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Yemeni child bride dies after internal bleeding on marriage night


Active Member
Child bride in Yemen dies of internal bleeding on wedding night: activist

Religion of peace. Religion of science. These are epithets we hear about Islam from Muslims all the time. And then we see stories like this, which make us realize that these aren't the case. And it's not just science which says something like this is just ignorant. Common sense does too.

So why do Muslims practice this? Do they not know that a child's body is not mature enough to handle this? Nor are their minds developed enough for this. It's just plain ignorant to think that a child is ready for marriage, and all the things that go along with it. Do Muslims not know that science has already determined that things like this are a bad idea?

Peace to all.
The above is the OP.
I quote my 8 pointer.
Islam does not allow marriage to under aged children.
Islam does not permit forced marriages for anyone.
All marriages must be by mutual consent.The bride must be represented by an male adult at the time of the ceremony and there must be 2 withness present at the time when she gives her consent.
The marriage is legal hence it must be a written contract with witnesses.
A dowry must be given by men(bridegroom) to women(bride).
Marriage proposals can be offered by parents on behalf of their children, or through second parties selected by individuals, or can be made directly by individuals. But there is nothing binding without full acceptance of both people.
there can be no coercion nor force nor intimidation to obtain compliance in marriage. Women must not be subjected to oppression nor deprived of their wealth (dowry)in any way.
In Islam men must financially provide for all the needs of the woman and family, while the woman is not obliged to give even one cent for the man or the family.

In addressing the OP.
Firstly Islam is a religion of peace weather you can stomach it or not is your problem.Islam as a religion of science is not a true statement.This is the first attack on the religion of peace.The scientific verses that was revealed is mearly signs that it is the word of God.
Secondly the OP has found the man guilty (because he is muslim) before he was charged.It destroys the Western principle that a man is innocent until proven guilty again its a muslim so its ok.
Now lets study the OP to my 8 pointer.
Point 1.
Being an 8 year old does not make the man guilty.The question is did the girl have her menses or not.If she did not have her menses then the man and her parents should be charged.
Point 2.
Was the 8 year old forced into the marriage? If so then both man and parents are guily of crime.
Point 3.
Did the female give consent.If not then man,bride parents and withness are all guilty of crime.
Point 4.
If there was no written contract then the marriage was illegal.
Point 5.
was the dowry given? Note the dowry is not for the bride parents but beling to the bride herself.
Point 6.
Did both parties consent to the marriage.
Point 7.
Was there any intimidation or force?If there was there the marriage is illegal.
Point 8.
Well the rule does not apply because they were newly weds.

Now its pretty obvious from this forum that the majority of members are anti-Islam.They have found an opportunity to find the man quilty and used this as a tool to tarnish Islam and my beloved Prophet (PBBUH).Shame upon you.
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Active Member
So, for all those folks who think we can justify our behavior because of what our predecessors and ancestors did, should we also ignore germ theory because our ancestors thought disease was caused by an imbalance of bodily humors? Should we ignore practical applications of electricity because our ancestors thought lighting was the wrathful weapon of the gods? Should we disdain the use of automobiles because horses were good enough for our ancestors?

In Jewish tradition, we have various teachings that help us understand that as our knowledge and wisdom grows and evolves, our re-examination of what we may think about both Torah and the world as it is understood through secular knowledge must be re-evaluated, as new ideas require different answers sometimes, and what seemed clear before may be shown to be more complex. I find it hard to believe that Islam lacks such processes, and I would be willing to wager actual coinage that there are, in fact, many Muslims who do not claim that Islamic tradition requires them to embrace the brutal and outmoded ethics of a thousand years past.

I think this argument that has been raised, that what our ancestors did was good and we should replicate it, whereas what we do is bad, and should be criticized, is a wholly spurious and insupportable argument. And I would be willing to bet that there are Muslims who would concur with me.

We do not follow our ancestors but we follow the teachings of all the Prophets (peace and blessings be upon them all).You have your religion and we have our religion.If you don't want to follow the teachings of your Prophet Moses(PBBUH) then that is your pregotiave.We follow the teachings of our master Prophet Muhammad(PBBUH) and we will never move away from his teachings even if you put a gun to our head.
Please note it was you who mentioned about pedophilia.Now explain to us what is in your oral Torah about Yitzchak and R'vikah marriage.Tell us who is Yitzchak and both their ages.Note i mean no attack on your faith but only intend to expose the truth and the whole truth.This whole tread as been Islamic bashing from the begining and you are guilty of it as well.
Finally for those muslims that follow your way of thinking here are verses from the Noble Quraan that should shake them in their pants.

