating myself in matters I deem important, constantly seeking to elevate myself in my profession, developing a sense of superiority among my competitors, and finally surrounding myself with those who challenge me.

I have listened to some, not all, of your music, I have some suggestions if your interested.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
My personal method for developing inner strength is to first realize that I am not going to receive any support from an imaginary being, next is developing self confidence in my profession, educating myself in matters I deem important, constantly seeking to elevate myself in my profession, developing a sense of superiority among my competitors, and finally surrounding myself with those who challenge me.

:clap With one exception, the bolded part, for the reason that this can lead to a superiority complex, which is not socially healthy.


My personal method for developing inner strength is to first realize that I am not going to receive any support from an imaginary being, next is developing self confidence in my profession, educating myself in matters I deem important, constantly seeking to elevate myself in my profession, developing a sense of superiority among my competitors, and finally surrounding myself with those who challenge me.

I have listened to some, not all, of your music, I have some suggestions if your interested.

You still don't get it that Ultra is me.
She is my highest most wonderfully realized Self.
She embodies who I am becoming.
She is my personal Totem.
I AM the gOddess, as I merge with her.

My art comes from a place very deep inside mySelf,
It comes from a very personal place
shaped by years of playing, learning from, and listening to great artists,
with whom I personally connect on a deep level.
It also comes from my own life view... and what is powerful and meaningful and intreiging to me,
after 41 years as me on this planet.
On that front... the artistic front... I have no need for anonymous online "suggestions".
My personal Vision always includes Magicks,
which I don't believe you would appreciate anyway.
Which is fine.
We are all different.
I certainly do not expect everyone to appreciate what I do... or understand, or connect with it.

I will have technical questions though
about playing live with a laptop.
If you can help with those kinds of questions
I would most appreciate your input when I put up the thread.
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Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
In my profession it's absolutely necessary, and there is nothing wrong with feeling superior if in fact it's true. Of course you don't have to show it.

"Superior" is probably, therefore, a bad word to use. "Having greater skill" is probably better.

And of course, you shouldn't show it because that's bad sportsmanship. :D


Well-Known Member
"Superior" is probably, therefore, a bad word to use. "Having greater skill" is probably better.

And of course, you shouldn't show it because that's bad sportsmanship. :D
Yes, thank you, having greater skill seems much less arrogant than superior, and yes it is very bad sportsmanship, those involved will know without having been told, you let your skill and craft do the talking, so to speak.


Well-Known Member
My art comes from a place very deep inside mySelf,
It comes from a very personal place
shaped by years of playing, learning from, and listening to great artists,
with whom I personally connect on a deep level.
It also comes from my own life view... and what is powerful and meaningful and intreiging to me,
after 41 years as me on this planet.
On that front... the artistic front... I have no need for anonymous online "suggestions".
My personal Vision always includes Magicks,
which I don't believe you would appreciate anyway.
Which is fine.
We are all different.
I certainly do not expect everyone to appreciate what I do... or understand, or connect with it.
Sorry to intrude, after 45 years of experience as a composer/improvisor/ and teacher, I thought you might like a professional opinion on your music, but I can see how protective you of it, good luck with your endeavors.

I will have technical questions though
about playing live with a laptop.
If you can help with those kinds of questions
I would most appreciate your input when I put up the thread.
[/QUOTE]I'm sorry but playing live with a laptop seems to me a bit counterproductive. I use little or no technology with my music, machines were not met to be involved in the creative process, their fine as a teaching aid and to generate copied parts, but thats the extent to which I'll trust a machine. However if I can help I will be glad to. Good luck.


Grumpy Old Man
I have no problem at all if my child was to marry an atheist, provided he/she met my high moral standards, but I would viguorously discourage my child from marrying any sort of seriously religious person.



Sorry to intrude, after 45 years of experience as a composer/improvisor/ and teacher, I thought you might like a professional opinion on your music, but I can see how protective you of it, good luck with your endeavors.

I'm sorry but playing live with a laptop seems to me a bit counterproductive. I use little or no technology with my music, machines were not met to be involved in the creative process, their fine as a teaching aid and to generate copied parts, but thats the extent to which I'll trust a machine. However if I can help I will be glad to. Good luck.

Not Protective Honey.
(well, besides having not put some other things up
due to the fact they have not been copyrighted yet)

Check out Emilie Autumn.
And how she performs live.
This is the kind of thing I'd like to do.
(but obviously my own way)

This is what I mean.
We are on completely different pages.
(and people are full of their own opinions)

And that's fine.
Glad you're happy with what you're doing.

I'd be much more interested in hearing your music anyway.
Hearing you play. Doing your own thing.
That's what interests me.
Do you have any links up?
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Well-Known Member
Not Protective Honey.
Only people who want to make love to me call me "honey"

Check out Emilie Autumn.
And how she performs live.
This is the kind of thing I'd like to do.
(but obviously my own way)
Yes I certainly will.

This is what I mean.
We are on completely different pages.
ore than you know
(and people are full of their own opinions)
Yes they are.

And that's fine.
Glad you're happy with what you're doing.
Yes, very, thank you.
I'd be much more interested in hearing your music anyway.
Hearing you play. Doing your own thing
I compose for a living so it's not that often I can "do my own thing" That's a privilege I rarely have but enjoy the challenge of writing to assignment.