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Was Islam spread by the sword?

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There was nothing but rhetoric and the denial of at least 200 items by the half attempt to discredit 4 or less there, no exit strategy necessary.

say the person who runs away from the thread, and then comes back to defend his runaway stance with weak logic.

I have stayed within the confines of this topic, whereas you've run away from it.



Well-Known Member
Hurt? What are you talking about? Since when is not wanting to waste time with personal commentaries where arguments are supposed to be, being sensitive?

Ya know, to be fair, this wasn't really directed at you but at the countless number of people who bow out of a conversation (or who get increasingly defensive of their stance) just because they're obviously being trolled of when they're "losing" one of these arguments.

I've kept up with this thread and I think you'd have more luck kicking his *** by removing the pro Judeo-Christian bias. Take that part out. The fact that these great scholars aren't Muslim is enough to make the point you were trying to make.

Then again, there's also the problem of Western bias in academia...


say the person who runs away from the thread, and then comes back to defend his runaway stance with weak logic.

I have stayed within the confines of this topic, whereas you've run away from it.

Who stayed within the confines of anything was never the point. If you had objected that I was being off topic that would have been at least something. No, you had to try and weaken 3 or 4 scientists out of 200 to dismiss the whole but even that was not unexpected or what I said I don't have any use for. I had realized with my first post to you, you are going to work in a huge amount of color commentary that has nothing to do with anything and decided to leave you alone with what ever is causing you to behave that way. I then mistakenly responded to a post of yours, I did not realize who I had responded to until I typed my response out. I thought that since you were new to me I would give you another shot. You soon confirmed everything I had originally thought. I resolved my original conclusion was justified and as you did not have any real argument what so ever there was no longer anything to respond to but commentary. Now I have explained this more than once and have resolved you would only take up time which I have little of lately and not present anything new or challenging and so I am out. You can crow about invisible victories or how your lacking an argument is my fault if you wish. I have set the record straight and for now am done with you.
Last edited:


Ya know, to be fair, this wasn't really directed at you but at the countless number of people who bow out of a conversation (or who get increasingly defensive of their stance) just because they're obviously being trolled of when they're "losing" one of these arguments.

I've kept up with this thread and I think you'd have more luck kicking his *** by removing the pro Judeo-Christian bias. Take that part out. The fact that these great scholars aren't Muslim is enough to make the point you were trying to make.

Then again, there's also the problem of Western bias in academia...

Sorry. It followed a similar post that was directed at me and so I assumed that it was as well. Belay my last.

BTW I use almost entirely Islamic scholars in my primary Islamic arguments. I cannot get a single Muslim to even stay in the conversation so have been just jumping around. I can't get one in particular to even acknowledge I or others responded to his argument. He just keeps re-posting it over and over. This thread is a great example of what Islamic apologists should never do.

However I am unsure how to defend Christianity or discuss it from a non Christian view point. What are you talking about specifically? Christianity and Jewish domination of science in it's great golden age is just a fact that secular folks agree to. I did not create those lists, scientists earned there way onto them. For example the Jews in particular since 1948 have made less than 1% of the Arabian continent produce more science than the rest of it combined, despite having none of the natural resources others do, and having to spend more per person of defense than any nation in history. That is not bias, that is simply a fact.


Veteran Member
Was Islam spread by the sword?


For example:

Spread of Islam in the Philippines: [1]

Islam is the oldest recorded monotheistic religion in the Philippines. Islam reached the Philippines in the 14th century with the arrival of Muslim traders from the Persian Gulf, Southern India, and their followers from several sultanate governments in theMalay Archipelago. According to the U.S. Department of State International Religious Freedom Report for 2013, the Muslim population of the Philippines is between 5% to 11% of the total population.[1]

The vast majority of Muslims are Sunni belonging to Shafi school of jurisprudence, with small Shia and Ahmadiyya minorities.[2] While the majority of the population are Roman Catholic, some ethnic groups are Protestant, non-religious, Hindu, Buddhist and Animist.[3]


n 1380 Karim ul' Makhdum the first Arabian trader reached the Sulu Archipelago and Jolo in the Philippines and through trade throughout the island established Islam in the country. In 1390 the Minangkabau's Prince Rajah Baguinda and his followers preached Islam on the islands.[4] The Sheik Karimal Makdum Mosque was the first mosque established in the Philippines on Simunul in Mindanao in the 14th century.

Subsequent settlements by Arab missionaries traveling to Malaysia and Indonesia helped strengthen Islam in the Philippines and each settlement was governed by a Datu, Rajahand a Sultan. Islamic provinces founded in the Philippines included the Sultanate of Maguindanao, Sultanate of Sulu,Sultanate of Lanao and other parts of the southern Philippines.

