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You know What pisses me off about race and religion


An Págánach
The pictures:


It's amazing to hear that these two are twins. It truly shows how wrong we are about race.

Wow, this is amazing...I agree that there is much too much emphasis put on race.
Yes, there are different colors in the human race. There is a wonderful variety of colors and cultures in the world. To deny our differences exist is to nullify their beauty.

What we should do is recognize our differences, accept them, and appreciate them. Remember the past, realize the problems of the present and work towards a better future.


True, as long as they have the same father and mother. :)

Twins... well, no one can say that it was the mail man.
My children look totally different and they have the same mother and father. I think I was healthier than my husband so my genes dominated on one more than the others. At that time I hadn't done anything bad to my body even caffeine wasn't a part of my life. All my children are beautiful and unique. I tell them everyday how special they are.


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From what I know. People are judge mental of others just by what religion you are and judge you worse if you say none.
The post you responded to was jocular, but here is my serious response to your post:

About religion: I have in the past been judged in the workplace pretty harshly. I thought of it as religious persecution, though actually I was pretty odd among the people I worked with. They were very sexually promiscuous, and I was a genuinely not. They had a lot of friends, and I was a loner. That sort of thing made me a race unto myself. I could certainly imagine it working in reverse for someone who was not religious and worked with religious people. That person might have that same experience of not fitting in, and I can tell you not everybody who is religious is nice.

Race is a different story. People of the same race flock together, because they feel safe with people they understand. The separation between the groups causes rumours and misunderstandings to grow. This can just be an office clique or it can be centuries of time and a completely different language and culture. The longer the groups stay apart and don't mix, the bigger the misunderstandings become. The bigger the misunderstandings, the worse the tendency for racism. Naturally racism and religious persecution are usually activated by people with problem personalities. There's always somebody.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
The point is that they come from the same parents and shows what a grab bag phenotypes are and what a joke our ideas about racial identity are. As a mixed person, myself, I can relate to it because I've gone through the whole questioning of my racial identity, too.
I agree.


over another race, but that doesn't mean I hate that race, I don't care for black soul music, but again that doesn't mean I hate blacks, I think this race crap has got out of control.

You don't like soul music??!! :eek:


The post you responded to was jocular, but here is my serious response to your post:

About religion: I have in the past been judged in the workplace pretty harshly. I thought of it as religious persecution, though actually I was pretty odd among the people I worked with. They were very sexually promiscuous, and I was a genuinely not. They had a lot of friends, and I was a loner. That sort of thing made me a race unto myself. I could certainly imagine it working in reverse for someone who was not religious and worked with religious people. That person might have that same experience of not fitting in, and I can tell you not everybody who is religious is nice.

Race is a different story. People of the same race flock together, because they feel safe with people they understand. The separation between the groups causes rumours and misunderstandings to grow. This can just be an office clique or it can be centuries of time and a completely different language and culture. The longer the groups stay apart and don't mix, the bigger the misunderstandings become. The bigger the misunderstandings, the worse the tendency for racism. Naturally racism and religious persecution are usually activated by people with problem personalities. There's always somebody.
I think that I don't have a problem until it is formed. Segregation is a choice. I never fit in with anyone. Not a choice but one that has been chosen for me.


Oh. Dang. Of course! That explains why the dogs bark and chase my kids around the block all the time!
Hopefully they know who the father is but sometimes woman use themselves to feel better. I wish men wouldn't help. Leave ladies alone they have enough to deal with.


being human, of course, it's extremely irritating when a religionist comes along and TELLS you :

1. you are religious, but you're going down to hell anyway coz you're not a member of my religion

2. you are worshiping idols

3. you are worshiping the devil



being human, of course, it's extremely irritating when a religionist comes along and TELLS you :

1. you are religious, but you're going down to hell anyway coz you're not a member of my religion

2. you are worshiping idols

3. you are worshiping the devil

Agreed, my children have come home afraid because of children telling them, they will go to hell for not being baptised. Who tells people that. And Why? I think they should choose. I can't predetermine what they will be and I don't think I have that right. I have taught my children to open their minds and not to judge others. I have also taught them to treat people how they would like to be treated. And to always be unique. Don't follow the crowd.


Agreed, my children have come home afraid because of children telling them, they will go to hell for not being baptised. Who tells people that. And Why?

I know WHO - those nasty thumpers! I've grown immune to them. If religion is so much into breaking the world into believers and non-believers, i'd rather abstain! lucky for me,I've found a path that doesn't threaten the general public with hell for not being in the system!

I think they should choose. I can't predetermine what they will be and I don't think I have that right. I have taught my children to open their minds and not to judge others. I have also taught them to treat people how they would like to be treated. And to always be unique. Don't follow the crowd.

I beg to differ when it comes to children. We can show them the beauty of a spiritual life. But then again, we can leave it up to them to choose. You have taught your children well. I love these lessons of yours to your kids:

i. open their minds and not to judge others.
ii. to treat people how they would like to be treated.
iii. always be unique. Don't follow the crowd.


Avid JW Bible Student
Agreed, my children have come home afraid because of children telling them, they will go to hell for not being baptised. Who tells people that. And Why? I think they should choose. I can't predetermine what they will be and I don't think I have that right. I have taught my children to open their minds and not to judge others. I have also taught them to treat people how they would like to be treated. And to always be unique. Don't follow the crowd.

This is a great recipe for good parenting. In an ideal world, this would be fabulous. Children are not born racist or bigoted. These learned behaviors will inevitably come from others.....and our children are not in our company for most of their waking hours, so unless we spend time offsetting the daily influence of others, our children will learn what we do not wish to teach them. :(

Home schooling has become a popular way to take children away from such influences in their formative years. The trouble is, most parents are too busy earning money to devote time to their children. For some it is a daily struggle to gain life's necessities, while others just work for the material benefits they enjoy so that they can give their children what everyone else has. Either way, children are at the mercy of those with whom they spend the most time and who exert the most influence on them.

So who is teaching the children? Parents? The school system? Social Media? Their peers?