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Your opinion please about Islam.


Veteran Member
Would you like me to show you how various Zionist groups in Palestine worked with Nazi Germany in order to push the British out of Palestine?
Lehi split from the Irgun militant group in 1940 in order to continue fighting the British during World War II. Lehi initially sought an alliance with Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany, offering to fight alongside them against the British in return for the transfer of all Jews from Nazi-occupied Europe to Palestine.[2] Believing that Nazi Germany was a lesser enemy of the Jews than Britain, Lehi twice attempted to form an alliance with the Nazis.[2] During World War II it declared that it would establish a Jewish state based upon "nationalist and totalitarian principles".[2][19]
It sounds like at the time, they weren't aware of the extent of what the Nazis were interested in doing.

The Arabs were working with the Reich to kick out the colonial powers, and that's the long and the short of it.
I recall hearing a memoir from a Jew in the camps who happened to be around when the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem came to visit Herr Fuhrer. It didn't sound like it was just about getting the British out. I also recall - and I don't believe I'm confusing this with another event - that when German forces were starting to pull up in the neighborhood, Arab radio was broadcasting obscenities towards the Jews they believed were done for.


Consults with Trees
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Premium Member
*** Quick Mod Post ***

It's totally cool to express opinions here, but do remember that we don't want to see a "let's bash this religion" Rule 3 trollfest. Putting in some "I feel" and "I believe" can help with this, though if something is particularly bad, it can still be a Rule 3.

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The Last Prussian
Premium Member
Lehi split from the Irgun militant group in 1940 in order to continue fighting the British during World War II. Lehi initially sought an alliance with Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany, offering to fight alongside them against the British in return for the transfer of all Jews from Nazi-occupied Europe to Palestine.[2] Believing that Nazi Germany was a lesser enemy of the Jews than Britain, Lehi twice attempted to form an alliance with the Nazis.[2] During World War II it declared that it would establish a Jewish state based upon "nationalist and totalitarian principles".[2][19]
It sounds like at the time, they weren't aware of the extent of what the Nazis were interested in doing.
Clearly. Very few were. This does not change the fact they were working with them. I am not saying they supported the Nazis while knowing about the switch of how the Nazis implemented the Final Solution.

I recall hearing a memoir from a Jew in the camps who happened to be around when the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem came to visit Herr Fuhrer. It didn't sound like it was just about getting the British out. I also recall - and I don't believe I'm confusing this with another event - that when German forces were starting to pull up in the neighborhood, Arab radio was broadcasting obscenities towards the Jews they believed were done for.
A link or such, please?


Veteran Member
I see beauty in the destructive side as well. I think its awesome when people are willing to fight and kill or die for their God(s) or their people, and their spiritual-religious system and/ or political cause.

Not when innocent people are involved as there have been, I find that sick.


Premium Member
I'm pretty much a Christian pacifist.
I really find it interesting that this isn't the norm, considering the character Jesus was EXTREMELY pacifist. Shall we call Jesus an extremist?

I don't have any issue with the Muslim religion, but I get really disconcerted with any religious people who turn their religion into a political agenda, especially when accompanied with violence. As you mentioned, Westboro is a good example of this coming from Christian theology.

Many seem to just ignore the verses of tolerance. Just like the bible teaches peace and non-judgment, the quran also teaches tolerance.
God does not forbid you to be kind to those who do not take arms against you. God loves those who are just (Quran 60:8)

And there is even a verse that says which religion you are is not really an issue.
“There is no compulsion where the religion is concerned.” (Quran 2:256)

If someone wants to practice the Muslim religion in peace it's in their book just like its in the bible, not that it stops people from being violent. As I mentioned it is so ironic you would have to call yourself a pacifist type Christian, and I understand since many Christians miss that boat. Tolerance doesn't seem to be some peoples strong suit even when told to do so by the very religions they profess.


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
I don't have any issue with the Muslim religion, but I get really disconcerted with any religious people who turn their religion into a political agenda, especially when accompanied with violence. As you mentioned, Westboro is a good example of this coming from Christian theology.

So... I'm curious and have to ask this.

I am part of "religious people" who "turn their religion into a political agenda" in that my religion deeply informs things like how I vote and the political causes I support. My Druidry encourages respect for the environment, such as taking global warming and the sixth mass extinction seriously and not acting like humans are the only thing that matter on this planet. My "Druid agenda" supports political candidates that plan to increase funding of the sciences, particularly exploratory research, as the pursuit of knowledge for its own sake should be valued and not contingent on expected monetary gains or whatnot. My "Druid agenda" also wants to see better funding for education across the board, again, because the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom is very important and it is sick that young people have to mortgage their lives to do so (and when doing so, fixate on the dollar signs it gives them instead of the love of wisdom). Ah, and my agenda also includes better support for the fine arts and creative endeavours, for there is so much joy in a good story, a theater performance, a graphic novel! The "Druid agenda" also includes diversity initiatives that encourage us to love each other's stories, enjoy each other's cultures, and respect each other's lives in an "you to your way, me to mine" camaraderie. Oh, and trees. Hugging trees is important, yo.

Now that you know more about the "Druid agenda", is this disconcerting to you? I mean, it's religion turning itself into a political platform, so... this is a problem, yes?


Premium Member
So... I'm curious and have to ask this.

