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Yemeni child bride dies after internal bleeding on marriage night


Freedom Of Mind
One should however point out that Islamic societies (which are still curiously elusive, to the point that it is unclear if there was ever any) seem to have failed at discouraging those practices, despite their apparent success at attaining other goals.

So I ask.

1. Should Yemen (55% Sunni, 45% Shia) be considered an Islamic society?

2. Should we expect an Islamic society to consider avoiding child marriage part of his duty?

3. Whose responsibility is it to call for better moral principles in Yemen, if the need is perceived? Is it in part Islam's? Is it completely so?

4. Are there separate sources of responsibility for (say) the avoidance of events such as that criminal child "marriage" and the avoidance of divorce and adultery in Yemen? Which would those be?

My friend,it was a miracle for yemen to accept Islam and to believe the prophet to be a messenger of God,just try to ask a yemeni to avoid chewing Qat which is prohibited and haram in Islam and even is illegal in the USA.

Say No To Qat - YouTube


Woke gremlin
I see him simply agreeing not to be too judgemental over other cultures. But he has stated he is against such practice himself.

Why not get on Rev Rick instead of just bash all us Muslims?

And now you have made an accusation towards me that is entirely unfounded. I am not "bashing" all Muslims, nor targeting Muslims specifically.

And Rev Rick clearly normalizes child marriage by saying "If a man marries a child and is a faithful loving caring husband to her", and FearGod agreed with that sentiment. I would argue that NOT being "judgemental" over the cultural practice of marrying underage children is somewhat morally disturbing at least.

Once again, I will thank you for not trying to divert this issue by making it into a debate on Islamophobia rather than the actual issue of child marriage.


Freedom Of Mind
And now you have made an accusation towards me that is entirely unfounded. I am not "bashing" all Muslims, nor targeting Muslims specifically.

And Rev Rick clearly normalizes child marriage by saying "If a man marries a child and is a faithful loving caring husband to her", and FearGod agreed with that sentiment. I would argue that NOT being "judgemental" over the cultural practice of marrying underage children is somewhat morally disturbing at least.

Once again, I will thank you for not trying to divert this issue by making it into a debate on Islamophobia rather than the actual issue of child marriage.

My friend Rev Rick was pointing to the difference between rape and the awful practice of child mariage and i agree with him 100% but that never means that i agree with child marriage and similarly Rev Rick doesn't agree with child marriage.
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Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
No I did. And im civilized, not a idiot.

We are talking about people living in a civilized world who dont rape children because primitive cultural customs say its ok to be a pedophile.

Outhouse, this man has remained married to his bride for almost 60 years. You need to think just how young women were when they married in our own country back then before you judge too harshly.


Outhouse, this man has remained married to his bride for almost 60 years. You need to think just how young women were when they married in our own country back then before you judge too harshly.

My only issue is that he is trying to justify a 20 year old having sex with a 10 year old, in marriage.

Just because it was more acceptable in certain cultures and religions back then in that time period, does not make it OK or justified.

I understand he is probably a very moral and "just" man, so to speak. But there comes a time when we drop primitive cultural traits and become more civilized and we should stop promoting this behavior.

I believe he has flat out condoned this behavior.


Well-Known Member
मैत्रावरुणिः;3500246 said:
Getting it from where? The Quran?

Never read it so I can't say, it's why I kept it as blank as religion. I'm Christian and Christians have done horrible things in the name of Christ, they truly believed in Christ but they still did them. Somewhere along the way, the lessons that holy books or holy scripture, or holy men give gets mixed into society in an attempt to appease the masses or bring in more converts or just by the way it's transmitted...idk...but somewhere along the lines people draw from their religion these negative aspects.

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
I understand he is probably a very moral and "just" man, so to speak. But there comes a time when we drop primitive cultural traits and become more civilized and we should stop promoting this behavior.
I don't support this behavior, I just understand that 60 years ago things were very different especially in other places in the world.

I also understand that change comes slowly in our own country and even slower in other places.

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
Right here right now in our own country young girls are having sex and we do not supervise these children well enough. I see our own hypocrisy when I think of these children being used and discarded and then think of some of our members who practice young marriage and become doctors.

