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Your view on abortion. Atheist welcome.


Depends Upon My Mood..
Oh and I've seen this before..Women who are DYING to have a baby are the cruelest towards women who abort..

Its NOT my fault you had a miscarriage lady!! Dont blame it on me..If I DIDNT have an abortion you STILL would have miscarried..




1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
I lost a baby at 5 weeks last year. My BABY had a life, my baby existed, my baby died and I mourned that death.
I'm sorry this happened, but your feelings are just that - your feelings. You have no more right to impose your personal definition of murder on every other woman than PETA has to impose their definition of murder on you.

Don't you tell me that my baby wasn't human just so you can justify something.
I haven't seen anyone here do that. Your opinion is not the default; if you want to put it forward, you'll have to support it on its own merits.

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
While I wouldn't do it, I can't tell another how to answer that question.

I certainly can't see outlawing it... what sort of punishment would you give to the women?



Active Member
I knew I shouldn't have posted here. I said I greived the loss of my baby, but the truth is, I have never stopped greiving. It hurts me so much to think of all the woman who willingly cause what nature was so cruel to have done to me. I think that perhaps those women are misguided and so my hope was that by posting here and letting my feelings be known I could save a life. My intent was not to punish those women who have done this in the past. Since my words obviously fall on deaf ears and the harsh words of others in this room have caused me to relive one of the worst moments of my life, I will resign from this debate.


Depends Upon My Mood..
I knew I shouldn't have posted here. I said I greived the loss of my baby, but the truth is, I have never stopped greiving. It hurts me so much to think of all the woman who willingly cause what nature was so cruel to have done to me. I think that perhaps those women are misguided and so my hope was that by posting here and letting my feelings be known I could save a life. My intent was not to punish those women who have done this in the past. Since my words obviously fall on deaf ears and the harsh words of others in this room have caused me to relive one of the worst moments of my life, I will resign from this debate.

Your grief is yours..And I am sorry for it..the problem is when you "blur the lines" of your grief and go "aggressive" towards a woman who "willingly" ended a pregnancy..and besides that lady..dont you think women who aborted have their own grief?

Have your grief without attacking and judging others..Your grief is no more deep.


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Depends Upon My Mood..
My intent was not to punish those women who have done this in the past.

You could never "punish me" ..You arent that powerful.

I think that perhaps those women are misguided and so my hope was that by posting here and letting my feelings be known I could save a life.

Maybe you arent saving a life..maybe the women who aborted arent "misguided".How arrogant of you..




Well-Known Member

Without wanting to get into this too deeply (As there is another thread which is essentially the same in which I am already involved) I am a little bit confused. Please pardon me if I offend you DallasApple.

I understand your view on abortion is pro-choice. Am I correct in thinking that you do not consider a child to be a human at 5 weeks? Obviously I know nothing about you or your particular situation, but Im curious to understand how a woman who has an abortion can still have greif from it. Certainly I could understand it if you considered abortion to be the ending of the life of a human, but if you don't consider it to be a human what are you greiving? Would you greive the loss of your appendix after an appendectomy? Would you greive the loss of the chicken you ate at KFC?

Purely from a learning perspective, not from a confrontational one.



Depends Upon My Mood..

Without wanting to get into this too deeply (As there is another thread which is essentially the same in which I am already involved) I am a little bit confused. Please pardon me if I offend you DallasApple.

I understand your view on abortion is pro-choice. Am I correct in thinking that you do not consider a child to be a human at 5 weeks? Obviously I know nothing about you or your particular situation, but Im curious to understand how a woman who has an abortion can still have greif from it. Certainly I could understand it if you considered abortion to be the ending of the life of a human, but if you don't consider it to be a human what are you greiving? Would you greive the loss of your appendix after an appendectomy? Would you greive the loss of the chicken you ate at KFC?

Purely from a learning perspective, not from a confrontational one.


It is an ending of "life".Thats where the "grief' comes from.

I never said "it" wasn't human"...

NEVER put in my mouth again that I said a human egg cell that meets with a human sperm cell and starts to divide is not "human" ..Of course it is..Thats simple science...The cells were "human" before they met..Because "human cells" are whats required to "start " growth.Not primate ..or canine..or feline or chicken from KFC..or anything else..thats why it "worked" and they started to divide.




Depends Upon My Mood..
And at 5 weeks out?? I do NOT consider that a "child"..I have a differnt defintition of "child" than you do..

