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Yemeni child bride dies after internal bleeding on marriage night


I'm not sure that really qualifies, .

Yes sir it does. You have had a glimpse outside the USA

why do you ask?

Only way to see and know other cultures and really understand them is to go and be a part of it.

To see and smell the poverty, the illiteracy, the lack of freedom, the corrupt governments in action. The suffering children in the streets begging to stop the hunger in their stomachs. And these are the best areas that are not war torn gun ridden areas.

These people have been fighting not for hundreds of years but thousands of years. They breed terrorism and their lives so horrible, death is a release.

Most people here in the USA do not realize just how bad other countries have it.

We are far from perfect, but yes we are superior. We have laws that suppress barbaric behavior.


People by the millions flood into this country, not out.

A minority here in this country can grow up to be the leader of the free world.

Freedom we possess, they suppress.


Active Member
May i ask you a few questions.
1.Is it permissible for a man to marry a child in Islam?
2.Is it permissible for a man to marry a adult in Islam?
3.When does a female child become an adult in Islam?
4.What do you call a muslim who refuses to accept the teachings of the Quraan?
Salaams and peace to you.


Shi'ah Ali
May i ask you a few questions.
1.Is it permissible for a man to marry a child in Islam?
2.Is it permissible for a man to marry a adult in Islam?
3.When does a female child become an adult in Islam?
4.What do you call a muslim who refuses to accept the teachings of the Quraan?
Salaams and peace to you.

Are you trying to say the only factor which makes one an adult in Islam is puberty?

Mental and physical maturity is not in the equation outside of puberty?


Shi'ah Ali
Shame on you for spreading lies about Prophet Muhammad (saws) and about Quran. May Allah have mercy on you.

Debater Slayer

Staff member
Premium Member
Debater Slayer
I totally agree with you that nobody in their right frame of mind gets their children married.So far as my insinuation is concerned i think you have misunderstood my point of view.May i suggest you read all my postings again.

So a 10-year-old is not a child? Because you said that marrying a girl at that age is acceptable and repeatedly defended it in this thread. How else is that supposed to be interpreted if not as endorsement of child marriage?


Freedom Of Mind
May i ask you a few questions.
1.Is it permissible for a man to marry a child in Islam?
2.Is it permissible for a man to marry a adult in Islam?
3.When does a female child become an adult in Islam?
4.What do you call a muslim who refuses to accept the teachings of the Quraan?
Salaams and peace to you.

Salam Farouk,

you are welcome

1. i think it is impermissible
2- Yes it is
3- i think menstruation is the main sign for puberty
4- faithless

Yes i agree with you that the girl may be ready for sex once she enters the stage of puberty,but it isn't a good idea to make her a mother at the age of 11.

The quran can make it very clear if the marriage of girls in early ages is a good thing,just one simple verse can solve this conflict.

Such as,the good among you is the one who marry in early ages or believers,you should marry your daughters once menstruated.

Can you find any verse in the quran motivating early marriage,show me just one.



Active Member
So a 10-year-old is not a child? Because you said that marrying a girl at that age is acceptable and repeatedly defended it in this thread. How else is that supposed to be interpreted if not as endorsement of child marriage?

It depends on how you define the word "child".
My question to you is when does a young female child become a woman?
Please give your logical reasoning as well.

Debater Slayer

Staff member
Premium Member
It depends on how you define the word "child".
My question to you is when does a young female child become a woman?
Please give your logical reasoning as well.

I don't think there's any definite point at which a child becomes an adult; it's a gradual process of development.

What objections do you have to the medical sources that have been quoted so far to point out that children are put at much higher risks due to pregnancy than adults?


Active Member
Salam Farouk,

you are welcome

1. i think it is impermissible
2- Yes it is
3- i think menstruation is the main sign for puberty
4- faithless

Yes i agree with you that the girl may be ready for sex once she enters the stage of puberty,but it isn't a good idea to make her a mother at the age of 11.

The quran can make it very clear if the marriage of girls in early ages is a good thing,just one simple verse can solve this conflict.

Such as,the good among you is the one who marry in early ages or believers,you should marry your daughters once menstruated.

Can you find any verse in the quran motivating early marriage,show me just one.


The Noble Quraan 21:18
" bal naqdhifu bil Haq-qi 'Alal baaTili fa yadmaguhuu fa idhaa huwa zaahiq* wa lakumul waylu mim-maa taSifuun".
"Nay, We hurl the Truth against falsehood, and it knocks out its brain, and behold, falsehood doth perish! Ah! woe be to you for the (false) things ye ascribe (to Us)".

Tks for being truthful because the disbelievers in this forum must know the truth.I will give you some verses from the Noble Quraan tomorrow.(God willing).