While it is tragic that young girls are engaging in sex too early, I really don't think we are so superior in the long run.


Shi'ah Ali
Virtually everyone in Yemen claims to be a Muslim, yet it is not a Islamic society and/or is not a right representative of Islam?

Is that what you are saying?

I truly have a hard time wrapping my head around this. There must be something important that I am just not understanding.

Yemen is Islamic in the way its citizens are muslims and its laws are influenced by Islam. In the same way European countries used to be Christian, yet are not the picture perfect Christian ways. As they are ran by fallible men who are not always just.

But in the meantime we are still expected to acknowledge and respect the Islamic religious rights of those societies of Muslims that somehow are not quite Islamic?

In all honesty, it sometimes looks like many societies are Islamic just until the time to admit some shortcoming comes.
What do you mean acknowledge and respect Islamic religious rights that are not Islamic?

And no matter what may look good or bad, a society is only Islamic in the perspective of its influence and majority of citizens. It still is not ran by the one who is the infallible Hujjatullah.

Who has the authority, right and duty to encourage and/or pressure the people of Yemen into avoiding child "marriage"?
Scholars, teachers and parents. And anyone else with influence.

Who has the authority, right and duty to encourage and/or pressure Yemen husbands and wives to be faithful to each other?
Again Scholars, teachers and parents.

But the greatest responsibility lays upon the jurist to guide the people.

If the answers to those two questions are not one and the same, why is it so?


Right here right now in our own country young girls are having sex and we do not supervise these children well enough. I see our own hypocrisy when I think of these children being used and discarded and then think of some of our members who practice young marriage and become doctors.

While it is tragic that young girls are engaging in sex too early, I really don't think we are so superior in the long run.

And as I believe we are both fathers with good morals, neither condone this behavior, and are both raising our family to stop this nonsense.

That is a little different then standing up saying, that's how my daddy did it, its how I did it! and were all good people and everything is A OK because we are successful.

Superior? that's quite a jump but I'll bite and answer my honest feelings, but first I will have to ask you.

Have you ever been to a third world country?


Da man, when I walk thru!
Well something about religion gives people the beliefs that they can do this. Not the core belief structure, but the rituals and fanfare that surround them. So I find it hard to say that "Person who does X is not a follower of Y" Simply because they are getting it from somewhere. Regardless if that was originally the intent :(

I personally tend to label people by their actions, and not judge their actions by their label.

If the Quran directly said, that the Prophet married a 9 year old girl, and subsequently had sex with her, then I could see that Islam would and could be held more responsible for this, but it doesn't, and actually opposes it in many different ways in many different instances. Even the Muslim who defended marrying a 10 year old stated that nowhere in the Quran does it state that it is ok to marry underage children. If that's not enough for you then I don't know what is?

Islam does not allow marriage to under aged children.

So why did you do it?

But a hadith being authentic or not IS a big deal. Why you brush it off and say such isn't a big deal, shows your incompetence in this subject of Islamic studies. There are people who go to schools for years, just to learn the science of hadith and authenticating them.

Hadith is not sacred. And it is not all taken at the same level and every other one.
At least base your argument on correct info instead of spreading bs


One hadith can be wrong, but many different sources testify to the fact that Muhammad was a morally corrupt person. Be it the massacre of tribes, deception or rape, nothing was unknown to Muhammad.

Can you cite some of those sources?

instead of trying to solve the problem
Your only trying to defend a religion that in places and primitive cultures, still find this acceptable.

How do you suggest we go about solving this problem, you wanna go on a trip to Yemen with me? Do you wan't to lobby congress to send military force to stop things like this from happening ever again?

Sorry, but yet again religion has nothing to do with this? This is a strictly a "primitive culture" thing in my opinion. Yet again, Turkey is a predominately Muslim state and it just raised the marriage age to 17.

Im proud to have muslim family but I dont go around trying to defend it from those who have credible criticism. Correct not all muslim scholars accept this I understand, it is those that do why we are talking about this.

They are in direct contradiction of the Quran if they support this. Credible criticism would be that poor education, high level of poverty, and low standard of living contribute to acts like these. Criticism towards a religion that has no basis for supporting this type of act from their holy book, is not credible in my opinion.

