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Would you marry a gay couple...

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
I think you misread some things. No biggie.
We are not talking about straight people. We are talking about gay people. In marriage we are not to have sex before marriage so how is one to know if another can not have babies before marriage.

Christian gay people may not have sex before marriage because of their Christian belief no different than straight people.

I and many women know we can't have children when we get our routine exam to check our ovaries and other female organs, especially if we have symptoms related to the body that helps a child to be born and grow.

I use straight because straight and gay are no different. I don't see why we should single gay people out. Making a point by using straight people since gay people aren't aliens (my words).

Yes we all have desires but we are talking about your desires not mine.

We are talking about desires of people in general. Yours, mine, Joe Smoe, Jane Doe. It doesn't matter. All humans have desires. Our desires do not define who we are as straight, gay, bi, transgender, people. Our orientations are apart of us. Many gay people gone there whole life without being sexually active with another person.

In this case, gay people aren't singled out. They deserve the same equal view of marriage, desires, love, and faith as straight people.

own desires and that is a way of rebellion from you.

I left the Church for more important reasons (please reread my post). The gay part was just an cherry on the cake.​

In other words, there are other bigger reasons I left the Church. I understand their view about homosexuality. I don't want to marry, so it doesn't affect me. I just disagree with it.

Why do you think they make the devil with legs of an animal cause desires are animal instinct I talk this way to everyone believe me your not special cause your gay.

We are not special because we are gay. That is the point of all of our fight for equality. We are not special.

We deserve marriage just like Christian Joe. Gay Christian Joe may understand he cannot marry in a Church; however, he understands the difference between lust and love. He believes god chooses love. How he expresses that love depends on how god not the Church shows him how to express it. It is god who is the interpreter and gives him the blessings that his friend and he to become married. In a Church, you do not need a marriage contract to be married. To be legally married (Church or not), you do.

I hope gay Catholics understand and accept what their Church teaches if they wish to stay in the Catholic Church. I find it very wrong (but not the to where I'd leave the Church for it) to dictate a person's life (tell him to be celibate and do not marry and cant be a priest, etc) all because he identifies as gay. To be priest, you cant even identify as gay. That isn't a crime nor an action.

The whole Christian position about homosexuality is not based on what homosexuals are saying themselves. (edit) Their position is based on people's behavior. Unfortunately, they forgot gay people are not isolated in this. They aren't the targets of lustful behavior. All people are. Address the behaviors not the people who just say they are gay. That is wrong.
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Well-Known Member
It seems to me that the one thing people forget when arguing about the things that Jesus 'omitted' from his teachings (that Paul included) was that both were Jewish and raised with the Torah. The law of God included God's very specific laws on homosexuality.

Leviticus 18:22:
"You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination."

Jesus clearly set the standard for marriage....a man and a woman. (Matt 19:4-6) God's law would not permit otherwise. It even forbade the wearing of the other gender's clothing.
Deuteronomy 22:5:
“A woman must not put on men’s clothing, and a man must not wear women’s clothing. Anyone who does this is detestable in the sight of the Lord your God".

The apostle Peter also commented on the place of women.

1 Peter 3:1-6:
"In the same way, you wives must accept the authority of your husbands. Then, even if some refuse to obey the Good News, your godly lives will speak to them without any words. They will be won over by observing your pure and reverent lives.
Don’t be concerned about the outward beauty of fancy hairstyles, expensive jewelry, or beautiful clothes. You should clothe yourselves instead with the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God. This is how the holy women of old made themselves beautiful. They put their trust in God and accepted the authority of their husbands. For instance, Sarah obeyed her husband, Abraham, and called him her master. You are her daughters when you do what is right without fear of what your husbands might do."

