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ZIONIST Grip on American Films

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New Member
In the first place the land of Israel was given to the Jews by God. So there is no question of who the the country belongs to [if you believe the truth]. And don't blame anyone else for making Arab/Muslims look bad they do it to their selves. Anyone that would strap a bomb to their self and kill their selves just to murder a bunch of innocent people not only looks like a fool they are a fool. As far as that goes people here in the U.S. bend over backwards not to offend Muslims. So lets put the blame where it belongs.


In the first place the land of Israel was given to the Jews by God. So there is no question of who the the country belongs to [if you believe the truth]. And don't blame anyone else for making Arab/Muslims look bad they do it to their selves. Anyone that would strap a bomb to their self and kill their selves just to murder a bunch of innocent people not only looks like a fool they are a fool. As far as that goes people here in the U.S. bend over backwards not to offend Muslims. So lets put the blame where it belongs.



In the first place the land of Israel was given to the Jews by God. So there is no question of who the the country belongs to [if you believe the truth]. And don't blame anyone else for making Arab/Muslims look bad they do it to their selves. Anyone that would strap a bomb to their self and kill their selves just to murder a bunch of innocent people not only looks like a fool they are a fool. As far as that goes people here in the U.S. bend over backwards not to offend Muslims. So lets put the blame where it belongs.


In November 1947, the United Nations voted in favor of the partition of Palestine, proposing the creation of a Jewish state, an Arab state and a UN-administered Jerusalem.[14] Partition was accepted by Zionist leaders but rejected by Arab leaders leading to the 1947–1948 Civil War in Mandatory Palestine. Israel declared independence on 14 May 1948.

Strange, I don't think God was in the UN around this time.
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Active Member
no fair to say that. it does not really make any difference if that's what he believes. no acceptable reason could be there for killing civilians, breaking up families, taking away children from their parents, humiliation...etc it is a nightmare


Correct, no justification for it, but hold on, that is what the Jews are doing right now.... Do you see hypocrisy here? I do.


Active Member
In the first place the land of Israel was given to the Jews by God. So there is no question of who the the country belongs to [if you believe the truth]. And don't blame anyone else for making Arab/Muslims look bad they do it to their selves. Anyone that would strap a bomb to their self and kill their selves just to murder a bunch of innocent people not only looks like a fool they are a fool. As far as that goes people here in the U.S. bend over backwards not to offend Muslims. So lets put the blame where it belongs.

I am going to use watch as an example here as you are throwing poo at me and clearly referring to me as a anti-Semite (or hinting at it)... Apparently it is horrible that Jews have been persecuted in Europe (specifically) but it is not horrible that Jews persecute others and most importantly, it does not seem to have any value that they do in the case of it, because they are Special.

Am I getting it right here ladies? As this is what the Jewish promoters are saying, I can recall two specifically in this thread, and mentioning Pure Blood might make you remember.
In the first place the land of Israel was given to the Jews by God. So there is no question of who the the country belongs to [if you believe the truth]. And don't blame anyone else for making Arab/Muslims look bad they do it to their selves. Anyone that would strap a bomb to their self and kill their selves just to murder a bunch of innocent people not only looks like a fool they are a fool. As far as that goes people here in the U.S. bend over backwards not to offend Muslims. So lets put the blame where it belongs.

wow.. blaming the Muslims as usual ...one thing you need to know those suicide bombers have nothing to do with Islam or Arabs they are trained by ZIONIST GROUPS who just live to make the Muslims look bad ... and about the land read some history .


New Member
The nation of Israel is a farce. It's entire creation was a crime. I don't understant Christian's dissent towards Jews. JESUS WAS A JEW! He was a practicing Jew! How an entire religion was formed by a few of his followers makes no sense. Jesus was a Jew.


New Member
It is amazing though how ONLY the U.S. and ISRAEL mutilate their male babies by performing circumcisions. We don't even think about it but there is NO REASON to mutilate male babies. No other countries on the planet practice this mutilation. There are many Jews in the U.S. medical community and it is just accepted.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
In the first place the land of Israel was given to the Jews by God. So there is no question of who the the country belongs to [if you believe the truth].
No, it was given to the Jews by the British... who also promised it to the Arabs. Hence two groups, both fighting for what they consider to be legitimate claims.

And don't blame anyone else for making Arab/Muslims look bad they do it to their selves. Anyone that would strap a bomb to their self and kill their selves just to murder a bunch of innocent people not only looks like a fool they are a fool.
Logically, anyone who has "strapped a bomb to themselves and killed themselves just to murder a bunch of innocent people" is not numbered among the Arabs or Muslims who you would interact with today, so I don't think it makes a whole lot of sense to base your treatment on a group of people who, by logical necessity (since they're still alive) haven't blown themselves up, on your opinion of those who have.

As far as that goes people here in the U.S. bend over backwards not to offend Muslims.
And Christians. Look, for instance, at how one Christian organization howled at the mere fact that atheists met with members of the White House staff: OBAMA AIDES HOST CATHOLIC BASHERS

So lets put the blame where it belongs.
If this means to you that we should ignore a century of rather complex geopolitics, then I think that's just silly.


It is amazing though how ONLY the U.S. and ISRAEL mutilate their male babies by performing circumcisions. We don't even think about it but there is NO REASON to mutilate male babies. No other countries on the planet practice this mutilation. There are many Jews in the U.S. medical community and it is just accepted.