Salaams/Peace to you.


Well-Known Member
Salam Farouk,

you are welcome

1. i think it is impermissible
2- Yes it is
3- i think menstruation is the main sign for puberty
4- faithless

Yes i agree with you that the girl may be ready for sex once she enters the stage of puberty,but it isn't a good idea to make her a mother at the age of 11.

The quran can make it very clear if the marriage of girls in early ages is a good thing,just one simple verse can solve this conflict.

Such as,the good among you is the one who marry in early ages or believers,you should marry your daughters once menstruated.

Can you find any verse in the quran motivating early marriage,show me just one.


Why bother with the quran? You should be able to reason about these matters for yourself.


Higher and Higher
.We follow the teachings of our master Prophet Muhammad(PBBUH) and we will never move away from his teachings even if you put a gun to our head.

The problem with that sentiment appears to be, however, that there seem to be a number of Muslims who either do not agree that Muhammad's wife was a child when he married her, or else do not agree that just because he did this means that modern Muslims should continue such a practice. Nobody is putting a gun to your head: people are offering alternate notions of what should constitute ethical behavior-- including for Muslims.

It seems awfully difficult for me to believe that being able to have sex with little girls and marry off one's daughters like a feudal lord trading serfs are so fundamentally important to Islam. Especially considering that of the many Muslims with whom I have personally engaged in interfaith dialogue, some of them scholars trained at what I am told are fine madrassas and universities, none of them ever mentioned these things as important, all seem to have married their spouses as adults, and all seem inclined to treat their daughters as children who should grow up and marry the person they choose for themselves.

Personally, though (obviously, not being a Muslim) I disagree with many things Muhammad said and did, I do believe he acted and taught as he truly thought would bring people closer to God, closer to peace, and closer to ethical behavior. I find it very hard to believe that, if he were alive today, he would be tolerant of his followers having sex with children, whether in the guise of marriage or not.

Please note it was you who mentioned about pedophilia.Now explain to us what is in your oral Torah about Yitzchak and R'vikah marriage.Tell us who is Yitzchak and both their ages

You are referring, I take it, to certain midrashim that portray Rivkah as being a child when she married Yitzchak: some say she was twelve, some that she was ten, some that she was seven, one even as young as three.

Those are midrashim-- exegetical parables. They are seldom, if ever, intended to be taken literally, and they are in no way doctrinal or dogmatic: one can believe them to whatever degree one chooses.

There are also plenty of midrashim that portray Rivkah as an adult at her marriage.

What the truth was, we will never know, since the Written Torah does not tell us their ages at the time of their marriage.

I choose to believe that the midrashim that portray Rivkah as a child are in error about that, since I like to imagine that our first three fathers were moral people beyond the usual bounds of their time, who would not marry little children.

This whole tread as been Islamic bashing from the begining and you are guilty of it as well.

You need to think again. If you imagine what I have said is bashing Islam, then count yourself fortunate, because that means you have never heard actual bashing of Islam.


Yes i agree with you that the girl may be ready for sex once she enters the stage of puberty,but it isn't a good idea to make her a mother at the age of 11.

This is pathetic

Your admitting to pedophilia

Pedophilia - children, causes, DSM, functioning, therapy, adults, person, people

Pedophilia is defined by mental health professionals as a mental disorder, but the American legal system defines acting on a pedophilic urge as a criminal act.

Mental disorder.

Criminal act.


Freedom Of Mind
This is pathetic

Your admitting to pedophilia

Pedophilia - children, causes, DSM, functioning, therapy, adults, person, people

Pedophilia is defined by mental health professionals as a mental disorder, but the American legal system defines acting on a pedophilic urge as a criminal act.

Mental disorder.

Criminal act.

This is what i call bull crap here.

i made it clear it isn't a reason to marry the girl just because she entered the stage of puberty.

it isn't my problem if you can't grasp well what im saying.


Da man, when I walk thru!
To be fair, I have actually seen some "Quran-only" Muslims here. There are many different "sections" like with virtually every other religion.

Religion - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

I discard the last definition, because it is literally anything you do. So if you you use that definition of religion, then I can't argue with it, but if you use any combination of the first two, then I don't see how you can qualify anything that does not directly come from God as religious. Allah spoke the word of God to the Prophet through the Quran, and the Quran specifically says to judge by the Quran, and only the Quran. Anyone else is a disbeliever.

Surat Al-Ma'idah - The Noble Qur'an - ?????? ??????
Verse 44 - 49

LOL! That does suck! :D

You have no idea.

It think where we differ is that I'm focusing more on how humans will interpret these apparent Words of God.

But they are not "Words of God", Muslims fully recognize that Hadith is not the word of God. Even the Muslim who admitted to marrying a child in this thread, said that the Quran does not support the idea of a Muslim marrying a child.