In the Jewish synagogue, women did not teach or exercise authority over men; neither did they do so in the Christian assembly. The headship arrangement allowed the sexes to recognize their God-given role in the family arrangement and in worship. (1 Cor 11:3) Paul did not change that and neither did Jesus.
The Biblical views on women was one the biggest reasons I left your faith. Did it occur to you that times change and that those precepts set down then are not germane now? Now, that aside, Jesus may or may not have been raised Jewish. Scholarly agreement is that he was. However, because he did not marry...one of the most important of the Jewish laws, he would have been considered apostate. Another thing that always fascinates me is that Christians will hold on to that one verse like a life raft but when it comes to the other laws, they are quick to state that Jesus did away with those laws. Its a situation of cherry picking. Either you adhere to all the laws of the Torah, including the food restrictions, clothing, etc, or you don't adhere at all.


Well-Known Member
As well as the qualities of the person, it is also forbidden to "try before you buy" in this arrangement. No sex before marriage means that this factor is not the one determining whether a person will make a good life partner. Being 'good in bed' can sometimes blind a person to bad characteristics that may surface later and destroy the bond.
No sex before marriage?
Then why in the ot God make the law that rapist can marry the victim by giving some money to the victim's father?

It's forbidden to "try before you buy" before marriage?
Have God forbid those rapist forcing sex with the victim before the marriage?

Have God condemn those rapist and help those victim when he make the law to let those rapist be able to marry the victim? Can the victim reject marry with the rapist?
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Avid Bible Student
Premium Member
The Biblical views on women was one the biggest reasons I left your faith.
My Faith? You were a JW? o_O

We have no problems at all on the role of women in our global family. Our women are very happy actually. Our men treat us with respect.

Did it occur to you that times change and that those precepts set down then are not germane now?
It is true that times change and human behavior changes with it, but the Bible teaches that the Creator never changes. How do you improve on perfection? His ways are always better than ours....we continue to prove that every day. When everyone knows their assigned role and is happy to stay within the confines of it, that makes for happy co-existence. It is only when people are out of place that problems arise.

Now, that aside, Jesus may or may not have been raised Jewish. Scholarly agreement is that he was. However, because he did not marry...one of the most important of the Jewish laws, he would have been considered apostate.
Actually as the firstborn male in a Jewish household, he was bound to his mother till the age of 30. It was then that he presented himself for baptism and began his three and a half year ministry as a preacher and teacher. This explains why Jesus gave the care of his mother to the apostle John as he was dying on the execution stake. He had younger siblings, but none of them were yet believers.

Another thing that always fascinates me is that Christians will hold on to that one verse like a life raft but when it comes to the other laws, they are quick to state that Jesus did away with those laws. Its a situation of cherry picking. Either you adhere to all the laws of the Torah, including the food restrictions, clothing, etc, or you don't adhere at all.
Jesus' death did away with the dietary and ceremonial laws, whilst still advocating the basics of the 10 Commandments.

This was because gentiles were now coming into the Christian congregations. These were not Jewish and it was not required of them to keep the Jewish laws. Acts 15:28, 29 listed the "necessary things" that all of Christ's followers had to uphold. All knew that it was wrong to murder, steal, and commit adultery....these were all covered in Jesus' teachings.


Avid Bible Student
Premium Member
No sex before marriage?
Then why in the ot God make the law that rapist can marry the victim by giving some money to the victim's father?

It's forbidden to "try before you buy" before marriage?
Have God forbid those rapist forcing sex with the victim before the marriage?

Have God condemn those rapist and help those victim when he make the law to let those rapist be able to marry the victim? Can the victim reject marry with the rapist?

Under the Law, if an engaged girl committed fornication with another man, both she and the man were to be put to death. But if the girl screamed for help, this was taken as proof of her innocence. The man was put to death for his sin in which he forced her, and the girl was exonerated. (Deut 22:23-27)

It would help if you actually provided scriptural references for your assertions. Often what you say is not even close to what the Bible teaches.