"O you who have believed, if you obey a party of those who were given the Scripture, they would turn you back, after your belief, [to being] unbelievers."

"O you who have believed, if you obey those who disbelieve, they will turn you back on your heels, and you will [then] become losers.But Allah is your protector, and He is the best of helpers."

"O you who have believed, do not take as intimates those other than yourselves, for they will not spare you [any] ruin. They wish you would have hardship. Hatred has already appeared from their mouths, and what their breasts conceal is greater. We have certainly made clear to you the signs, if you will use reason."

"O you who have believed, do not take the disbelievers as allies instead of the believers. Do you wish to give Allah against yourselves a clear case?"

Note there is enough i can give you from the Noble Quraan but those muslims that allie themselves with your way of thinking then God will judge you between belief and disbelief.Please keep in mind we are followers of the Prophets and no modern day launguage must ever change our way of life.



RF's pet cat

Finally for those muslims that follow your way of thinking here are verses from the Noble Quraan that should shake them in their pants.


Problem is, some Muslims argue that's not what the Prophet taught. The Quran doesn't say to marry children. The Hadith concerning Aisha are dubious. Some think she was in her late teens or even in her twenties, which sounds more like what a Prophet would do, if you ask me.

So perhaps they are the ones following the correct way.

I understand that things were different in old times (even if I disagree with them) but the problem is, people who ignore new advancements, don't listen to reason and science. They instead continue and outdated tradition because they refuse to acknowledge they might have been wrong.

According to biology, a child isn't a woman yet, even if she is menstruating. I support this as I had my periods young and my body wasn't fully developed until mid-teens (around 16) where I can safely say that it is pretty much the same as it is now. Starting menstruations are not the final stage, it's the start of a new process, making the body of a child into one of an adult. It takes many years.

And if that's not enough, we can discuss how the brain isn't fully developed yet. That affects decision making, the ability to understand and giving consent. We could discuss psychology too, how children's emotional needs are different. We could go on ethics and human rights, how children should be playing and getting educated, not marriage and sex.

Now would you rather believe a woman who has been through it (backed up by science) or what you think Islam teaches (which other Muslims on this thread disagree with)?


Active Member
Problem is, some Muslims argue that's not what the Prophet taught. The Quran doesn't say to marry children. The Hadith concerning Aisha are dubious. Some think she was in her late teens or even in her twenties, which sounds more like what a Prophet would do, if you ask me.

So perhaps they are the ones following the correct way.

I understand that things were different in old times (even if I disagree with them) but the problem is, people who ignore new advancements, don't listen to reason and science. They instead continue and outdated tradition because they refuse to acknowledge they might have been wrong.

According to biology, a child isn't a woman yet, even if she is menstruating. I support this as I had my periods young and my body wasn't fully developed until mid-teens (around 16) where I can safely say that it is pretty much the same as it is now. Starting menstruations are not the final stage, it's the start of a new process, making the body of a child into one of an adult. It takes many years.

And if that's not enough, we can discuss how the brain isn't fully developed yet. That affects decision making, the ability to understand and giving consent. We could discuss psychology too, how children's emotional needs are different. We could go on ethics and human rights, how children should be playing and getting educated, not marriage and sex.

Now would you rather believe a woman who has been through it (backed up by science) or what you think Islam teaches (which other Muslims on this thread disagree with)?

