Well my Theism has nothing really to do with "truth" at all
beyond me, being "true" to my Own Self.
You can "evidence" the "truth"(ie, existence) of my theism
in the 'cast' (shaping/coloring/role filling etc etc) of my Own Reality.
As belief goes?
There is not a thing that my theism requires me to "believe",
though I find it very important to take a stance of belief in my Self,
and I am sometimes very enriched and even empowered
'believing' (things) in mySelf.
A cornerstone of my theism
is that I
"believe completely,
without believing at all".
I prefer though to call this
the "suspension of disbelief",
as "hardwired belief"
has nothing at all to do with it.
This is something I do with purpose and intent
and under some particular Set of conditions.
Kind of like "Setting a Stage" for a play or enactment,
or "Preparing a Chamber" for an experiential experiment.
I suppose you could say that I am just very eccentric,
but it certainly LOOKS like some Occultic Theism or another.
It would to an outsider,
and I mySelf do consider it a Theism
in that My Life IS My Own Personal My'thology.