Well-Known Member
Under the Law, if an engaged girl committed fornication with another man, both she and the man were to be put to death. But if the girl screamed for help, this was taken as proof of her innocence. The man was put to death for his sin in which he forced her, and the girl was exonerated. (Deut 22:23-27)

It would help if you actually provided scriptural references for your assertions. Often what you say is not even close to what the Bible teaches.
The verses i refer to are:
Deut 22:28-29 If a man meets a virgin who is not betrothed, and seizes her and lies with her, and they are found, then the man who lay with her shall give to the father of the young woman fifty shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife, because he has violated her. He may not divorce her all his days.

No sex before marriage?
It's forbidden to "try before you buy" before marriage?
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I think you misread some things. No biggie.

Christian gay people may not have sex before marriage because of their Christian belief no different than straight people.

I and many women know we can't have children when we get our routine exam to check our ovaries and other female organs, especially if we have symptoms related to the body that helps a child to be born and grow.

I use straight because straight and gay are no different. I don't see why we should single gay people out. Making a point by using straight people since gay people aren't aliens (my words).

We are talking about desires of people in general. Yours, mine, Joe Smoe, Jane Doe. It doesn't matter. All humans have desires. Our desires do not define who we are as straight, gay, bi, transgender, people. Our orientations are apart of us. Many gay people gone there whole life without being sexually active with another person.

In this case, gay people aren't singled out. They deserve the same equal view of marriage, desires, love, and faith as straight people.

I left the Church for more important reasons (please reread my post). The gay part was just an cherry on the cake.​

In other words, there are other bigger reasons I left the Church. I understand their view about homosexuality. I don't want to marry, so it doesn't affect me. I just disagree with it.

We are not special because we are gay. That is the point of all of our fight for equality. We are not special.

We deserve marriage just like Christian Joe. Gay Christian Joe may understand he cannot marry in a Church; however, he understands the difference between lust and love. He believes god chooses love. How he expresses that love depends on how god not the Church shows him how to express it. It is god who is the interpreter and gives him the blessings that his friend and he to become married. In a Church, you do not need a marriage contract to be married. To be legally married (Church or not), you do.

I hope gay Catholics understand and accept what their Church teaches if they wish to stay in the Catholic Church. I find it very wrong (but not the to where I'd leave the Church for it) to dictate a person's life (tell him to be celibate and do not marry and cant be a priest, etc) all because he identifies as gay. To be priest, you cant even identify as gay. That isn't a crime nor an action.

The whole Christian position about homosexuality is not based on what homosexuals are saying themselves. (edit) Their position is based on people's behavior. Unfortunately, they forgot gay people are not isolated in this. They aren't the targets of lustful behavior. All people are. Address the behaviors not the people who just say they are gay. That is wrong.

You quote srcipture with a hatred for it. A prime example of light appearing dark and dark appearing to be light. To take a holy book and try to make it unholy is your own doctrine. How does anatomy promote you as a family besides loving each other as a brothe or sister does a brother and sister get married
Gay or Straight is filled with beauty as brother and sister. Marriage is for a family to be fruitful for children not for the desire to be married. Sin is cause of desire. Control of these desires is the cleansing process of achieving true love. It is shown that Judah is with god, not god in old testament. It is shown Jesus was god how he testified to the truth not the desire of man cause he controlled his desire in purity till death separately showing the light from dark as an example of the living Ten Commandments with is entered into your body after cleansing of desire at the last part of mass

Kelly of the Phoenix

Well-Known Member
By promoting a desire of being gay says someone will have to donate innocents to make a gay family a family.
Not everyone wants kids, but they are still a family. Be angry with the REAL causes those kids are up for adoption: it ain't the gays' fault heteros' can't deal with their kids.

I have watched my relatives and friends commit suicide and die from disease cause they chased there desires and died slowly blaming everything but the true cause DESIRE. Sex is a desire.
I've never seen a happily married hetero couple. I agree sex is desire and at least part of the problem. I agree with Jesus that you just skip it altogether. I do ... do you?