When the Spanish fleet led by Miguel López de Legazpi arrived in the Kingdom of Maynila, they were met by Rajah Sulaiman III.

By the next century conquests had reached the Sulu islands in the southern tip of the Philippines where the population was animistic and they took up the task of converting the animistic population to Islam with renewed zeal. By the 15th century, half of Luzon (Northern Philippines) and the islands of Mindanao in the south had become subject to the various Muslim sultanates of Borneo and much of the population in the South were converted to Islam.

However, the Visayas was largely dominated by Hindu-Buddhist societies led by rajahs and datus who strongly resisted Islam. One reason could be due to the economic and political disasters prehispanic Muslim pirates from the Mindanao region bring during raids. These frequent attacks gave way to naming present-day Cebu as then-Sugbo or scorched earth which was a defensive technique implemented by the Visayans so the pirates have nothing much to loot.[5][6]

During the reign of Sultan Bolkiah from 1485 to 1521, the Sultanate of Brunei having seen the feature of Manila as a natural port, the Brunei Sultan tried to have a part of Tondo's the incoming China trade by attacking its environs and establishing its own Sultanate of Kota Seludong, now Manila ruling under and giving yearly tribute to the Sultanate of Brunei as its satellite state.[7]

A new dynasty under the a local Lumad leader who accepted Islam and became Rajah Salalila or Rajah Sulayman I. He also started to established a trading challenge the already rich House of Rajah Lakandula in Tondo. Islam was further strengthened by the arrival of Muslim traders and from Jolo, Mindanao, Malaysia and Indonesia.[8]

Islam in the Philippines - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I don't see any sword in spread of Islam in the Philippines.

Please correct me if I am wrong.



Active Member
Was Islam spread by the sword?


For example:

Spread of Islam in the Philippines: [1]

Islam is the oldest recorded monotheistic religion in the Philippines. Islam reached the Philippines in the 14th century with the arrival of Muslim traders from the Persian Gulf, Southern India, and their followers from several sultanate governments in theMalay Archipelago. According to the U.S. Department of State International Religious Freedom Report for 2013, the Muslim population of the Philippines is between 5% to 11% of the total population.[1]

The vast majority of Muslims are Sunni belonging to Shafi school of jurisprudence, with small Shia and Ahmadiyya minorities.[2] While the majority of the population are Roman Catholic, some ethnic groups are Protestant, non-religious, Hindu, Buddhist and Animist.[3]


n 1380 Karim ul' Makhdum the first Arabian trader reached the Sulu Archipelago and Jolo in the Philippines and through trade throughout the island established Islam in the country. In 1390 the Minangkabau's Prince Rajah Baguinda and his followers preached Islam on the islands.[4] The Sheik Karimal Makdum Mosque was the first mosque established in the Philippines on Simunul in Mindanao in the 14th century.

Subsequent settlements by Arab missionaries traveling to Malaysia and Indonesia helped strengthen Islam in the Philippines and each settlement was governed by a Datu, Rajahand a Sultan. Islamic provinces founded in the Philippines included the Sultanate of Maguindanao, Sultanate of Sulu,Sultanate of Lanao and other parts of the southern Philippines.

When the Spanish fleet led by Miguel López de Legazpi arrived in the Kingdom of Maynila, they were met by Rajah Sulaiman III.

By the next century conquests had reached the Sulu islands in the southern tip of the Philippines where the population was animistic and they took up the task of converting the animistic population to Islam with renewed zeal. By the 15th century, half of Luzon (Northern Philippines) and the islands of Mindanao in the south had become subject to the various Muslim sultanates of Borneo and much of the population in the South were converted to Islam.

However, the Visayas was largely dominated by Hindu-Buddhist societies led by rajahs and datus who strongly resisted Islam. One reason could be due to the economic and political disasters prehispanic Muslim pirates from the Mindanao region bring during raids. These frequent attacks gave way to naming present-day Cebu as then-Sugbo or scorched earth which was a defensive technique implemented by the Visayans so the pirates have nothing much to loot.[5][6]

During the reign of Sultan Bolkiah from 1485 to 1521, the Sultanate of Brunei having seen the feature of Manila as a natural port, the Brunei Sultan tried to have a part of Tondo's the incoming China trade by attacking its environs and establishing its own Sultanate of Kota Seludong, now Manila ruling under and giving yearly tribute to the Sultanate of Brunei as its satellite state.[7]

A new dynasty under the a local Lumad leader who accepted Islam and became Rajah Salalila or Rajah Sulayman I. He also started to established a trading challenge the already rich House of Rajah Lakandula in Tondo. Islam was further strengthened by the arrival of Muslim traders and from Jolo, Mindanao, Malaysia and Indonesia.[8]

Islam in the Philippines - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I don't see any sword in spread of Islam in the Philippines.

