“God is not one to be mocked. It's never that simple”
I don't know what do you mean by that ? God is a joke for me ? no of course not.
No, not what I meant, in fact it was not really directed at you. It was directed at those Chrisians (like me?... I hope not) who think all one needs to do is accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior vocally and publicly and that guarantees them a place in heaven when they die. Regardless of how they behave afterwards? They must be kidding? But so many believe that of various Protestant sects. I think it is terribly dangerous and false. That, to me, is mocking God, esp. Jesus sacrifice on the cross.
“Life is a trial and that is evident and so easy to gratefully accept given all that God has promised to those who try to be good and faithful”
Well, good lesson. However, I don't think so. Promises ? I promise you to send one million dollar ? will you believe me ? this is like hypnosis what I am suppose to do with promises ?.
If you could provide the evidence for your supernatural existence and validate your love and message through miracles time and time again --- then, yes, I would believe you. However, hitherto, the only One who has ever resembled that deity with empirical proof is Jesus Christ. Not Buddha, Muhammad, Shiva, Zues, or any other claim.
“That includes pagans, atheists, et al. who never heard about Jesus or cared to find out. They, too, can have great hope providing they do not CHOOSE to be cruel, selfish, and despicable”
I also choose to be good and that's normal for every human being unless some religious if not most of them, the followed their holy books teachings.
I beg to differ. I submit the vast majority of humanity in the West, or those of means, choose to satisfy all of their own wants and desires before they throw more than a few crumbs (by comparison) to their fellow man. I submit most of humanity suffers from pride and vanity beyond any acceptable level. We also suffer from lust, greed, gossip and so on. The Virgin Mary once told a visionary in the West “that which angers God the most is our shameful immorality and foul ingratitude.” A direct sting!!
Unfortunately Muslims kill people including Muslims, Christians working in war business and same for the Jews. And that's cruel, selfish and eventually despicable. Hope this helped.
We are all judged uniquely based on a myriad of factors. God is just and merciful. I do not believe being a devout Christian would have some advantage except for the fact Jesus instructed His disciples to go to all corners of the world baptizing and preaching the good news --- so it must.
My apologies if I came off a little impertinent earlier.