illyKitty peace to you
I pity your soul and may the Almighty guide you.
First and foremost i don't think you have been reading my posts because you are repeating questions that i have already answered.
Secondly your knowledge of deen is obviously very weak.Note the subject is not about Hazrath Aisha siddiqa (RA) marriage to our beloved Prophet Muhammad(PBBUH) that will answer all the attacks on Islam.The subject is all about marriage to woman 8,9,10 years old.Our Prophet (PBBUH) came to uphold all the teachings of all +-124000 Prophets.
Do you how old was Bibi Maryam (RA) when she gave birth to Prophet Essa (AS)?
Do you know how old was Prophet Issac(PBBUH) wife?
It seems you are putting biology before God.
Note i can go on and on.....
The bottom line is
was God wrong in his actions with Bibi Maryam(RA)?
Was The Prophet Issac or his parents (PBBUT) wrong?
The answers to the above question weights on ones belief and disbelief.
We are now living in modern times were the definition of morality has changed.If you do good it is immoral and if you do evil it has now become moral.These modern times has taken man to the gutter.His intellectual knowledge of reasoning has gone so far backwards that there is no more belief in the "one true God".If you read through this whole thread you will realise that they all banishing the teachings of God.That is what i call evil intellect.
Remember there is no complusion in religion and everyone is free to choose his or her belief hence there is no need to disrespect other peoples beliefs.
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Sunni muslim
Peace to all.
Being an 8 year old does not make the man guilty.The question is did the girl have her menses or not.If she did not have her menses then the man and her parents should be charged.

It's not because a girl have her menses at 8 that she's no more a child.
Some girls have their menses very late, some at 16 years old (yes it happen)

Do you think that a 8 years old then is more mature than a 16 years old just because she had her menses earlier ?
The answer is no of course.

Was the 8 year old forced into the marriage? If so then both man and parents are guily of crime.

The girl is still a kid.

Was there any intimidation or force?If there was there the marriage is illegal.

She was still a kid.
Why not choosing a real woman instead ?

Now its pretty obvious from this forum that the majority of members are anti-Islam.They have found an opportunity to find the man quilty and used this as a tool to tarnish Islam and my beloved Prophet (PBBUH).Shame upon you.May the Almighty curses be upon you.Amen.

I'm muslim so i'm not anti-Islam, and i think it's wrong.
We are not some centuries ago when people couldn't go to school, or die at a very young age.

Don't curse people just because they have not the same opinion that you. It's very low.

The majority of people in this forum is not judging you /or anti-islam, but they don't understand why you married a little girl instead of a woman.


Active Member
It's not because a girl have her menses at 8 that she's no more a child.
Some girls have their menses very late, some at 16 years old (yes it happen)

Do you think that a 8 years old then is more mature than a 16 years old just because she had her menses earlier ?
The answer is no of course.

The girl is still a kid.

She was still a kid.
Why not choosing a real woman instead ?

I'm muslim so i'm not anti-Islam, and i think it's wrong.
We are not some centuries ago when people couldn't go to school, or die at a very young age.

Don't curse people just because they have not the same opinion that you. It's very low.

The majority of people in this forum is not judging you /or anti-islam, but they don't understand why you married a little girl instead of a woman.

I have my doubts weather you are a muslim.Nontheless your knowledge of deen is quite obvious and Almighty will judge you accordingly.
I remember reading the Prophet(PBBUH) did mention that people will wake up in the morning with imaam and go back to sleep in the evening as disbelievers.
Now tell me at what age did Umar ibn Khattab(RA) marry Umm Kulthum ibn Ali(RA)?
Sorry but you must now prepare for deen.


Well-Known Member
I personally tend to label people by their actions, and not judge their actions by their label.

If the Quran directly said, that the Prophet married a 9 year old girl, and subsequently had sex with her, then I could see that Islam would and could be held more responsible for this, but it doesn't, and actually opposes it in many different ways in many different instances. Even the Muslim who defended marrying a 10 year old stated that nowhere in the Quran does it state that it is ok to marry underage children. If that's not enough for you then I don't know what is?

So why did you do it?


Can you cite some of those sources?

How do you suggest we go about solving this problem, you wanna go on a trip to Yemen with me? Do you wan't to lobby congress to send military force to stop things like this from happening ever again?

Sorry, but yet again religion has nothing to do with this? This is a strictly a "primitive culture" thing in my opinion. Yet again, Turkey is a predominately Muslim state and it just raised the marriage age to 17.

They are in direct contradiction of the Quran if they support this. Credible criticism would be that poor education, high level of poverty, and low standard of living contribute to acts like these. Criticism towards a religion that has no basis for supporting this type of act from their holy book, is not credible in my opinion.

And if we go by this criteria, then we have to use it against other religions too no?
What the Bible says about pedophilia

Do you also believe that Christianity supports pedophilia? Are do judge the acts of the individuals indepndently of their self imposed label?

In what way has this been credible criticism. If the Holy book of a religion does not support these type of actions in any way shape or form, how can you still hold the religion responsible instead of the people that commit the actions?