Please correct me if I am wrong.

The Muslim population in the Philippines is only 5 percent and that is after 7 centuries of Islamic influence. The Arab countries were converted to Islam by the sword within a few decades after Mohammad's death. In short Islam is better accepted when it is spread by the sword.


Freedom Of Mind
For example the Jews in particular since 1948 have made less than 1% of the Arabian continent produce more science than the rest of it combined, despite having none of the natural resources others do, and having to spend more per person of defense than any nation in history. That is not bias, that is simply a fact.

It proves what the quran had foretold that Jews will overcome the Muslims in the end of times, tell us how many Jews scientists that were known from the 1st century till the 18th century.

And We decreed to the Children of Israel in the Scripture, that you will make corruption twice on Earth, and that you will become very high and mighty.(17:4)


The Lost One
In the beginning, when Muhammad started going out in public with his messages, most Meccans chose to ignore while others mock him.

Muhammad may have started his new religion peacefully, but when he started preaching that Muslims should destroy idols and tear down Mecca's old and traditional religion, so it was Muhammad who threatened the way of life for Meccans first.

Such preaching is not one of peaceful man, but an aggressive one. The Meccans reaction to Muhammad's religion was to meet aggression with aggression.

It was Muhammad who started raiding caravans, that actually sent a message, that his followers were now armed and ready to attack Meccan interests. If anyone who was a traitor, it was him.

It is doubtful that Mecca would have surrendered so quickly, if Muhammad didn't march in with thousands of warriors. Muhammad only got as far as he did, because he had a sizeable army to command. And he only took all of the Arabian peninsula because of that army. The towns didn't surrender to him because he was a prophet, but because he was a warlord with an army that can threaten anyone who oppose his leadership.


Active Member
In the beginning, when Muhammad started going out in public with his messages, most Meccans chose to ignore while others mock him.

Muhammad may have started his new religion peacefully, but when he started preaching that Muslims should destroy idols and tear down Mecca's old and traditional religion, so it was Muhammad who threatened the way of life for Meccans first.

Such preaching is not one of peaceful man, but an aggressive one. The Meccans reaction to Muhammad's religion was to meet aggression with aggression.

It was Muhammad who started raiding caravans, that actually sent a message, that his followers were now armed and ready to attack Meccan interests. If anyone who was a traitor, it was him.

It is doubtful that Mecca would have surrendered so quickly, if Muhammad didn't march in with thousands of warriors. Muhammad only got as far as he did, because he had a sizeable army to command. And he only took all of the Arabian peninsula because of that army. The towns didn't surrender to him because he was a prophet, but because he was a warlord with an army that can threaten anyone who oppose his leadership.

In short Islam was spread by the sword. Thanks!!!!


The Lost One
harikrish said:
In short Islam was spread by the sword. Thanks!!!!

What was the 1st thing that Muslims did after Muhammad's death, regarding to foreign policies?

They attacked the Byzantine province of Syria, and then attacked Persia. Both conquests were the act of aggressions, not of peace. Yeah, peace came after they had surrendered, but the Muslim Arabs still attack lands that were not their own.

Would Islam spread to Syria and Persia peacefully? Yes, it is quite possible that Islam would have eventually reached Syria and Persia without fighting. But that didn't happen. Muslim Arabs had invaded without provocation; so the Muslims weren't fighting defensive wars against Byzantines and Persians.

Decades of battles and wars between the Byzantines and the Persians had taken heavy tolls on both empires, so they were too weakened to resist invasion by a third party.

It wasn't defensive when they also invaded Egypt, then later Libya and other North African kingdoms. And it was certainly not peaceful or defensive, when they invaded the Spanish peninsula, and drove the Visigoths from their homes.

Islam was never a peaceful religion, nor were the earlier Muslims and their succession of empires.