And if we go by this criteria, then we have to use it against other religions too no?
What the Bible says about pedophilia

Do you also believe that Christianity supports pedophilia? Are do judge the acts of the individuals indepndently of their self imposed label?

He isn't saying that you are defending child marriage. He is saying that you are defending Islam from credible criticism.

"Im proud to have muslim family but I dont go around trying to defend it from those who have credible criticism. But for some reason you are."

In what way has this been credible criticism. If the Holy book of a religion does not support these type of actions in any way shape or form, how can you still hold the religion responsible instead of the people that commit the actions?

My main case are those in this very thread who have not only defended it, but admitted to it.

And in case you didn't see, the guy that admitted to it, said that his actions are not condoned by the Quran.

Added to the information, that their hero/messiah also possibly committed this barbaric act.

Cite some sources please, and do you feel the same way about Moses? Or is that totally different?
What the Bible says about pedophilia

One should however point out that Islamic societies (which are still curiously elusive, to the point that it is unclear if there was ever any) seem to have failed at discouraging those practices, despite their apparent success at attaining other goals.

Yet again, because someone claims that they are something does that mean that they are that which they claim?

1. Should Yemen (55% Sunni, 45% Shia) be considered an Islamic society?

No, number 3, 4, and 12.
The Koran vs. Sharia at a glance

2. Should we expect an Islamic society to consider avoiding child marriage part of his duty?

Yes, Turkey.

3. Whose responsibility is it to call for better moral principles in Yemen, if the need is perceived? Is it in part Islam's? Is it completely so?

Everyones, and most definitely those adherents to the Quran.

4. Are there separate sources of responsibility for (say) the avoidance of events such as that criminal child "marriage" and the avoidance of divorce and adultery in Yemen? Which would those be?

Yes, poverety, low standard of living, hunger, lack of clean water, lack of education, and the list goes on and on.

Its tough, because the culture isnt democratic per say as far as I know, religion is tied into the governement and its decisions.

Sharia, which forms most of the basis for these oppresive laws toward women and children, is not based on the Quran. I encourage you to do some research into pre-Islamic tribal law, and current Sharia law. Sharia law was formed into a system of law within Islam to control people, not because it is apart of Islam. It existed seperately, and should be recognized as a independent religion in my opinion, along with all Hadith.

Religious police? like other countries. I dont know their cultural system of law.

What country has religious police?

Virtually everyone in Yemen claims to be a Muslim, yet it is not a Islamic society and/or is not a right representative of Islam?

Are you something simply because you claim to be it? Judge people by their actions, and not by their words.

I truly have a hard time wrapping my head around this. There must be something important that I am just not understanding.

You claim to be a Buddhist, you adhere to the teachings and philosphies of the Buddha. If you were to become a serial killer, would you still be a Buddhist because you claimed to be, or would it be more prevelant to say that you are not a Buddhist because you do not follow the teachings within Buddhism?

But in the meantime we are still expected to acknowledge and respect the Islamic religious rights of those societies of Muslims that somehow are not quite Islamic?

Child marriage is not a religious right, it is a cultural right totally independent from Islam.

In all honesty, it sometimes looks like many societies are Islamic just until the time to admit some shortcoming comes.

Honestly, the only country that I would consider Islamic in any sense of the word be Turkey, but even then I don't think it's prevelent to call an entire society an adherent to a particular religion. There's not an umbrella big enough.

Once again, I will thank you for not trying to divert this issue by making it into a debate on Islamophobia rather than the actual issue of child marriage.

Consideriding that the OP, made the statement, "Why do Muslims think this is ok?" in the first post. How can it not be a debate on Islamophobia.

Never read it so I can't say, it's why I kept it as blank as religion. I'm Christian and Christians have done horrible things in the name of Christ, they truly believed in Christ but they still did them. Somewhere along the way, the lessons that holy books or holy scripture, or holy men give gets mixed into society in an attempt to appease the masses or bring in more converts or just by the way it's transmitted...idk...but somewhere along the lines people draw from their religion these negative aspects.