And in case you didn't see, the guy that admitted to it, said that his actions are not condoned by the Quran.

Cite some sources please, and do you feel the same way about Moses? Or is that totally different?
What the Bible says about pedophilia

Yet again, because someone claims that they are something does that mean that they are that which they claim?

No, number 3, 4, and 12.
The Koran vs. Sharia at a glance

Yes, Turkey.

Everyones, and most definitely those adherents to the Quran.

Yes, poverety, low standard of living, hunger, lack of clean water, lack of education, and the list goes on and on.

Sharia, which forms most of the basis for these oppresive laws toward women and children, is not based on the Quran. I encourage you to do some research into pre-Islamic tribal law, and current Sharia law. Sharia law was formed into a system of law within Islam to control people, not because it is apart of Islam. It existed seperately, and should be recognized as a independent religion in my opinion, along with all Hadith.

What country has religious police?

Are you something simply because you claim to be it? Judge people by their actions, and not by their words.

You claim to be a Buddhist, you adhere to the teachings and philosphies of the Buddha. If you were to become a serial killer, would you still be a Buddhist because you claimed to be, or would it be more prevelant to say that you are not a Buddhist because you do not follow the teachings within Buddhism?

Child marriage is not a religious right, it is a cultural right totally independent from Islam.

Honestly, the only country that I would consider Islamic in any sense of the word be Turkey, but even then I don't think it's prevelent to call an entire society an adherent to a particular religion. There's not an umbrella big enough.

Consideriding that the OP, made the statement, "Why do Muslims think this is ok?" in the first post. How can it not be a debate on Islamophobia.

The same logic that people in this thread have accused Islam of promoting pedophilia could be made for a prophet in the Christian Bible. Does Christianity support pedophilia in your opinion?
What the Bible says about pedophilia

I wouldn't say that Islam support Pedophilia as I have not read the Quran, but Islam is not just the Quran. Though from what I have read from the Bible, it appears that it does support Wife Husbandry. Now the ages these girls were married remain open, but it does appear that they were at the time kept around these men until marring age, and I find that equally repulsive.

But simply because such practices were done back then, does not mean that they should be now. And if I found any christian who did practice such an act I would do my best to try to communicate with them how in the long run they are doing more damage than good, which as Christians doing more good should be the objective imo.


RF's pet cat
illyKitty peace to you
I pity your soul and may the Almighty guide you.

It seems you are putting biology before God.


No I pity you but even more I pity your wife and children. Poor them! Instead of using reason and intellect, you cling to old (possibly false) traditions because you don't want to admit that a child is a child!

I'm not putting biology before god, god MADE us thus it's responsible to understand how our bodies work. Biology is the study of the human body, this very body God made. So if anything, I'm obeying god more than you.

I won't reply to you anymore because you're stubborn and have ignored every PROOF people have given you and instead you cling to things that shouldn't be attributed to god.

Bye and I hope for you that god will forgive you for doing these horrible things to children.

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
Have you ever been to a third world country?
I have been to Saudi Arabia twice, Kuwait once after Saddam started the fires, and to the UAE as a private contractor.

I'm not sure that really qualifies, why do you ask? Yes, I am in Kentucky now but I was not born or educated here or never traveled anywhere.


Sunni muslim
I have my doubts weather you are a muslim.Nontheless your knowledge of deen is quite obvious and Almighty will judge you accordingly.
I remember reading the Prophet(PBBUH) did mention that people will wake up in the morning with imaam and go back to sleep in the evening as disbelievers.
Now tell me at what age did Umar ibn Khattab(RA) marry Umm Kulthum ibn Ali(RA)?
Sorry but you must now prepare for deen.

I see that you have problems with people who have different opinions than yours.

Or they are against Islam or they are not "real" muslim.
It makes me laught when i see someone judging the faith of others just to avoid to answer at some basic questions.

Um Koulthum lived in the 7th CENTURY.
That what you don't understand.

You said that your family is not poor, yet you married a young girl.

Let say if a child marry at 8, have children and her husband die or become disabled.
Who will bring money to the house ? The kid-child ?

What kind of conversations can an adult have with a child-bride, i'm wondering ...
Talking about cartoons ? Or about politics ?


Active Member
I see that you have problems with people who have different opinions than yours.

Or they are against Islam or they are not "real" muslim.
It makes me laught when i see someone judging the faith of others just to avoid to answer at some basic questions.