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
As she be clear facts of Islamic history books about the hundreds of thousands and even millions of deaths between the wars of apostasy and the invasion of Iraq *, do not complete the writing chapters of the tragedy only drops of blood falling from the bodies of the people of Sham, and with it the smell of fear and submission and young ... And surrender.
It is noteworthy that the Muslim invasions of Iraq dead and over a million at least – as mentioned in the previous article in the 7th century, the primitive weapons, excels by 20: 1 over the number of victims of Iraqi invasion with modern weapons and approaching 50,000, but that most of the people of Iraq to talk with going down the traps of jihadist groups according to more precise statistics (1)
Once again we see the Islamic legends don't find her bond of history about compassion and peace, we find only giving no peace, and plea for mercy-no mercy
Really, death may be the lesser of tyranny (2), but what about religion, many of his followers still wanted death and tyranny are both, then thereby concealing sin by hills of lies, it reads such dark pages of history should remember the words of Voltaire "that rubbish and lies by thoughtfully, can lead to acts of cruelty and savagery roundups," (3)
... Islamic conscience remains sedated, not Intuit horrors of history committed by Muhammad and his followers, it is condemned by his apology or a prophet of the Arabs, but on the contrary warranted in defense of Muhammad Quran machine fetish even falsely.

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
Starts the third chapter of the Islamic alkomedia black ...

+ Between calculated wants Al-Hoor and greedy in the Roman women kawa'ib:
As completed, Abubakar ordered the people of apostasy, the guide of the Islamic armies, Syria. He wrote to the people of Mecca and Taif and Yemen, all Arabs, and Hijaz alert them to Jihad and desire them and spoils of rum, he hurried people between calculated and greedy, and brought the city from all sides. It was the first armies of Islam into the Cham army of Yazid Ibn ABI sufyan (23/6/12 h). Then the durations of three brigades of three men: Khalid ibn Sa'id ibn al-' as Ibn umayyah and shurahbeel Ibn Hasan and Umar Ibn Al-AAS bin wail equity. These brigades were held in (zero year 13 h), then Abu Bakr said of Princes: that you come together to combat your Abu Obeida Fihri, and Yazid Ibn ABI sufyan. The AMR Ibn El-AAS was extended to Muslims and Prince to join it. ..

Then Abdel Abu Bakr later Khalid Bin Saeed Abu Arwa **** (4). When the Muslim Cham was all Amir were meant to hand to being invaded b and its RAID there. It was AMR Ibn al-' AAS conquered Palestine and Jordan and had graduated to invade more than Ibn ABI Sufyaan invades the land of Damascus. (5) the contract of every Prince in the start command to the 3,000 it was Abu Bakr followed even now supply each with Prince seven thousand five hundred, and then subsequently rounded up complementarity and twenty-four thousand of ...

+ Invasion and credit cart airflow (the first incursions and skirmishes): (6)
The first was signed between the Muslims and the people of the villages in Gaza told a creditor of dathin was between them and the Gaza Strip. The Romans occupied Damascus where heavy fighting. The village fell before the arrival of Khalid Bin Walid extended to Syria. He defeated Abu albahli to him, kill them penguins.
Draws more than Ibn ABI Sufyaan requested that Penguin. The language that the coach of the land of Palestine to Greek, he drew them echo bin ajlan, father of him, killing them and albahli killed their Commander and then went out.
Narrated Abu mikhnaf on cart that six leaders of the Roman commanders took the cart in the 3,000, then marched them Abu in intensified the Muslims, defeated and killed one of the pimp, and I am following it became to descending, defeated and captured Muslims sheep well