Actually as the firstborn male in a Jewish household, he was bound to his mother till the age of 30.
He hardly stayed with his mother and his entire family thought he was completely off his gourd.

Jesus' death did away with the dietary and ceremonial laws, whilst still advocating the basics of the 10 Commandments.
Where is "to hell with the gays" in the 10 Commandments?

How does anatomy promote you as a family besides loving each other as a brothe or sister does a brother and sister get married
Jesus, when asked that his family was here to see him, insulted them by saying he had no family, that his followers were his family. Tell Jesus he's wrong. I'll wait.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
You quote srcipture with a hatred for it. A prime example of light appearing dark and dark appearing to be light. To take a holy book and try to make it unholy is your own doctrine. How does anatomy promote you as a family besides loving each other as a brothe or sister does a brother and sister get married

Maybe you are talking to someone else with this? I never quoted scripture. I find people who quote any religious scripture to defend an argument is devaluing qhat scripture is for and means.

Marriage is a contract between two people who, by US law, decide to join together in commitment financially, family, property, and (now adays but wasnt in history) love to each other. Back when, marriage was about keeping property within the family. This isnt internet research. I learned this going back to my family history, gatherings recently, and geneology. Cultures vary on definition and None hold a monopoly on marriage.

Adam and eve had a union with each other not a marriage. They, like gay couples, have the rights to he in union with their spouses and form families that are not restricted to non-adoption. (On that note. Why be pro adoption if Catholics consider family a family if man and woman can procreate? Why adopt?)

Homosexuality in the bible is an action: straight people who had relations with their same gender are homosexuals according to the bible. Youre using the wrong definition to defend your point. Like eating soup with a fork.

Christianity does not hold a monopoly on the union between two people. They are not the ones who marry people by law. The US government, states accepting, does that. Separation from church and state.

The Catholics definition of marriage is not binding on the marriage between two men or two women who are not Catholic. For example, a protestant christian cannot take the Eucharist. Although Catholics are christians, they dictate who receives christ and who doesnt.

No church should dictate whether someone else is christian. Likewise no one should dicate whether another couple is married or not.

If they do, they should do so within their own religious followers not anyone else who doesnt follow that said religion.

Catholics have controlled politically our US government for years. That is one reason why US is became new england.

Thats one of many reasons protest- ants became protestants because of the Church laws enforced on society to people who disagreed. Even further back people died because of not being Catholic.

So, no Catholic should define marriage and union of two people only god knows of their heart.

No religion but god and the couple involved.
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Maybe you are talking to someone else with this? I never quoted scripture. I find people who quote any religious scripture to defend an argument is devaluing qhat scripture is for and means.

Marriage is a contract between two people who, by US law, decide to join together in commitment financially, family, property, and (now adays but wasnt in history) love to each other. Back when, marriage was about keeping property within the family. This isnt internet research. I learned this going back to my family history, gatherings recently, and geneology. Cultures vary on definition and None hold a monopoly on marriage.

Adam and eve had a union with each other not a marriage. They, like gay couples, have the rights to he in union with their spouses and form families that are not restricted to non-adoption. (On that note. Why be pro adoption if Catholics consider family a family if man and woman can procreate? Why adopt?)

Homosexuality in the bible is an action: straight people who had relations with their same gender are homosexuals according to the bible. Youre using the wrong definition to defend your point. Like eating soup with a fork.

Christianity does not hold a monopoly on the union between two people. They are not the ones who marry people by law. The US government, states accepting, does that. Separation from church and state.

The Catholics definition of marriage is not binding on the marriage between two men or two women who are not Catholic. For example, a protestant christian cannot take the Eucharist. Although Catholics are christians, they dictate who receives christ and who doesnt.

No church should dictate whether someone else is christian. Likewise no one should dicate whether another couple is married or not.

If they do, they should do so within their own religious followers not anyone else who doesnt follow that said religion.

Catholics have controlled politically our US government for years. That is one reason why US is became new england.