Um Koulthum lived in the 7th CENTURY.
That what you don't understand.

You said that your family is not poor, yet you married a young girl.

Let say if a child marry at 8, have children and her husband die or become disabled.
Who will bring money to the house ? The kid-child ?

What kind of conversations can an adult have with a child-bride, i'm wondering ...
Talking about cartoons ? Or about politics ?

Yes avoid my question.The truth will eventually come out.
Read what you write.You have no trust in Almighty God.Your money comes before God.When Prophet Muhammad(PBBUH) passed away who took care of his wives.As i said previously i have my doubts.
If you a true muslim that you claim to be then make sure you read your kalimah before death overcomes your poor soul.
Please go and learn deen before making a fool of yourself.


Active Member
We do not follow our ancestors but we follow the teachings of all the Prophets (peace and blessings be upon them all).You have your religion and we have our religion.If you don't want to follow the teachings of your Prophet Moses(PBBUH) then that is your pregotiave.We follow the teachings of our master Prophet Muhammad(PBBUH) and we will never move away from his teachings even if you put a gun to our head.
Please note it was you who mentioned about pedophilia.Now explain to us what is in your oral Torah about Yitzchak and R'vikah marriage.Tell us who is Yitzchak and both their ages.Note i mean no attack on your faith but only intend to expose the truth and the whole truth.This whole tread as been Islamic bashing from the begining and you are guilty of it as well.
Finally for those muslims that follow your way of thinking here are verses from the Noble Quraan that should shake them in their pants.

"O you who have believed, if you obey a party of those who were given the Scripture, they would turn you back, after your belief, [to being] unbelievers."

"O you who have believed, if you obey those who disbelieve, they will turn you back on your heels, and you will [then] become losers.But Allah is your protector, and He is the best of helpers."

"O you who have believed, do not take as intimates those other than yourselves, for they will not spare you [any] ruin. They wish you would have hardship. Hatred has already appeared from their mouths, and what their breasts conceal is greater. We have certainly made clear to you the signs, if you will use reason."

"O you who have believed, do not take the disbelievers as allies instead of the believers. Do you wish to give Allah against yourselves a clear case?"

Note there is enough i can give you from the Noble Quraan but those muslims that allie themselves with your way of thinking then God will judge you between belief and disbelief.Please keep in mind we are followers of the Prophets and no modern day launguage must ever change our way of life.


I am waiting.Your answer please.


Sunni muslim
Read what you write.You have no trust in Almighty God.Your money comes before God.

Ah now you judge what is inside people's hearts ... I didn't know you had a part of God's power. You should have told me.
I never said you are a non-believer or a bad muslim, you must be the one who should watch what you say, this is a false and serious accusation in the sight of God.

And i don't know what money you are talking about because i'm not rich. :sad4:

When Prophet Muhammad(PBBUH) passed away who took care of his wives.As i said previously i have my doubts.

Did you take widows and took care of her children ?
Did you went to fight for muslims in Syria or elsewhere ?
So don't compare yourself to Prophet Muhammad (saw).


Active Member
Study the verses of the Noble Quraan and gain knowledge.

"O you who have believed, if you obey a party of those who were given the Scripture, they would turn you back, after your belief, [to being] unbelievers."

"O you who have believed, if you obey those who disbelieve, they will turn you back on your heels, and you will [then] become losers.But Allah is your protector, and He is the best of helpers."

"O you who have believed, do not take as intimates those other than yourselves, for they will not spare you [any] ruin. They wish you would have hardship. Hatred has already appeared from their mouths, and what their breasts conceal is greater. We have certainly made clear to you the signs, if you will use reason."

"O you who have believed, do not take the disbelievers as allies instead of the believers. Do you wish to give Allah against yourselves a clear case?"

Every verse is referenced to you.
Now stop avoiding my question.
what was the age of Umar ibn Khattab(RA) and what was the age of Umm Kulthum ibn Ali(RA) when they both got married?
This is only one question that you having difficulty answering.I got much,much more for you.

Debater Slayer

Staff member
Premium Member
Study the verses of the Noble Quraan and gain knowledge.

"O you who have believed, if you obey a party of those who were given the Scripture, they would turn you back, after your belief, [to being] unbelievers."

"O you who have believed, if you obey those who disbelieve, they will turn you back on your heels, and you will [then] become losers.But Allah is your protector, and He is the best of helpers."