+ Join Khalid Al Sham armies (on the road to Damascus): (7)
Killed ... The spoils of ... Aslab... Women ... And necks flying
When that have appealed to AMR Ibn al-' AAS terms of Abu Bakr. Sent Khalid Ibn Al-Walid bin mechanism marauding makhzumi from Iraq (in confusion) directing to an admin to Syria.
When the eternal book Abu Bakr came so, Khalid said: this work alaaser bin or covered-meaning of Omar Ibn Al-Khattab-envy to open Iraq to my hand ...
They do not understand that it was a power struggle and degradation of politics, not his ethics and honor.
And shirkuh split his army's Muthanna bin Haritha ASSHAIBANI Kufa area marched (in March year 13) in his army, not passing peacefully or lawsuits or litigations, but destroying managed to destroy it on the road, and it carries the banner of Black's
* It came into dates., opened by force. And attacked her, they hit their necks, and the captivity of dates and of those stationed many sent as slaves to Abu Bakr, and then killed their Commander Khalid Ibn Al-Walid Hilal bin ungratefuled him Ibn bishr Al-nimri and solid into dates. It was not only the victory, the wild Khalid refuses to leave an imprint, a solid guy.
* Then walked Khaled from the date it came sandodaa was appointed and the horde of kinda and Iyad and Persians, the murderer, her fingernail, and behind them Saad bin Haram Al-Ansari.
* Eternal was that Brown beat bin Wael balmdaih walhasid wearing, they have Rabia Ben in gear. They toed them, the killers, defeated them and enchant and sheep, and sent a spy to Abu Bakr.
* Then attacked Khaled krakr, a water dog tribe.
* Then to only with the folk of Beherea. Killing them harkos bin Al-Numan albahrany of Otter and swept their money and had found his group and harkosa drink and sing, weharkos a world with the arrival of Khalid, scarring, saying:
But Abu Bakr army allani perhaps mnayana nearby wonder
When the murderers of Muslims to make his blood drips into the Bowl where the tassel. His head is said to have left too ...
* It only took Khaled and participation (Ark), he attacked and blockaded them until they reconciled the spoils them for Muslims.
* And Domat Al-Jandal, below. Then came a frangible, valid children of encouraging Brown Otter wrote them secure the booty and Octagon captive.
* And then destroyed her family refused to came and were holed up, and then asked the security it security to be people of edema, that Muslim and kirwa acquiesced to them. It is the enslavement of the people under the banner of Jihad
Then came the two villages, the people, the deadly fingernail and sheep. Then came talk of Snir, attacked her family's livestock, the killers, and the people of Baalbek were extended and the optical Horan, the nail of their captivity and murder.
Then came the Meadow, Ghassan al-rahit attacked on vshahm, they are Christians, the exile and murder.
* The secret of Ibn ABI Khalid calligonum Ameri of quraish and Habib Ben Muslim compulsive to the ghouta, they attacked the villages of villages. And Khaled to tuck that fold by Damascus. They stop the clock a Publisher I've ever seen, a banner was black, it's called a punishment day..
* Secret sent to the Church the ghouta, killing men, women and children demonstrated the offended to Khalid.
It was all the towns and villages that crushed bin Walid about 16 town or village
* Khalid then walked up to the Muslims and their optical channel. He reportedly came by Abu Obeida Al jabiah in the community of Muslims, met all optical and flashlight.

«Mohammed: embraced Islam received... ".(8)

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
+ Invasion of optical and other (9)
And she would land the Muslims
The first city of Cham cities fell in the hands of the Muslim hordes Orban for the Khalid Bin Walid who was the optical met them eternal ordered to fight, then they plastered and they fought their way (Christian leader) until algowa and his companions it... Then they make peace with people that believe in their blood and their money and their children to play tribute.
And she all Muslim land, Horan and they make triumph over them. Then Abu Obeida Al-Jarrah in the Muslim community of owners of princes included him, came from Balqa and map by collecting enemy fell like optical.

+ «Ajnadayn 1: (April, year a.h.-July 13, 634 m) (10)
Nearly 50,000
And ' AMR Ibn Abu obaida bin when he heard the surgeon and Ben and graduated more than bin Abi sufyan even found them, they met bagnadine Valley vehicles of Gore and the two men are said to have alkobklar the Greek wetzark, then was signed Greek, in ajnadayn between 90-100 a squadron of Hercules the most, the residence of the counts, and Hercules then resident in Homs. The Muslims their assassin, heavy fighting... They killed 50,000 sheep and fruitfully pursued not just booty Muslims and took them gold and silver crosses.
Then collected Roman collection baliakosh (jamada 13 h), Muslims found them there, they uncovered them, beat them and killed many of them, and their notches in the cities of the Levant. Then he died Abu Vate Muslims mourn and baliakosh.

+ Location, solution in Jordan (a, year 13 AH): (11)
Killed nearly 100,000
And after the succession of Umar Ibn Al-Khattab in five months, the Hercules of what became the Antioch Roman and triggering the Islanders then they found a Muslim male from Jordan, the Romans occupied Damascus more fighting and beaten and defeated Roman. And by the way, about 10,000, and the Romans occupied Damascus by male as most Romans occupied Damascus never fight night and day to night, injuring 80 000 Roman and the solution, but alsared did not escape, and defeat the soldiers of Al-Sham to mud, they rode him and right Muslim took them and they pricked them with Spears, they were defeated and killed balrdagh, the male and the rest are scattered in the cities of the Levant, and some of Hercules, and the entrenchment of the solution confined to Muslim asked security to perform the tribute

Then sided with remnants of the Roman, gathered in three points represented the flaming trap to try to revive the Roman Christian Arab Coalition to confront the invasion of alarbani, and the spots were at ajnadayn and Gaza and Beit She'an, it draws the AMR Ibn al-' AAS to ajnadayn, sharhabeel bin Hasan went to Nissan.