"Say what you know. Think about what you don't"

It has been variously proposed that circumcision began as a religious sacrifice, an offering to ensure fertility, a tribal mark, a rite of passage, an attempt to emphasise masculinity, a means of humiliating enemies and slaves,[15] or as a hygienic measure.[15][16] Darby describes these theories as "conflicting", and states that "the only point of agreement among proponents of the various theories is that promoting good health had nothing to do with it."[15] Immerman et al. suggest that circumcision causes lowered sexual arousal of pubescent males, and hypothesize that this was a competitive advantage to tribes practising circumcision, leading to its spread.[17]

The oldest documentary evidence for circumcision comes from ancient Egypt.[18] Circumcision was common, although not universal, among ancient Semitic peoples.[19] In the aftermath of the conquests of Alexander the Great, however, Greek dislike of circumcision (they regarded a man as truly "naked" only if his prepuce was retracted) led to a decline in its incidence among many peoples that had previously practiced it.[20]

Circumcision has ancient roots among several ethnic groups in sub-equatorial Africa, and is still performed on adolescent boys to symbolize their transition to warrior status or adulthood.[21]


Admiral Obvious
In the first place the land of Israel was given to the Jews by God. So there is no question of who the the country belongs to [if you believe the truth]. And don't blame anyone else for making Arab/Muslims look bad they do it to their selves. Anyone that would strap a bomb to their self and kill their selves just to murder a bunch of innocent people not only looks like a fool they are a fool. As far as that goes people here in the U.S. bend over backwards not to offend Muslims. So lets put the blame where it belongs.
So the Jews stole the land because they believe that some god gave it to them?
So much for thou shalt not steal.


New Member
It is amazing though how ONLY the U.S. and ISRAEL mutilate their male babies by performing circumcisions. We don't even think about it but there is NO REASON to mutilate male babies. No other countries on the planet practice this mutilation. There are many Jews in the U.S. medical community and it is just accepted.

Number one there is medical evidence of women who are married to uncircumcised men having cervical cancer more than other women. And two that extra skin holds bacteria and has to cause a smell. Look it up online.
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Number one there is medical evidence of women who are married to uncircumcised having cervical cancer than other women. And two that extra skin holds bacteria and has to cause a smell. Look it up online.

Provide a link to your claim. Though I don't doubt this is true; this was my understanding why it took place.

Granted, there is no reason for female circumcision.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Number one there is medical evidence of women who are married to uncircumcised having cervical cancer than other women.
That's a bit misleading.

Female partners of circumcised men had a moderate but nonsignificant decrease in risk of cervical cancer (OR 0.72, 95% CI 0.49 to 1.04). This inverse association was not changed by any of the women’s variables. Monogamous female partners of circumcised men at high risk of HPV (intercourse before age 17, six or more sexual partners, and history of contact with prostitutes) had a significant reduction in risk of cervical cancer (OR 0.18, 95% CI 0.04 to 0.89). If both male and female partners were at low risk of infection, the women’s risk of cervical cancer was similar whether their partners were circumcised or uncircumcised (OR 1.61, 95% CI 0.86 to 3.02)
Circumcision and cervical cancer

Note the key points:

- when looking at all subjects, the difference in cervical cancer risk was nonsignificant.
- when looking at low-risk subjects, the risk was similar.

And two that extra skin holds bacteria and has to cause a smell.
Sure... if you don't wash yourself properly. But if you've got that problem, you'll smell regardless of the state of your foreskin.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Provide a link to your claim. Though I don't doubt this is true; this was my understanding why it took place.
No, it mainly took place because of long-held myth and folk wisdom that turned out to be wrong. We've stopped taking out kids' tonsils as a matter of course; similarily, we've stopped circumcizing baby boys as a matter of course as well... except for the US, apparently.


No, it mainly took place because of long-held myth and folk wisdom that turned out to be wrong. We've stopped taking out kids' tonsils as a matter of course; similarily, we've stopped circumcizing baby boys as a matter of course as well... except for the US, apparently.

Very enlightening information. Thank you 9/10ths. 33 years and still on the ball. ;)

Do you know if circumcinsion actually causes any harm?


Active Member
No, it mainly took place because of long-held myth and folk wisdom that turned out to be wrong. We've stopped taking out kids' tonsils as a matter of course; similarily, we've stopped circumcizing baby boys as a matter of course as well... except for the US, apparently.

I am circumcised :)o), and good points, well my Penis look much bigger.... But that is obviously subjective and there is Less smell.

Any Negative point I wouldn't know about, I got circumcised in LATE AGE so I know the difference and lived with and without, now obviously I cant go back. The "no smell" point was promoted several times for me, I did notice that it seems much "cleaner" but I guess that is very subjective, say if your partner decided to pull down your pants at the dinner table giving you fellation it is certainly better being circumcised, but other then that, I cant say.

I did it for a very specific reason which I will not relay here.


No, it was given to the Jews by the British... who also promised it to the Arabs. Hence two groups, both fighting for what they consider to be legitimate claims.

Actually it was set up by the league of nations and the British ran it under Mandate and there were two countries set up one Jewish and one Arab-- Israel and Jordan.


I have no doubt in my mind that if early America was capable, had necessary technology to have pulled out of such a thing, and secrecy to enact a sysematically exterminate Natives/Blacks, they would have more than likely attempted such a move.

can we deal with facts and not "what ifs" the treatment of Jews in Europe has been horrifying for centuries culminating in the holocaust there is no justification for this treatment. No Christ Killing, no Blood libels, all bollocks.


can we deal with facts and not "what ifs" the treatment of Jews in Europe has been horrifying for centuries culminating in the holocaust there is no justification for this treatment. No Christ Killing, no Blood libels, all bollocks.

I mean, if your question is can I compare the persecution of Jews, the persecution of any other instance of racial killing, yes. We call it racism and a crime against humanity.
Anyone killing anybody on these grounds is going to use the most efficient system available.

Christ killing? really, you thought I would argue that?
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