"O you who have believed, do not take as intimates those other than yourselves, for they will not spare you [any] ruin. They wish you would have hardship. Hatred has already appeared from their mouths, and what their breasts conceal is greater. We have certainly made clear to you the signs, if you will use reason."

"O you who have believed, do not take the disbelievers as allies instead of the believers. Do you wish to give Allah against yourselves a clear case?"

Every verse is referenced to you.
Now stop avoiding my question.
what was the age of Umar ibn Khattab(RA) and what was the age of Umm Kulthum ibn Ali(RA) when they both got married?
This is only one question that you having difficulty answering.I got much,much more for you.

I know many devout Muslims who greatly value their religion, but they also value their children and would never allow anybody to marry them when they're still children.

I find your insinuation that Muslims who oppose child marriages are inferior to those who don't to be as irresponsible as it is disgusting.
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Sunni muslim
I'm not concerned by those verses.
If you think you are intimidating me, you're wrong.

I said that i don't care about Um Kulthum's age because she was living in the 7th century.

I asked you a question before that you didn't answered to : what about sending teenagers to wars in the 21st century ?

And people asked you many other questions you refused to answer to. I don't know why we have to answer and you don't.


Freedom Of Mind
Study the verses of the Noble Quraan and gain knowledge.

"O you who have believed, if you obey a party of those who were given the Scripture, they would turn you back, after your belief, [to being] unbelievers."

"O you who have believed, if you obey those who disbelieve, they will turn you back on your heels, and you will [then] become losers.But Allah is your protector, and He is the best of helpers."

"O you who have believed, do not take as intimates those other than yourselves, for they will not spare you [any] ruin. They wish you would have hardship. Hatred has already appeared from their mouths, and what their breasts conceal is greater. We have certainly made clear to you the signs, if you will use reason."

"O you who have believed, do not take the disbelievers as allies instead of the believers. Do you wish to give Allah against yourselves a clear case?"

Every verse is referenced to you.
Now stop avoiding my question.
what was the age of Umar ibn Khattab(RA) and what was the age of Umm Kulthum ibn Ali(RA) when they both got married?
This is only one question that you having difficulty answering.I got much,much more for you.

May i ask you some questions.

What is the purpose that a man marry a 9 years old girl,why not 14,
is it because of love,did he like her characteristic and morality.

Can a 9 years old help her husband,such as cooking,cleaning..etc

Do you think it is suitable age for her at age of 9 to be a house keeper.
Do you think a girl at age of 9 can decide what is good for her.

Are you sure 100% that ages of the wives of the prophets through history remained correct and till our days,what we have is stories,my grandma doesn't know the exact date of her birthday,people don't know the exact date for Jesus birthday.

Please,please think rationally for a while,a girl at 9 isn't young enough except if we think marriage is for sex only.
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Active Member
I know many devout Muslims who greatly value their religion, but they also value their children and would never allow anybody to marry them when they're still children.

I find your insinuation that Muslims who oppose child marriages are inferior to those who don't to be as irresponsible as it is disgusting.

Debater Slayer
I totally agree with you that nobody in their right frame of mind gets their children married.So far as my insinuation is concerned i think you have misunderstood my point of view.May i suggest you read all my postings again.


Active Member
Salaams FearGod

May i ask you some questions.
You welcome.

What is the purpose that a man marry a 9 years old girl,why not 14,
is it because of love,did he like her characteristic and morality.

It depends on the individual.I can speak for myself.My marriage was an arranged marriage and we both consented and it was more on piety.My wife was a hafiza and i was also an hafiz before we married and hence with the elders duas its obvious what the products turned out to be.

Can a 9 years old help her husband,such as cooking,cleaning..etc
Yes why not.My wife was 10years and she was excellect at home chores and i also did my share of home chores.My opinion is it depend on ones upbringing.

Do you think it is suitable age for her at age of 9 to be a house keeper.
Do you think a girl at age of 9 can decide what is good for her.

Yes why not.

Are you sure 100% that ages of the wives of the prophets through history remained correct and till our days,what we have is stories,my grandma doesn't know the exact date of her birthday,people don't know the exact date for Jesus birthday.
No not 100%.

Please,please think rationally for a while,a girl at 9 isn't young enough except if we think marriage is for sex only.
No marriage is not about sex.There is much more to marriage than just sex.
