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Your saved as soon as you accept jesus.


Oh how I love the Word of God!
I never gave up anything. I just turned my attention towards the deities that were actually speaking to me, with me, and through me all along. Again, there is more then one path up the mountain. Our travels are different, but our destination may well be the same.
You turned your attention towards another. That means you gave up on the One and only true God.
EDIT: Remember though, that Odin has also told me the same things, to never give up.
There are copycat gods.


Well-Known Member
Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends.

You were probably raised in a false denomination. There are no rituals we have to follow. We have to do more than just fear God. Most likely, you were raised thinking you were saved, even though you never even admitted you were a sinner. What sins did you repent?

During the laying of the foundation of the new covenant...God testified to what Jesus and the Apostle said. God testified to it with signs and miracles. The foundation has been laid. God has already testified to it.

Jesus reveals himself to those who get his teachings and obeys them

No, I just showed you bible passages of Jesus and Moses doing miracles to convince unbelievers. Why is it fair that they got miracles and demonstrations while I have to take things on faith and still something might not happen?

Also false denomination is your interpretation. On what authority do you claim that your denomination is somehow more correct or superior? And on what authority do you dismiss rituals? I repented a variety of sins in confession, although i've never really committed very serious sins. I confessed to relatively minor stuff.

Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends."

That's not what Jesus did--he committed suicide for no reason for his friends. I wouldn't want my friends to commit suicide for me especially when it was completely pointless and there were hudnreds of better solutions. I would consider that an act of cowardice. That's pretty sadistic if you think that. He didn't need to die; dieing served no purpose and was completely unnecessary. That isn't a great love.

The Hammer

Premium Member
You turned your attention towards another. That means you gave up on the One and only true God.

There are copycat gods.

Your "opinion", is that it is the One and only True god, this does not make it fact, or true. It makes it your path/opinion.

My way is not your way, but it is no less correct. Odin is alive and well, as are the rest of the Aesir and Vanir, for those who have the eyes and ears for this version of the truth. Don't worry, I understand, not everyone can handle this truth, which is fine. Your version works for you, and mine works for me.

Odin is not a "copy-cat" God, remember who came first historically. It was not the God of Abraham.


Relentlessly Rational
Your failure is not my failure.

Certainly it is, you claimed that you could provide a means for me to get that "knowledge". If I cannot get that "knowledge", then you were wrong. So I am to assume that you're going to ***** out?

Desert Snake

Veteran Member
Certainly it is, you claimed that you could provide a means for me to get that "knowledge". If I cannot get that "knowledge", then you were wrong. So I am to assume that you're going to ***** out?
Are you willing to join a church and get baptized etc? Might want to read the thread.

Desert Snake

Veteran Member
I was part of a church and I am baptized. So...
Therefore? That's part of what many will say is becoming a Christian. So now your argument isn't making sense, because you already tried being a xian, and it didn't work; but now, with that bias, are asking someone else to prove xianity to you. It's a bias from the get-go, so it's most likely just a strawman.
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Relentlessly Rational
Therefore? That's part of whay many will say is becoming a Christian. So now your argument isn't making sense, because you already tried being a xian, and it didn't work; but now, with that bias, are asking someone else to prove xianity to you. It's a bias from the get-go, so it's most likely just a strawman.

No, I'm responding to someone who claims to have a means of producing knowledge, yet I'm saying that I've already been there, already done that and I found no knowledge. Therefore, their means is wrong. It doesn't work. The claim is false.

The Hammer

Premium Member
Therefore? That's part of whay many will say is becoming a Christian. So now your argument isn't making sense, because you already tried being a xian, and it didn't work; but now, with that bias, are asking someone else to prove xianity to you. It's a bias from the get-go, so it's most likely just a strawman.

Is everything a straw man to you? Sure seems that way.


Wonder Woman
It seems to matter not the amount of times the irony is pointed out here. Those who wish not to recognize it simply will not. It is being said over and over to first learn and obey teachings and then you will "find out". "Find out" being, of course, believe the right way. Thing is, we are being asked to believe in order to believe. To believe in a man, a deity-man, in not only his existence but that he actually said certain exact words contained within the bible. A book that is really just a collection of stories, compiled, rearranged, translated numerous times into different languages and different versions, interpreted differently by most who read it. Upon this we are expected to base our beliefs around. We are being told first to believe it is factual, that what is contained within it is real, true, and historical, and that if we read it, if we do what it tells us to do, then we will believe.

This whole thing is circular. Believe these things, these entities are real, read about them and what they say, follow them and obey them, and then you will believe in them. Why? Because the bible says it is Word of God and since the Word of God is the truth then the bible must be true. It's enough to make one dizzy.


Active Member
Have you received the Holy Spirit. That is all the evidence you need. Nothing is easy though even after knowing the truth.
3:5 Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost;
Tit 3:6 Which he shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Saviour;

I do not understand stand the phrase 'your saved as soon as you accept Jesus'
It all appears superficial and there is no true conversion. It becomes another ideology in the same old mind and body.

Theodore A. Jones

Active Member
You are the one who has no idea what he is saying.

The ceremonial works were commanded by God. God was going to kill Moses when Moses was not going to circumcise his son.