+ Hanisah invade Jordan (Bisan Tiberias): (12)
They were created so much
Then he conquered Al zaeem bin good rest Jordan and forcibly, apart from Tiberias, the people they make peace with the Muslim leader, father of the cecum that reached their peace to graduated, then his good fear-after days of siege-the equity in their homes and churches (the share of Muslim houses in the cities, and what it took to arrive, they claim their half, they meet in the other half) of ... Then they they broke their peace in the succession of Umar, they met people from Greek and others, ordered Abu Obeida, Omar Ibn El-AAS, bully, he hurried to 4,000, fell again.
Then complete the Jordan of ... It was conquered by Bissan graduated, and Muslims her family's killer, killing them created a lot, and Sussiya, Fiq, Jerash, Beit RAS, Jerusalem and the Golan Heights and the Jordan and darkening all its territory. And also of acre, tyre wesforih.

+ Amr bin AAS conquered Palestine and Jordan: (13)
Then his career was AMR Ibn al-' AAS to the coast of Jordan, since much of the rum and the durations: Hercules and Constantinople. AMR wrote to Abu ubaidah rather. He Abu Obeida Yazid Ibn ABI sufyan. He walked over to his brother, muawiyah I fell the rest of the coast of Jordan

+ Complete invasion of Palestine (14)
Then complete the rest of Palestine after AMR's invasion of Gaza, followed then by the city of sebastia and Nablus, and then builds the weamwas and Bayt Jibrin, and took the name ajlan alleges farm Molly (ABD), and Jaffa, Rafah on like that and this was a way to fulfill his dream of the great invasion of Egypt

Recite the sacred month when fighting a great fight say (2: 217)

+ «Meadow or Prairie Roman (Muharram year 14 e) (15)
Of their dead Earth vantent
Then I met Roman gathering a great Chinese-led and tozera the Penguin, and supplied them with extended Hercules. It found them Muslims were heading to zero meadow to Damascus. The Romans occupied Damascus heavy fighting until the blood in the water and milled by the mill, killing from their hands by the army of Yazid Ibn ABI sufyan, and behind them an army Khaled (Khalid has suffered and they fight, taking them from behind); it did not escape them except alsared, and injured some 4,000 Muslims. He defeated the Romans, filled the lawn of their dead, vantent them land, and escaped from the escaped them, did not release them, and rode اكساءهم to Homs. So they came from Damascus and Jerusalem said. And then killed Khaled ibn Sa'id ibn al-' as Ibn umayyah..

+ Conquest of Damascus: (Rajab 14 e) (16)
The Muslims fight completed met their Prairie stayed fifteen night, Omar was the isolation of Khalid Ibn Al-Walid (17) and used a father Obeida on all people, then returned to Damascus for 14 night stay of fourteen years and is forbidden by nstas bin nstors, the besieged people of Damascus nearly six months, Muslims are balshov and the vast and the catapults and the people of Damascus stranded city hope to escape, taking the Muslims around ghouta and churches by force.
And shield people and closed the door. The home of Khalid Ibn Al-Walid on the Eastern Gate in nearly 5,000 represent him Abu Obeida. The monastery was named him Khalid der Khalid. AMRO disembarked on Bab Touma. And graduated at the door of her Lodge. And Abu Obeida, on the door of Al jabiah. And descended more than Ibn ABI Sufyaan on door to door known as bekisan. And Abu owaimer Ibn ' Aamir syndrome Alder bio ceramic raggi on armed bbersh.

And while the balathuri in the fall of Damascus advances of betraying a alasak

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
+ Invasion of the rest of the coast: (18)
The increases came after Damascus, Sidon, and Byblos and Beirut race and the coast, and his brother Erik, he opened a small breakthrough scared many people, and muawiyah invaded the race himself in the State than the army. Then, the Roman they make triumph over some of these coasts in the last succession of Umar Ibn Al-Khattab or the first Caliphate of Uthman Ibn affan, the intent of them rolling up to open, and then rmeha and shipped by fighter and gave them the herds, as well as by atbek on terms of Jizya.