I guess I just have a problem with people taking religious scripture and myths far too seriously. It's good for stories/art/poetry etc, but not for defining morality and regulating lifestyle. :shrug:

I agree with you on taking religious scripture far too seriously, whether it defines good morality or not. I don't agree basing the totality of ones life on any book, much less a 2000 year old one is a good idea.

This means you don't consider the Oral Law as part of Judaism, for example.
Nor any christian tradition upheld by the Roman Catholic church.

Judaism is interesting because it is both ethnicity and religion. Therefore the culture is inherent in the religion, but I'm not familiar enough with the concept of Oral Law to make a educated statement on it one way or another. But if Jewish Oral Law is recognized to be the words of men, about laws concerning men, then no I don't consider it religious, and I consider it cultural. If the Oral law is considered "the word of God" passed down orally rather than written, then it's religious.

[/quote] Many religions can not be reduced to their scriptures.
Sola Scriptura is not that old. And even so, different denominations will have different set interpretations of it.[/quote]

Can you name a few? And I understand that their will be different interpretations of the scripture, but that is not the point I'm arguing. I'm arguing that their is absolutely ZERO scriptural evidence no matter how it is interpreted, to support child marriage in the Quran. Even the Muslim who admitted to marrying a child, and defended the practice admitted this.

I wouldn't say that Islam support Pedophilia as I have not read the Quran, but Islam is not just the Quran.

What is Islam in your opinion?

Though from what I have read from the Bible, it appears that it does support Wife Husbandry. Now the ages these girls were married remain open, but it does appear that they were at the time kept around these men until marring age, and I find that equally repulsive.

The Bible actually clearly states that Moses says to keep the women children for yourselves. It also says to kill all the men and boys, and all the women and/or girls that are not virgins. It does not actually say they had sex with them, but it could easily be interpreted that way.
What the Bible says about pedophilia

Is that Christian in your opinion? And even so, the Quran does not even have anything that could be interpreted as promoting child marriage.

But simply because such practices were done back then, does not mean that they should be now. And if I found any christian who did practice such an act I would do my best to try to communicate with them how in the long run they are doing more damage than good, which as Christians doing more good should be the objective imo.

Exactly, so would you hold the religion responsible, or the individual person?

I have been to Saudi Arabia twice, Kuwait once after Saddam started the fires, and to the UAE as a private contractor.

Kuwait and Saudi Arabia might qualify as 3rd world countries, but the UAE is the richest country in the world. I don't think it qualifies.

To see and smell the poverty, the illiteracy, the lack of freedom, the corrupt governments in action. The suffering children in the streets begging to stop the hunger in their stomachs. And these are the best areas that are not war torn gun ridden areas.

Indeed, this is why American's don't care. If they can't sense it in some way first hand, then it's not real.

These people have been fighting not for hundreds of years but thousands of years. They breed terrorism and their lives so horrible, death is a release.

The sad thing is, America and/or Europe has contributed to this in almost every area through colonialism or direct involvment in politics, such as in the case of the reinstallment of the Shah in Iran.

In Afganistan, one of the reasons why terrorism is so prevalent is because the terrorists groups give food to the hungry. Who are you more likely to side with: Someone who's feeding you when your hungry, or someone who is offering you an abstract concept?

Ideals don't feed the hungry.

Most people here in the USA do not realize just how bad other countries have it.

A truer statment has never been spoken.

We are far from perfect, but yes we are superior. We have laws that suppress barbaric behavior.

On some levels I agree with you, and on some levels I disagree. America is by far, the greatest country in the world, but the fact that we have done very little to nothing to help these poverty stricken areas makes us no better than anyone else in my opinion. Just different.

People by the millions flood into this country, not out. A minority here in this country can grow up to be the leader of the free world.

And this is why we are the greatest, but the problem is with all of the things you said in your earlier posts. This only happens in America because we have corrupted and/or oppressed every other place in the world in order to be able to have this type of freedom.

Freedom we possess, they suppress.

Naw, the people in charge just realized that they can make more money, if they break us off a few crumbs of the pie. The American population looks the other way because we enjoy eating our crumbs.

4.What do you call a muslim who refuses to accept the teachings of the Quraan?
Salaams and peace to you.

You refuse to accept the teachings of the Quran yourself.

Proof it is a religious sickening act, more so then cultural.

No, He said clearly that the Quran does not condone or support his actions. How can you still say this is religious?

I don't need anymore evidence then from the horses mouth.

The horses mouth has repeatedly said that his actions are not justified by the Quran. He simply uses the facade of it being supported by Islam, to make himself feel better, even though it is clearly not.