The ceremonial works are the works the Jews had to clean themselves so that they can worship God.

You cannot erase most all the whole Old Testament. You have been programmed in error by your false teachers of choice.

Desert Snake

Veteran Member
Have you received the Holy Spirit. That is all the evidence you need. Nothing is easy though even after knowing the truth.
3:5 Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost;
Tit 3:6 Which he shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Saviour;

I do not understand stand the phrase 'your saved as soon as you accept Jesus'
It all appears superficial and there is no true conversion. It becomes another ideology in the same old mind and body.
Your verses don't disprove my OP.


Active Member
It seems to matter not the amount of times the irony is pointed out here. Those who wish not to recognize it simply will not. It is being said over and over to first learn and obey teachings and then you will "find out". "Find out" being, of course, believe the right way. Thing is, we are being asked to believe in order to believe. To believe in a man, a deity-man, in not only his existence but that he actually said certain exact words contained within the bible. A book that is really just a collection of stories, compiled, rearranged, translated numerous times into different languages and different versions, interpreted differently by most who read it. Upon this we are expected to base our beliefs around. We are being told first to believe it is factual, that what is contained within it is real, true, and historical, and that if we read it, if we do what it tells us to do, then we will believe.

This whole thing is circular. Believe these things, these entities are real, read about them and what they say, follow them and obey them, and then you will believe in them. Why? Because the bible says it is Word of God and since the Word of God is the truth then the bible must be true. It's enough to make one dizzy.

I had no interest in the Bible or religion and could have possibly been regarded as atheist. But in reality I was just living a full life and there was never much time to contemplate the meaning of life or general philosophy or ideology.

Then one morning as I thought about a dream from the previous night my mind was opened up. I was drawn deeper and beyond the mind that is usually thought from. I partially collapsed and had difficulty breathing. I was energized and shown the pattern of creation and where exactly God is and it is all very close. The interaction and mental bonding of man producing feelings and his connection to the predatory biological animal, was made apparent.

A technology could be made where mans' will and how it energizes self belief would not be able to stand within the forces. A dimensional technology would not need to travel distance like a rocket but would move in and out of a timeless zone and human mind would be vulnerable.
The human mind and consciousness brings death and is developed from biology.

When the Bible was read there was enough information threaded through it to believe it is a true book. But why does religion have it so wrong, because they are in their old minds only and this limits their understanding.

Desert Snake

Veteran Member
People think there is some process to go through, but it isn't the case. All one has to do is accept Jesus, and their saved. No magic ceremonies required.


My OP. Here are some responses.

No thanks, I would rather accept the other thousands of Gods who rose from the dead like Osiris.

i accept jesus, but not paul...
am i saved or do you mean just accept an interpretation of how we should believe in jesus

I think Matthew 25 (Parable of the Sheep & Goats), plus various other verses, say otherwise. The idea of one being saved simply for have a single politically-correct belief was certainly not what Torah states nor what the early church believed.

well everytime christians say this they mean you must accept mainstream pauline christianity & you are saved.
christians tell me i dont really believe in jesus because i dont believe in jesus the way paul tells us to.

What do we need saved from? Honestly? If Jesus is saving people what is it from? The only thing I can see is perhaps from his own sadistic vindictive father. So here's this son of a god, telling people to be his friend and listen to him and he'll smooth things over with his Pops for them?

The issue with this is that if you don't believe in this sadistic vindictive god then you really have no inkling that you need to be saved from anything. You simply don't need it, so why bother seeking it out?

You can keep him... I have no need to be saved from nothing. Thanks though

rise, rebel, resist

Christians are remarkably more reasonable and compelling when explaining religious beliefs they do not personally hold.


Pardon me, but asking a supernatural being to "save" me from its own design errors seems like an entirely magical ceremony.

Is everything a straw man to you? Sure seems that way.
That statement is a strawman.

The Hammer

Premium Member
My OP. Here are some responses.
That statement is a strawman.

Mine was not. Mine was an opinion. You said *This is how to really be saved by Jesus* and I replied no thank you. Not straw man, just blatant disregard for the premise of being saved.


Your logical fallacy is strawman

Here is a link to what a true straw man is. I for one, as I stated several times, am not attacking your comments/argument, nor denouncing your approach to Jesus. What purpose would I have to fabricate your claim?
Oh, yeah, and the parts I did misrepresent, I apologized for :). Does not remove the validity of my questions though.

Desert Snake

Veteran Member
Mine was not. Mine was an opinion. You said *This is how to really be saved by Jesus* and I replied no thank you. Not straw man, just blatant disregard for the premise of being saved.


Your logical fallacy is strawman

Here is a link to what a true straw man is. I for one, as I stated several times, am not attacking your comments/argument, nor denouncing your approach to Jesus. What purpose would I have to fabricate your claim?
Oh, yeah, and the parts I did misrepresent, I apologized for :). Does not remove the validity of my questions though.
How could you be a Christian, a devout Christian, for years, and not know the answers to the questions you asked me? Why even ask them?
I haven't been a devout Christian, like, ever. So, not sure what point or goal you have in asking me those things.