I am part of "religious people" who "turn their religion into a political agenda" in that my religion deeply informs things like how I vote and the political causes I support. My Druidry encourages respect for the environment, such as taking global warming and the sixth mass extinction seriously and not acting like humans are the only thing that matter on this planet. My "Druid agenda" supports political candidates that plan to increase funding of the sciences, particularly exploratory research, as the pursuit of knowledge for its own sake should be valued and not contingent on expected monetary gains or whatnot. My "Druid agenda" also wants to see better funding for education across the board, again, because the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom is very important and it is sick that young people have to mortgage their lives to do so (and when doing so, fixate on the dollar signs it gives them instead of the love of wisdom). Ah, and my agenda also includes better support for the fine arts and creative endeavours, for there is so much joy in a good story, a theater performance, a graphic novel! The "Druid agenda" also includes diversity initiatives that encourage us to love each other's stories, enjoy each other's cultures, and respect each other's lives in an "you to your way, me to mine" camaraderie. Oh, and trees. Hugging trees is important, yo.

Now that you know more about the "Druid agenda", is this disconcerting to you? I mean, it's religion turning itself into a political platform, so... this is a problem, yes?
Put simply I am a huge fan of separation of church and state. That doesn't mean people won't vote with their conscience, it would be impossible not to. I feel there should be logical reasons to follow specific laws and not just cause some book/authority says so.


Active Member
If the USA hadn't been attacking people over there for decades we probably wouldn't have a problem.

That's the excuse most liberals use as well as Muslims. I disagree to some degree! We were attacked by Islam before 911, and before the gulf war. Islam has been at war with the Jews, Christians, and the world since it's inception. Want proof?

Icehorse had it right. He said,

"The last 1300 years of history tell a different tale."


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
Put simply I am a huge fan of separation of church and state. That doesn't mean people won't vote with their conscience, it would be impossible not to. I feel there should be logical reasons to follow specific laws and not just cause some book/authority says so.

Hmm. That clarifies a bit. I ask in part because I sometimes wonder if when people say "I don't like people putting religion into political agendas" they functionally mean "I don't like people pushing agendas I don't like." Religion gets talked about like it's some singular thing and scapegoated an awful lot, and certainly specific religious movements and traditions are problematic. When we look in more detail, the picture gets more complicated.

I also wonder, though... don't the people who have religions with sacred texts and authorities consider following those to be quite logical? At the very least, these traditions must make sense to them or they would not follow them, right? Islam makes sense to Muslims, and all that. Parts don't make sense to outsiders, yeah... that's to be expected I think. Lots of people don't get the alcohol prohibition, I imagine, but I'm totally on board with that and probably for completely different reasons... lol.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
These feelings are born of a deep reverence for human Nature. I see beauty in Destruction and war just as I see beauty in Creation and peace.

A deep reverence for human nature, but not so much for the actual humans destroyed by war?

Sounds to me like your "reverence" is rather academic and sentimental.


Active Member
View attachment 14545
"Freedom can go to hell".
The goal of Islam has ALWAYS been world dominance.
What cabbage leaf are some people living under????????????????????
Don't people understand that this religious war is going on and has been for centuries?
Is history merely a word in a dictionary?
Ease of modern world wide travel, access to weapons of any kind anywhere in the world.....................

Gun sales boom in Pakistan arms bazaar

No paper work, no tracking weapons, NO age restrictions, no laws of any kind.
Last I knew a used AK- 47 could be had by any kid with $15 bucks U.S.
Gun control anyone?
Gun control is being able to hit your target.
Some sheeple need to wake up.

About 10 years ago in one North African Muslim dominated country, there was a contest for youth as to who could recite the most verses from the Koran correctly. The 3rd place winner got and AK-47. The second place winner got and AK-47 and some cash. The first place winner got an AK-47, some cash, and two shinny, brand new hand grenades!


yawn <ignore> yawn
We were attacked by Islam before 911, and before the gulf war.
But not before we knocked over the government of Iran, supported Saddam Hussein and the invasion of Iran, etc etc.
Our history in the region goes back aways and is dominated by arrogance, greed, and violence.

If you want to talk about what happened a few centuries before that we can talk about the genocide of the Americas and slavery and the war with Mexico and such. But I am talking about recent history, mainly post WWII.


yawn <ignore> yawn
About 10 years ago in one North African Muslim dominated country, there was a contest for youth as to who could recite the most verses from the Koran correctly. The 3rd place winner got and AK-47. The second place winner got and AK-47 and some cash. The first place winner got an AK-47, some cash, and two shinny, brand new hand grenades!
I am so glad I live in the USA where we keep such tight control over weapons.:rolleyes:


Active Member
But not before we knocked over the government of Iran, supported Saddam Hussein and the invasion of Iran, etc etc.
Our history in the region goes back aways and is dominated by arrogance, greed, and violence.

If you want to talk about what happened a few centuries before that we can talk about the genocide of the Americas and slavery and the war with Mexico and such. But I am talking about recent history, mainly post WWII.
I suppose you don't see the difference between a war, and a religion that has always been at war. Islam murders people on a daily basis across the planet. Islam has NEVER stopped killing people. I don't want to talk about any of this because if I were to post the list of Islamic wars throughout the centuries it would take up so much space on this thread. The list is impressive. The last time I posted it on a forum it took up the allowed content of about 7 post.

But I am talking about recent history, mainly post WWII.


But to shorten the list, here is a list of Islamic attacks on American soil..


Here is an incomplete listing of participants in jihad throughout the United States.



Learning more about Jehovah.
Premium Member
Do you honestly believe all of the attacks were by Muslims?

The thing is, if a crazy christian or athiest kills a bunch of people it's because they are "Mentally ill" or "performing hatecrime".
Whereas if it's a Muslim it's a terrorist.

How about we take a look at how many innocents America kills for it's political goals, eh?

No Christians that do such are terrorists also.
K.K.K. committing crimes is "domestic" terrorism.
I recall an incident where a group of P.E.T.A. people released hundreds of mink from a mink "ranch" and it
was labeled domestic terrorism.