Da man, when I walk thru!
We do not follow our ancestors but we follow the teachings of all the Prophets (peace and blessings be upon them all). You have your religion and we have our religion.We follow the teachings of our master Prophet Muhammad(PBBUH) and we will never move away from his teachings even if you put a gun to our head.

The Quran is the teachings of the prophet correct? If so, where in the Quran does the Prophet teach that it is ok to marry a ten year old girl?

From my understanding only Hadith teaches that the Prophet married 9 year old Ayesha, and the Quran specifically states in 5: 44, "And whosoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed - then it is those who are the disbelievers."

You are judging by Hadith, which is something other than what Allah revealed, thus you are a disbeliver.

Finally for those muslims that follow your way of thinking here are verses from the Noble Quraan that should shake them in their pants.

"O you who have believed, if you obey a party of those who were given the Scripture, they would turn you back, after your belief, [to being] unbelievers."

"O you who have believed, if you obey those who disbelieve, they will turn you back on your heels, and you will [then] become losers.But Allah is your protector, and He is the best of helpers."

"O you who have believed, do not take as intimates those other than yourselves, for they will not spare you [any] ruin. They wish you would have hardship. Hatred has already appeared from their mouths, and what their breasts conceal is greater. We have certainly made clear to you the signs, if you will use reason."

"O you who have believed, do not take the disbelievers as allies instead of the believers. Do you wish to give Allah against yourselves a clear case?"

Note there is enough i can give you from the Noble Quraan but those muslims that allie themselves with your way of thinking then God will judge you between belief and disbelief.Please keep in mind we are followers of the Prophets and no modern day launguage must ever change our way of life.

Study the verses of the Noble Quraan and gain knowledge.

"O you who have believed, if you obey a party of those who were given the Scripture, they would turn you back, after your belief, [to being] unbelievers."

"O you who have believed, if you obey those who disbelieve, they will turn you back on your heels, and you will [then] become losers.But Allah is your protector, and He is the best of helpers."

"O you who have believed, do not take as intimates those other than yourselves, for they will not spare you [any] ruin. They wish you would have hardship. Hatred has already appeared from their mouths, and what their breasts conceal is greater. We have certainly made clear to you the signs, if you will use reason."

"O you who have believed, do not take the disbelievers as allies instead of the believers. Do you wish to give Allah against yourselves a clear case?"

Every verse is referenced to you.
Now stop avoiding my question.
what was the age of Umar ibn Khattab(RA) and what was the age of Umm Kulthum ibn Ali(RA) when they both got married?
This is only one question that you having difficulty answering.I got much,much more for you.

As I have demonstrated earlier, your are the disbeliever, by judging using something other than what has been revealed by the Quran, so technically anyone who follows you is subject to verses that you quoted.


Da man, when I walk thru!
We do not follow our ancestors but we follow the teachings of all the Prophets (peace and blessings be upon them all). You have your religion and we have our religion.We follow the teachings of our master Prophet Muhammad(PBBUH) and we will never move away from his teachings even if you put a gun to our head.

The Quran is the teachings of the prophet correct? If so, where in the Quran does the Prophet teach that it is ok to marry a ten year old girl?

From my understanding only Hadith teaches that the Prophet married 9 year old Ayesha, and the Quran specifically states in 5: 44, "And whosoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed - then it is those who are the disbelievers." http://quran.com/5

You are judging by Hadith, which is something other than what Allah revealed, thus you are a disbeliver.

I just wanted to post this again to make sure you saw it.


Freedom Of Mind
Proof it is a religious sickening act, more so then cultural.

I don't need anymore evidence then from the horses mouth.

What a stupid idea to make one's opinion as a proof for a whole religion.

Please think for a while before writing your nonsense.

Let me tell you one thing.

Yes,once we have faith on God,then we will follow the quran,but the quran never says that men should marry an underage girls but things that mentioned in the quran which i follow and you don't follow is

i don't commit adultery
i avoid wine and drugs
i should be honest
i respect my parents except if they asked me to do any bad thing.
i help the poors.
i care to teach my children the good morals
i don't waste my money and time on gambling.
i don't eat pork.
i don't accept the homosexual marriage which is based only on sex (men to **** men)
i don't harm anybody.
i don't distinguish between people according to their races.

So to make it clear for you then i have to use larger size

i don't agree with child marriage,take it as a proof


Outstanding Member
Can you name a few? And I understand that their will be different interpretations of the scripture, but that is not the point I'm arguing. I'm arguing that their is absolutely ZERO scriptural evidence no matter how it is interpreted, to support child marriage in the Quran. Even the Muslim who admitted to marrying a child, and defended the practice admitted this.

But that doesn't matter in itself.
Hadiths are a constituent part of Islam.