+ Invasion of Homs and baalback and protectors (15 h): (19)
Abu Obeida said: ...They have enslaved us
That Abu Obeida Al-Jarrah to the completed Damascus made him indispensible Khalid Ibn Al-Walid bin Al-taie žiar then went. When they reached their assassin who tyre and then took refuge in the city and demanded security fearing, and subjected to the tribute.
Then came chick fell and held them tribute.
Al-waqidi confirms that Abu Obeida said Muslims: "had seen the opinion that I believe these killings out of their money and their dependants, they enslaved us, people and the country and take their land tax and their tribute: it they agree to him.
It was this is the philosophy of Islamic tolerance?? ...
Enslaving people to serve their masters new followers of Muhammad!!!
Then behind the silent worship bin Al-Ansari, Homs and Hama, some received her submissive, re-tested on the tribute in their head and abscess on their land. It went to shaizar imposed as satisfaction of Hama. Khellah amounted to agriculture and the qastal and Abu Obeida, bemarh and is attributed to Al-nu'maan Ibn Basheer, took his hands in surrender. Then came the city of illiterate, do her like that and was dissolved by the tribute.
Then received a message from Abu Obeida, Omar Bin Al-Khattab instructing refund his armies which had been sent to Aleppo, and to the East, and to stay in the city until, in the spring of the first year 15 e, because asthar fighting the Persians in Iraq at the time.

+ Invasion of qinnasrin 15 e (20): he was a great one and left the city pass
Abu Obeida said: ... And kill the men and have been plundering funds
Then that Abu Obeida Al-Jarrah after he hums came qinnasrin, he says: "o great people we have seen from our time and change to qinnasrin and capitals and kill men and have been plundering funds", individual Muslims: Yes I saw my Secretary of the nation.
And this ideology that drives men to kill men and looted money!?!?!
Even oversaw qinnasrin and capitals. Said Abu Obeida Mohamed owners: they launched the raids, they launched the raids and called strains and killed the men, came the introduction qinnasrin Khalid Bin Walid, as they creep down the present Roman, and Minas, the Roman and the grandest including header after Hercules, it met with the present, was killed and his death Minas killed like, either the Roman, died on blood even one of them left, and deadly city of qinnasrin themselves, since the people of qinnasrin so they closed their city and was dissolved by the magistrates and the performance of the tribute and they returned to Fortresses and asked magistrate Khaled, his good to peace, hommos, ABI Khaled at akherab city, as their income hit where slaughtering cows and sheep. Our range section and make the remainder in private

Muhammad: "the war trick (21)

+ Invasion of Latakia 15 (22)
Then came Abu Obeida Latakia, killer her. It was a great door opens but no group of people. When he saw the way difficult Askar city. Then ordered to dig fossils as squadrons can a man and his horse in one of them. It plied the Muslims dug so emptied of them. Then showed Muslims returning to Homs, when Jean had the night returned to their camp wehavaerhm, and people feel they have fooled the Latakia walked away from them. When they opened their door and they send away them. Not only Muslims and guard them them experience the city fell and entered the worship of fortress, and then topped its wall, it grew. People fled from Latakia to Mr. Christians, then asked security to back down to their land. It is blacklisted on the outlying areas of steady play would reduce or ketru.

+ Conquest of Aleppo and Antioch and its environs: (23)
Then deported Abu Obeida to Aleppo and Ayaz bin introduction sheep Fihri, and found her sheltering descended on them. It sometimes calls people that demanded security fearing for themselves and their money and their city wall, churches and homes and the fortress of. This also fell.
Abu Obeida marched from Aleppo to antakya has been barricaded by the creation of the Jund qinnasrin. When he became bemhrobh, and nearby leagues from the city of Antioch, he collected from the people of the country and the rum. It is their breaking up and algahm to the city and besieged her in all the doors. Most of the army section of the Knight and the section called Bab Al Bahr. They then his good to the tribute and evacuation. Radishes and some stayed. It Security and put on every dreamer whom JD wegriba. Then spend your Covenant drew attention to Ayaz bin Obeida Muslim conquered again. Is said: but you enjoy after returning to Palestine, he ' AMR Ibn al-' AAS from ailiaa it conquered.

Abu Obeida was that Roman met between maaret insisting and Aleppo, he found them and killed several Penguin, and that army and enchant and sheep. It dropped maaret insisting such as magistrate of Aleppo. And Galt racehorses was regretful, and opened villages Al-jomma wesrmin thuan wetizin passed. And they make peace with people of der tayayah der Palm shoot to add from over them from Muslims.

Then Aleppo sajur River wemnbg, and weraban the time referred to, and to make them spies and eyes on rum on condition safety.

Then fell date stalk webals and minors. And the Muslims evicted people Palace and the minors and left paying tribute, then old most to rum, the island and the village of bridge of manbij... Abu Obeida Al-Furat was then returned to Palestine. And the city of grgromh and her family, and required to be gwasisa for Muslims.
And then fell in the leagues of jableh Balla forcibly. Then she ruined her fear her. Then protoplasm.
And then I fell antartos, was a fortress, then pulled him to his family.

