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Your view on abortion. Atheist welcome.


Well-Known Member
Exodus 21: 23, shows that God does not consider a forming foetus to be a living person.
If a man in a fight happens to knock a pregnant woman down, and if the woman herself, (A living Person) is hurt in any way, the punishment shall be life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise. But if it only the forming foetus which is lost, the womans husband only has the right to monetary compensation according to the approval of the judges, which is the same as in the case of the death of one of his animals by the hand of his neighbour.

How would you feel if the anti-abortion lobby were able to convince the authorities that be, to classify the forming foetus as a living person, meaning that you could be charged with murder or manslaughter for causing a pregnant woman to miscarry, even though by nature, she may not have been able to carry her pregnancy to its full term.

Do you accuse a woman who had an abortion, of having killed her unborn child? Or do you believe that a woman has the right of decision over her own body, and believe that she has the right to terminate the continued growth of the unwanted potential person=spirit who may develop in that body if it is allowed to form into a mature human body?

Well, whether a person is religious or not, abortion is still immoral and ridiculous thing to do. I mean, what does an innocent baby do/have done to you for you to kill it? Its not a pretty picture and it's horrific.


Active Member
Some religions consider all human life to be sacred(and not to be killed), and therefore push the idea that the fetus is a full-fledged human. Others of us don't believe human life is sacred, although all life is important, and also don't believe a fetus is a full-fledged human until viability. In that case the mother's moral compass should be the guide, although no abortion should be taken lightly, as a decision either way has major consequences.
Ha, moral...
That's why there are 16 year olds in my town having their second abortion? Which, of course, they will go on to have more... And still not ever use contraception
Half of these mothers you are talking about are some of the stupidest, hard-headed people you will ever meet...
(I am not saying that everyone who's had an abortion is the stupidest person in the world..)


Well-Known Member
Ha, moral...
Half of these mothers you are talking about are some of the stupidest, hard-headed people
(I am not saying that everyone who's had an abortion is the stupidest person in the world..)

Agreed.:)They're not only stupid, my dear. They're also cowards, afraid of responsibilities.


Active Member
Also, I think it's worth pointing out that you wouldn't be on trial for murder for performing an abortion anyhow, because the law doesn't consider a fetus to be a person either.
Yet you can go to jail for punching a pregnant woman in the stomach...

Edit: how did it work out when killers of abortion-providing doctors actually did argue in court that their actions were justified by the fact that they were protecting the lives of innocent babies?
All that has to do with is that the majority of the jurors not think that the fetus is a human.

And how horrible that someone whose brain is apparently built for rational decision-making would have that ability taken away by people who think they know better than she does how she should live her life.
How horrible that people would let her take another's life away.


Active Member
So, a baby that has no brain, arms, legs, lungs, eyes, ears, genitals, etc. is as much human as you or me?
If you're going to argue this you would also have to aruge that a newborn baby or even a child is not as much as a human as you. And I would not be as much as a human you. If it being less developed makes it less of a human than anyone who is less developed than you are is less of a human than you.

Exactly. How can it? I don't think it dies, which is why I don't think some abortions are wrong.
Umm yes, cells can die.....


Active Member
If it is not born yet it is not a baby.
Your dislike of this fact is irrelevant.
We can call it whatever we'd like, honestly..
You're the one that doesn't like that fact that we want to call it a baby.
If you wanted to always refer to it as ' a piece of s____' thats ur right
And we can call it a baby if we'd like..


Active Member
Because something that doesn't have lungs, eyes, legs, arms, a liver, etc. doesn't really resemble a human in any way at all.
This really bothers me. It's 'irrelevant' if I use a picture and say that the fetus at 12 weeks very much resembles a new-born baby, but if ya'll use the argument its relevant...
I don't know if it was you, but I'm just saying..
You can say it has the potential to become one, but you're being dishonest with yourself if you say you can't see how anyone can view it as not a human at that point.

Generally, I can do whatever I want, as long as I'm not endangering others.
BINGO!! And this is why it matters so much if they are considered human or not... (to whoever said it doesn't matter to the law)


Depends Upon My Mood..
Yet you can go to jail for punching a pregnant woman in the stomach...

You can go to jail for punching a NON pregnant woman in the stomach..Or for punching a non pregnant man in the stomach for that matter..




Active Member
Regardless of the divided opinion on whether or not a fetus is a child, until such time as I hear the so-called "pro-life" movement shouting just as loudly for the money needed to supply these women with drugs to save the lives of their children - actual children - as they do against abortion, I can't consider the movement anything other than hollow hypocrisy.
I assure you that there are tons of pro-life people who would give money to do that... I know I would.

For one thing, we have no reason to consider them children except the say-so of people who believe as you do.
You could just as easily flip this around.
We have no reason to consider them not children except the say-so of people who believe as you do.


Active Member
And that is another thing?

YOU have a baby YOU take care of it..Just like if I have an abortion YOU dont suffer..Its flat out NONE of your business..(not you Ball head..just using your statment)..

The babies I have had YOU did NOT do a DAMN thing for..Why do you care about the ones I "didnt have"?????

Look..go adopt some kids..or do something productive..


Ahh yes I think I shall..

I really do want to adopt.
And maybe it'll be a child that was going to be aborted but the mother gave it up for adoption instead.
And they will have a good, happy, healthy life contrary to belief...


Active Member
Oh and I've seen this before..Women who are DYING to have a baby are the cruelest towards women who abort..

Its NOT my fault you had a miscarriage lady!! Dont blame it on me..If I DIDNT have an abortion you STILL would have miscarried..


I really think you are being rude to her here..