Some of ya'll can consider 2 cells uniting a "baby"..I dont think so..




Well-Known Member
...Calm down, this is a debate not a fight. Im trying to understand your point of view, not argue that you are evil, immoral, wrong, whatever. Sorry if I put words in your mouth or I misunderstood your position, as I have already said, but you don't have to be so hostile.



See the previous line

Without wanting to get into this too deeply (As there is another thread which is essentially the same in which I am already involved) I am a little bit confused. Please pardon me if I offend you DallasApple.

I understand your view on abortion is pro-choice. Am I correct in thinking that you do not consider a child to be a human at 5 weeks? Obviously I know nothing about you or your particular situation, but Im curious to understand how a woman who has an abortion can still have greif from it. Certainly I could understand it if you considered abortion to be the ending of the life of a human, but if you don't consider it to be a human what are you greiving? Would you greive the loss of your appendix after an appendectomy? Would you greive the loss of the chicken you ate at KFC?

Purely from a learning perspective, not from a confrontational one.

It's actually a psychological affect. Just a reaction of the brain.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
I lost a baby at 5 weeks last year. My BABY had a life, my baby existed, my baby died and I mourned that death. Don't you tell me that my baby wasn't human just so you can justify something.
I'm sorry you went through that, but it doesn't give you the right to reduce other women to baby factories.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
I lost a baby at 5 weeks last year. My BABY had a life, my baby existed, my baby died and I mourned that death. Don't you tell me that my baby wasn't human just so you can justify something.

I'm sorry to hear that. You're more than welcome to consider it a human, and mourn the loss. I'm not telling you what you can and can't think. It just appears you're letting your emotions get in the way in this conversation.

And again, this isn't about justifying something. The sooner you grasp that, the easier this will be. I don't want to justify anything because I can't ever see myself in the situation to have to make that decision. I have no personal stake in this.

I knew I shouldn't have posted here. I said I greived the loss of my baby, but the truth is, I have never stopped greiving.

Oh, I understand. In your case, it certainly is something to grieve for.

It hurts me so much to think of all the woman who willingly cause what nature was so cruel to have done to me.

And there's the problem. You're like a poor person looking at a rich person spending way too much money on something.

I think that perhaps those women are misguided and so my hope was that by posting here and letting my feelings be known I could save a life. My intent was not to punish those women who have done this in the past. Since my words obviously fall on deaf ears and the harsh words of others in this room have caused me to relive one of the worst moments of my life, I will resign from this debate.

Your words don't fall on deaf ears. We're just trying to look at the issue objectively and rationally. Having had the experience you had is going to make it hard for you to do that.

I haven't seen any harsh words here, at least nothing worse from our side than from yours. If I said anything to hurt you, I'm sorry. However, it seems likely that just participating in this debate would bring back those memories and cause you to relive that, even if none of us used things you perceived as harsh words.


god shall speak

Im pretty undecided about this subject, A drunken woman who has had unprotected sex and finds herself pregnant and then gets rid of it, thats a sin for god, a drunken woman who has unprotected sex and then gets pregnant but then finds out if she has the baby she may die due to some sort of illness, abortion at this stage is less of a sin. but still a sin. A woman carrying a rapists child, abortion in this situation is not sinful but selfish. A woman carrying a child which has been found to suffer from some sort of problem, like a bad problem, well abortion in this situation depending of the level of problem is either selfish or minor sinful.

That is my word


Active Member
Who does not consider a baby human?
For that matter, who does not consider the zygote, embryo, and or fetus human?

For that matter, it is illegal in all 50 US states to kill a baby regardless of age.
This was one of the main arguments at the beginning of this post (or possibly the other one)...
Whether the zygote/embryo/fetus is human (though I call it a baby, sorry..)


Active Member
That's the thing. If you make abortion illegal, you make it illegal for these women as well.
No, not necessarily. In fact, I'm pretty sure that if abortion was ever made illegal, it would be in a step process like this - probably only making it legal for this case and maybe the case or rape too or or.

-Abortions. Somebody that you don't know is getting an abortion. That does not affect your life in any way, does it? Why should you get to tell them what to do? They don't even know you.
You arn't thinking outside of your own self here. The point that you are trying to make is that it doesn't affect anyone. But you arn't considering the fact that what if 'you' were that child.