Thats one of many reasons protest- ants became protestants because of the Church laws enforced on society to people who disagreed. Even further back people died because of not being Catholic.

So, no Catholic should define marriage and union of two people only god knows of their heart.

No religion but god and the couple involved.

That was for someone else my apologies. How ever I find your perception very interesting you speak these as facts when in fact it is your perception. I am very sure you and I can speak random perceptions. But lets stay on the subject. I ask you how is love?


Avid Bible Student
Premium Member
The verses i refer to are:
Deut 22:28-29 If a man meets a virgin who is not betrothed, and seizes her and lies with her, and they are found, then the man who lay with her shall give to the father of the young woman fifty shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife, because he has violated her. He may not divorce her all his days.

Thank you, this gives me something to explain. You will notice that the girl in this scenario is not engaged, IOW she is not betrothed to another man. A betrothal was considered as binding as a marriage in Israel, hence when Mary was found to be pregnant with Jesus, (Joseph was not yet her husband and she was still a virgin) he was going to "divorce her secretly" because he did not want to bring reproach on her good name.

No sex before marriage?
It's forbidden to "try before you buy" before marriage?

The man who forces himself on a virgin who is not promised in marriage to another man, had to marry her and was not allowed to "divorce her all his days"...what a great deterrent for pre-marital sex! :eek:
Not everyone wants kids, but they are still a family. Be angry with the REAL causes those kids are up for adoption: it ain't the gays' fault heteros' can't deal with their kids.

I've never seen a happily married hetero couple. I agree sex is desire and at least part of the problem. I agree with Jesus that you just skip it altogether. I do ... do you?

He hardly stayed with his mother and his entire family thought he was completely off his gourd.

Where is "to hell with the gays" in the 10 Commandments?

Jesus, when asked that his family was here to see him, insulted them by saying he had no family, that his followers were his family. Tell Jesus he's wrong. I'll wait.
Not everyone wants kids, but they are still a family. Be angry with the REAL causes those kids are up for adoption: it ain't the gays' fault heteros' can't deal with their kids.

I've never seen a happily married hetero couple. I agree sex is desire and at least part of the problem. I agree with Jesus that you just skip it altogether. I do ... do you?

He hardly stayed with his mother and his entire family thought he was completely off his gourd.

Where is "to hell with the gays" in the 10 Commandments?

Jesus, when asked that his family was here to see him, insulted them by saying he had no family, that his followers were his family. Tell Jesus he's wrong. I'll wait.

Where did you get that bootleg scripture from I don't even have to look at a bible and can tell you it says Your mother is here and Jesus says You can all be my mother my father my brother my sister if you do the will of the father hes talking about His mom being without sin by doing gods will not the protestant bible trying to put Mary into our level.
Where did you get that bootleg scripture from I don't even have to look at a bible and can tell you it says Your mother is here and Jesus says You can all be my mother my father my brother my sister if you do the will of the father hes talking about His mom being without sin by doing gods will not the protestant bible trying to put Mary into our level.
I think you misread some things. No biggie.

Christian gay people may not have sex before marriage because of their Christian belief no different than straight people.

I and many women know we can't have children when we get our routine exam to check our ovaries and other female organs, especially if we have symptoms related to the body that helps a child to be born and grow.

I use straight because straight and gay are no different. I don't see why we should single gay people out. Making a point by using straight people since gay people aren't aliens (my words).

We are talking about desires of people in general. Yours, mine, Joe Smoe, Jane Doe. It doesn't matter. All humans have desires. Our desires do not define who we are as straight, gay, bi, transgender, people. Our orientations are apart of us. Many gay people gone there whole life without being sexually active with another person.

In this case, gay people aren't singled out. They deserve the same equal view of marriage, desires, love, and faith as straight people.

I left the Church for more important reasons (please reread my post). The gay part was just an cherry on the cake.​

In other words, there are other bigger reasons I left the Church. I understand their view about homosexuality. I don't want to marry, so it doesn't affect me. I just disagree with it.