The same logic that people in this thread have accused Islam of promoting pedophilia could be made for a prophet in the Christian Bible. Does Christianity support pedophilia in your opinion?
What the Bible says about pedophilia


Well-Known Member
It's not neccesarily that Hadith's are fake. It's literally that even people within the religion recognize it is written by man. There's no argument, even Muslims will tell you that Hadith are written by men, and are not Divinely inspired. So even according to Islamic interpretation, if you follow Hadith you are following the words of man.

I digress, "real Muslims" might have not been the best description. The point that I was trying to argue, was that who decides who is a Muslim and who is not? Just because you claim you are a Muslim, does that mean you are? My definition of being a religious adherent is that you follow God. Since the Quran is viewed as the word of God by Muslims, if you follow anything else than the Quran, then you are not a Muslim. That is my own personal definition, and I have provided a logical basis for this in subsequent posts.

Yet again I defer to my argument that religion is soley based on God. The Quran is the word of God, so if you disobey the word of God as you yourself view it, are you still an adherent to that religion? I am arguing that their "religious beliefs and convictions" are not Islamic, and in reality they are justifying their violence on their own beliefs and convictions, totally irellevent of what their religion actually says.

If I say I am peaceful, but you see me kill innocent people, am I peaceful in your eyes?
If I say I am a Muslim, but I act totally opposite of how God's word tells me to act, am I still a Muslim?

All religions are religions of peace in my opinion. The people that carry out actions in the name of that religion are not peaceful in my opinion.

So why is Turkey not like Yemen? While I agree that religion can be an influence, it is nowhere near the level of influence as poverty, poor standing of living, culture, and lack of education in my opinion.

By your logic, I can say that the reason that America is so enlightened is because of Christianity. We are predominately Christian right? So that would mean that the predominate reason for our succes is Christianity, no?

I'll try to condense my response, so we're not arguing sentence-by-sentence. ;)

Regarding the hadiths, so long as people believe them to be an accurate biography of Mohammad, then whether they are man-made or (hypothetically) divinely-inspired is largely irrelevent.

Take certain historians for example: we know their work and accounts aren't divinely-inspired, but we believe them to be accurate. So long as some Muslims believe the hadiths to be accurate accounts of Mohammad's lifestyle, then they may try to emulate him, the fact that he is considered the "perfect" human-being from a religious perspective plays a part in it too.
Another poster here told me this is why the minimum age for marriage is 9, now whether or not you agree that it is "correct" from an Islamic standpoint still doesn't change the fact that groups of people will interpret it to be "correct". It's the same with virtually all scripture-based faiths, I ain't just singling-out Islam here.

Anyways, despite our differences on the impact of scripture and religious legends, we essentially are in agreement here:

While I agree that religion can be an influence, it is nowhere near the level of influence as poverty, poor standing of living, culture, and lack of education in my opinion.
It's a contributing factor, we may argue over to what degree, but it's certainly a factor. I don't believe religion should just get a free pass here. :no:



Da man, when I walk thru!
I'll try to condense my response, so we're not arguing sentence-by-sentence. ;)

Regarding the hadiths, so long as people believe them to be an accurate biography of Mohammad, then whether they are man-made or (hypothetically) divinely-inspired is largely irrelevent.

Take certain historians for example: we know their work and accounts aren't divinely-inspired, but we believe them to be accurate. So long as some Muslims believe the hadiths to be accurate accounts of Mohammad's lifestyle, then they may try to emulate him, the fact that he is considered the "perfect" human-being from a religious perspective plays a part in it too.
Another poster here told me this is why the minimum age for marriage is 9, now whether or not you agree that it is "correct" from an Islamic standpoint still doesn't change the fact that groups of people will interpret it to be "correct". It's the same with virtually all scripture-based faiths, I ain't just singling-out Islam here.

Anyways, despite our differences on the impact of scripture and religious legends, we essentially are in agreement here:

It's a contributing factor, we may argue over to what degree, but it's certainly a factor. I don't believe religion should just get a free pass here. :no:

Lol, I got in trouble for being on RF at work, so now I have to respond in huge lumps when I get home. I was on a "Is Jesus a myth" thread, and one of my team leads is a hardcore Christian fundamental. It sucks, noone even reads my posts anymore because they're so insanely large. :(

A person on this thread that claimed to be a Muslim, and admitted to marrying a ten year old girl, stated that Islam does condone child marriage, and that the Quran does not support his own marriage.

