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Your opinion please about Islam.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
It's My Birthday!
Perhaps nothing. But your post #46 led me to believe that you found the spotlighting of the Mufti's association with Nazi Germany unfair.
Such comments usually have the underlying purpose to draw similarities between Islam and Nazism. I know, because i used to do the same thing when I was hating on Islam.


Well-Known Member
Christianity pretty much killed millions of people throughout the history. Judaism steals houses from poor palestinians and kills them! Thats if iam going to the same low level of islambashers by blaming a religion! Which i wont do! I wont blame any religion!


Active Member
I would be totally for this.
Slash our offensive weapons, keep the defensive, and use the fundage freed up to help support humanitarian efforts around the globe.
Stop being the Great Satan and become the Great Santa.

so about 142 countries and approximately $35 billion of taxpayer money a year isn't enough already? -Maybe you should join the Peace Corps

The Emperor of Mankind

Currently the galaxy's spookiest paraplegic
The Arabs were working with the Reich to kick out the colonial powers, and that's the long and the short of it.

Which is pretty much what they did with the British to rid themselves of Ottoman rule. If Nazi Germany had won and inherited Britain's colonial holdings in the region the Arabs would have turned on them eventually as well.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member


Learning more about Jehovah.
Premium Member
so about 142 countries and approximately $35 billion of taxpayer money a year isn't enough already? -Maybe you should join the Peace Corps

Well said.
Sadly the U.S. citizen American haters don't want to simply google up how much humanitarian aid we
taxpayers GIVE away.
EVERY disaster world wide gets TONS of U.S. FREE aid pronto.
We Americans are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo evil.

In fiscal year 2014, the U.S. government allocated the following amounts for aid:
Total economic and military assistance: $43.10 billion
Total military assistance: $10.57 billion
Total economic assistance: $32.53 billion of which USAID Implemented: $17.82 billion.

Now for those who espouse negativity about the U.S. please research and post how much
aid foreign countries donated at taxpayers expense to aid those in need.

How much aid was donated by ANY Islamic nation??????

Go for it please!


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
Christianity pretty much killed millions of people throughout the history. Judaism steals houses from poor palestinians and kills them! Thats if iam going to the same low level of islambashers by blaming a religion! Which i wont do! I wont blame any religion!
Didn't you just do exactly that?

What would make for a more fair assessment?


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Would you like me to show you how various Zionist groups in Palestine worked with Nazi Germany in order to push the British out of Palestine? The Arabs were working with the Reich to kick out the colonial powers, and that's the long and the short of it.


There was undoubtedly anti-Semitic ground they agreed on. But that didn't save the Poles, Ukrainians, Ruthenians who ended up in the same camps after the Jews were "umgesiedelt."
I am leery of questioning your expertise, @Nietzsche but any such Zionist groups working with the Nazi regime were seriously delusional that removing the British would not end with the German Reich in control of the entire area. Self-determination (of Jews - or anyone, for that matter) was not even a slight concern of the Nazi regime. All would be under the thrall of the Nazi's if WWII had turned out differently. In any event, it was not a very smart move from either the Arab side or the standpoint of some Zionists to try to make a deal with Hitler due to the severely antisemitic undertones of Nazi propaganda and ideology.

In some respects it's like enlisting the aid of a rabid Doberman Pincher to protect one from the neighbor's Chihuahua.
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Veteran Member
My opinion isn't relevant (and unless you are a Muslim, an ex-Muslim, a scholar or historian of the religion and/or region I doubt yours is either). I wish people would just calm down.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
My opinion isn't relevant (and unless you are a Muslim, an ex-Muslim, a scholar or historian of the religion and/or region I doubt yours is either). I wish people would just calm down.
There is only so much room - or right - not to hold an opinion when one is dealing with the conviction of a whole third of humanity regarding what God expects of us all.

It does not help that there are legitimate, serious grievances of said group against "outsiders". Nor that the reciprocal is also true.

I quite agree that calming down is necessary, though.


Active Member
The US defence budget is $597 billion. It's sole purpose is to produce things to blow stuff up or get blown up, whereas humanitarian aid may build something that helps people.https://www.washingtonpost.com/news...efense-spending-dwarfs-the-rest-of-the-world/

If you think that there needs to be more done then feel free to donate all the time and money of your own you want to the cause or charity of your choice, from what I have seen people tend to be a lot more liberal about spending other peoples money and much more conservative when spending their own.


The Last Prussian
Premium Member
I am leery of questioning your expertise, @Nietzsche but any such Zionist groups working with the Nazi regime were seriously delusional that removing the British would not end with the German Reich in control of the entire area. Self-determination (of Jews - or anyone, for that matter) was not even a slight concern of the Nazi regime. All would be under the thrall of the Nazi's if WWII had turned out differently. In any event, it was not a very smart move from either the Arab side or the standpoint of some Zionists to try to make a deal with Hitler due to the severely antisemitic undertones of Nazi propaganda and ideology.
Undoubtedly. However, here are who I spoke of, the "Lehi". A bunch of monsters, lock-step under the star of David rather than the Fasces or the Swastika.

In some respects it's like enlisting the aid of a rabid Doberman Pincher to protect one from the neighbor's Chihuahua.

The Franco-Britsh Middle East was slated for Il Duce, not der Fuehrer.


Veteran Member
There is only so much room - or right - not to hold an opinion when one is dealing with the conviction of a whole third of humanity regarding what God expects of us all.
I kinda agree with you there. I'm trying to read my way through the Koran again (so boring) and I've been picking up articles and commentary now and then. The major lesson I have learned is that it's too big and too messy and the debate too polluted with the daft ideas of outsiders for me to get anywhere in one lifetime without devoting serious effort. I don't have it in me. Therefore my opinion isn't relevant.

However, if you're interested: Islam is a religion. It's almost a universe in itself. On the facade it is crazy. Underneath it looks to be a different kind of crazy. It contains all sorts of bonkers stuff and some not bonkers stuff. I've been reading The Whirling Ecstasy and that seems to contain all kinds of bonkers, but enjoyable and interesting and I dare say rewarding nonetheless.

There are some serious issues with Islam that have to be addressed by Muslims and non-muslims if we are to not murder each other or bang elbows for eternity. That aside, it's not the death-cult people say it is.

Something like that.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
If you think that there needs to be more done then feel free to donate all the time and money of your own you want to the cause or charity of your choice, from what I have seen people tend to be a lot more liberal about spending other peoples money and much more conservative when spending their own.

True enough but the over half a trillion dollar welfare payment to the military-industrial complex so it can waste your tax dollars and threaten your civil liberties doesn't bother you?


Active Member
True enough but the over half a trillion dollar welfare payment to the military-industrial complex so it can waste your tax dollars and threaten your civil liberties doesn't bother you?
So monetarily supporting your nations military and all it's functions is a form of welfare that is a waste but you support the idea of giving away money to anyone and everyone that can stick their hands out?
How are my civil liberties being threatened by the U.S. military?
If I remember correctly you once stated that at one point you monetarily supported revolutionary leftists so what is the difference? - I may have you confused with someone else