We are not special because we are gay. That is the point of all of our fight for equality. We are not special.

We deserve marriage just like Christian Joe. Gay Christian Joe may understand he cannot marry in a Church; however, he understands the difference between lust and love. He believes god chooses love. How he expresses that love depends on how god not the Church shows him how to express it. It is god who is the interpreter and gives him the blessings that his friend and he to become married. In a Church, you do not need a marriage contract to be married. To be legally married (Church or not), you do.

I hope gay Catholics understand and accept what their Church teaches if they wish to stay in the Catholic Church. I find it very wrong (but not the to where I'd leave the Church for it) to dictate a person's life (tell him to be celibate and do not marry and cant be a priest, etc) all because he identifies as gay. To be priest, you cant even identify as gay. That isn't a crime nor an action.

The whole Christian position about homosexuality is not based on what homosexuals are saying themselves. (edit) Their position is based on people's behavior. Unfortunately, they forgot gay people are not isolated in this. They aren't the targets of lustful behavior. All people are. Address the behaviors not the people who just say they are gay. That is wrong.

Look please listen to me. We can not change a sacrament it is a piece of paper to you but it is a holy sacrament in my church I told you in my Church we are to live like brother and sister until desided to become fruitful then we perform this sacrament called marriege in my mass we have 7 sacraments one is held for a family to have children. I understand it is hard to grasp this but we cannot just change a 2000 year sacrament for gay people. I love gay people I love you. I know protestants change bibles around maybe we can convince them to change there church lol..


Avid Bible Student
Premium Member
He hardly stayed with his mother and his entire family thought he was completely off his gourd.

I find your flippant comments extremely aggravating at times, but I guess you are entitled to them.

Jesus' mother never thought he was "off his gourd". She knew that he had been born for a reason and once his time was served according to Jewish tradition, at the age of 30 he embarked on his earthly mission as "the son of God"..."savior" and "redeemer". He taught what God told him to teach and he never once broke the law....yet he often went against the Pharisees' false interpretation of it.

It was not until his baptism that Jesus memories of his past life in heaven were brought back to him. (Matthew 3:16) He retreated into the wilderness to fast and to commune with his Father and after that, to be tempted by the devil. His family members came on board only after the events surrounding his death and resurrection.

Where is "to hell with the gays" in the 10 Commandments?

Who said God's verdict is "to hell with gays"? The principles of the 10 Commandments encompassed the whole law, according to Jesus. (Matthew 22:37-40) The law stated that homosexual acts were an abomination and that those engaging in them should be put to death. There was no condemnation of homosexuals themselves, but of their perverted sexual activity. Sex is after all designed for procreation...the fact that is is pleasurable was a bonus and to ensure the perpetuation of the species. It was not given as the primary reason to engage in it.

Sexual sin is the same for heteros as well as gays. Fornication is sexual acts with someone to whom you are not scripturally married. God never sanctioned the marriage of same sex partners, therefore all unmarried people engaging in unlawful sex are breaking God's laws....regardless of their gender or sexual orientation.

For homosexuals living in Israel (and there must have been some) they had to make a choice between being legally married and remaining single, virtually, as Jesus said, making themselves "eunuchs for the sake of the Kingdom of the heavens. (Matthew 19:12)

Jesus, when asked that his family was here to see him, insulted them by saying he had no family, that his followers were his family. Tell Jesus he's wrong. I'll wait.

There was no insult. Jesus was showing that our spiritual family is just as important as our fleshly family...sometimes more important when our fleshly family give us grief over our spiritual decisions to become disciples of Christ. (Matthew 10:34-37)
There was no insult. Jesus was showing that our spiritual family is just as important as our fleshly family...sometimes more important when our fleshly family give us grief over our spiritual decisions to become disciples of Christ. (Matthew 10:34-37)