My understanding is this:
“race” can be anything, any group of things, not just hair, skin, etc, but also beliefs, families etc.
The meaning of the word race is different now in order to manipulate people, largely the masses. Minorities tend to feel the most threatened and therefore might riot and fight more. That costs the government money and therefore they have to try to stop it, hence, racisms, sexisms etc.
No one in England mentions the Moors (Asians and Blacks) who had white’s as slaves in Africa at the same time as we have Blacks as slaves in Europe and the Americas.
No one mentions that men in England did not have the vote at one time unless you were a lord but only mention women.
The weakest ones always feel the most threatened and shout the most.
We are seeing a difference in UK now with race and gender driven discussions, but it is still here and certainly from a media perspective, it is in favour of women and Blacks. The pendulum swings one way then another. Now it is in their favour. All you can do is vehemently complain without threats and then someone might listen to you if you do it in a legal way.
We have had women allowed as members of parliament just because they are women, which is sexism, which is apparently all right. We have had little response from the police (according to media) with abuse of children because of ‘race relations’ (Asians) to the point that young girls who were consenting have been eventually drugged and raped.
When mankind admits that we are, to one degree or another, racial, we might stop living with people we might not get on with, and then we could help each other in their own country.
If it was a perfect world, then it wouldn’t matter, but it’s not.
And so these arguments go on and on and on.