I guess I just have a totally different view of religion than most. If religion isn't based on the words of God, then it ceases to be religion for me, but I digress that's probably not how most people view it. I just refuse to accept that something that is not expressly written in a religion's holy book, can be part of that religion.


Da man, when I walk thru!
And my personal view is that we seperate Sharia from Islam. Of course this will never be accepted within those countries that use the front of Islam as a control structure, but as far as intellectual seperation between the two. I think their is a decent logical foundation to do so.

The Koran vs. Sharia at a glance


Well-Known Member
Prophet Muhammad(sawa) was infallibile and he was perfect, like all the Prophets(as).

But a hadith being authentic or not IS a big deal. Why you brush it off and say such isn't a big deal, shows your incompetence in this subject of Islamic studies. There are people who go to schools for years, just to learn the science of hadith and authenticating them.

So no, you are wrong.

Yes we do. But again, your approach and preaching on this subject is severly flawed.

Hadith is not sacred. And it is not all taken at the same level and every other one.
At least base your argument on correct info instead of spreading bs

So long as people are under the impression of something being "authentic" is important, but whether people consider it man-made or divinely-inspired, is what I consider the irrelevant part. I may not have been most clear with that, for which I apologize.

Now here's the tricky part, how do people determine what is "authentic" or not in relation to something like this? Some Muslims believe the Sahih Bukhari are to be dismissed, others don't.

So the one's that interpret them to be genuine will base their own lifestyles of what they believe is the standard set by a Prophet. In this case, we're talking about child marriage.

Hell, you even acknowledged it in a different post:

Not all of Islam and Islamic scholars accept this child marriage ********.
Which is true, but some do! Those are the people I have trouble with. I acknowledge that you and most others don't accept child marriage, but there are segments who do - and (from what I have been told) have based the decision, in-part at least, to their belief that Mohammad did so with Aisha as a child, and since he (the infallible perfect human) did it, so can they!

Why do they believe Mohammad married Aisha as a child? Because they believe certain Hadiths (which you and many other muslims believe are fabricated) to actually be genuine. So whether or not they believe it's divinely-written or written by men, it's doesn't matter so much as whether or not they believe it's an accurate history of a Prophet's life.

For the record, I think this danger lies with religion in general, and not just Islam. If people are told of some "divine prophet" and his/her actions, they will naturally aspire to emulate the behavior, y' know - because Prophets set an example for mankind.



Well-Known Member
And my personal view is that we seperate Sharia from Islam. Of course this will never be accepted within those countries that use the front of Islam as a control structure, but as far as intellectual seperation between the two. I think their is a decent logical foundation to do so.

The Koran vs. Sharia at a glance

To be fair, I have actually seen some "Quran-only" Muslims here. There are many different "sections" like with virtually every other religion.


Lol, I got in trouble for being on RF at work, so now I have to respond in huge lumps when I get home. I was on a "Is Jesus a myth" thread, and one of my team leads is a hardcore Christian fundamental. It sucks, noone even reads my posts anymore because they're so insanely large. :(
LOL! That does suck! :D

I guess I just have a totally different view of religion than most. If religion isn't based on the words of God, then it ceases to be religion for me, but I digress that's probably not how most people view it. I just refuse to accept that something that is not expressly written in a religion's holy book, can be part of that religion.
It think where we differ is that I'm focusing more on how humans will interpret these apparent Words of God. How we'll be inspired from scripture and then run off and build-up our own little "versions" from them; giving them major credit because we believe them to be truthful.

I guess I just have a problem with people taking religious scripture and myths far too seriously. It's good for stories/art/poetry etc, but not for defining morality and regulating lifestyle. :shrug:
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Outstanding Member
I just refuse to accept that something that is not expressly written in a religion's holy book, can be part of that religion.

This means you don't consider the Oral Law as part of Judaism, for example.
Nor any christian tradition upheld by the Roman Catholic church.

Many religions can not be reduced to their scriptures.
Sola Scriptura is not that old. And even so, different denominations will have different set interpretations of it.
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