Hundreds of thousands of dead inspired the Quran and Al-Anfal

+ «Yarmouk: (June 15 e) (24) and fighting inspired the Quran is.In Surat Al-Anfal:
Approximately 200-250 thousand dead


Veteran Member
Was Islam spread by the sword?


For example:

Spread of Islam in the Philippines: [2]

According to the U.S. Department of State International Religious Freedom Report for 2013, the Muslim population of the Philippines is between 5% to 11% of the total population.[1]

The vast majority of Muslims are Sunni belonging to Shafi school of jurisprudence, with small Shia and Ahmadiyya minorities.[2] While the majority of the population are Roman Catholic, some ethnic groups are Protestant, non-religious, Hindu, Buddhist and Animist.[3]


In 1380 Karim ul' Makhdum the first Arabian trader reached the Sulu Archipelago and Jolo in the Philippines and through trade throughout the island established Islam in the country. In 1390 the Minangkabau's Prince Rajah Baguinda and his followers preached Islam on the islands.[4] The Sheik Karimal Makdum Mosque was the first mosque established in the Philippines on Simunul in Mindanao in the 14th century.

Spanish encounter[edit]

Rajah Sulayman was the Muslim Rajah of Maynila, a kingdom at the mouth of the Pasig River where it meets Manila Bay, at the time the Spanish forces first came to Luzon.[9][10][11]

Sulayman resisted the Spanish forces, and thus, along with Rajah Matanda and Lakan Dula, was one of three Rajahs who played significant roles in what was the Spanish conquest of their kingdoms of the Pasig River delta in the early 1570s.[12]

Moro (derived from the Spanish word meaning Moors) is the appellation inherited from the Spaniards, for Filipino Muslims and tribal groups of Mindanao. The Moros seek to establish an independent Islamic province in Mindanao to be named Bangsamoro. The term Bangsamoro is a combination of an Old Malay word meaningnation or state with the Spanish word Moro.

A significant Moro Rebellion occurred during the Philippine–American War. Conflicts and rebellion have continued in the Philippines from the pre-colonial period up to the present. Other related issue with the Moro secession is the territorial dispute of eastern Sabah in Malaysia which claimed by the Sultanate of Sulu as their territory.

Muslim Mindanao[edit]
Main article: Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao

The Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) is the region of the Philippines that is composed of all the Philippines' predominantly Muslim provinces, namely: Basilan (except Isabela City), Lanao del Sur, Maguindanao, Sulu and Tawi-Tawi, and the Islamic City of Marawi. It is the only region that has its own government. The regional capital is at Cotabato City, although this city is outside of its jurisdiction.

Islam in the Philippines - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I don't see any sword in spread of Islam in the Philippines.

Please correct me if I am wrong.



The Lost One
No one is denying that there were many people had converted to Islam, freely, but there are historical evidences, that Muslims had conquered many lands, early on, settled in places where don't belong to, and place all sort of restrictions upon non-Muslims, until they give up and converted, because they don't have full rights as citizens in the countries they born in, lived in and died in.

That's coercion. You may not physically harmed, but it is still coercion nevertheless, because Muslim have restricted their rights for being non-Muslim citizens. Non-Muslims should have the freedom to rebel against any Muslim leader (be they kings, caliphs, sultans, presidents, prime ministers, dictators, etc) or Muslim-run governments.

And there is nothing peaceful about expanding the Islamic empire. They had still invaded another lands, that they had no rights to enter; it is not defensive warfare, but offensive warfare.

And because of those former empires, they did spread Islam by the sword.


Veteran Member
No one is denying that there were many people had converted to Islam, freely, but there are historical evidences, that Muslims had conquered many lands, early on, settled in places where don't belong to, and place all sort of restrictions upon non-Muslims, until they give up and converted, because they don't have full rights as citizens in the countries they born in, lived in and died in.

That's coercion. You may not physically harmed, but it is still coercion nevertheless, because Muslim have restricted their rights for being non-Muslim citizens. Non-Muslims should have the freedom to rebel against any Muslim leader (be they kings, caliphs, sultans, presidents, prime ministers, dictators, etc) or Muslim-run governments.

And there is nothing peaceful about expanding the Islamic empire. They had still invaded another lands, that they had no rights to enter; it is not defensive warfare, but offensive warfare.

And because of those former empires, they did spread Islam by the sword.


Veteran Member
"Muslims had conquered many lands"

Wars are fought by the states/empires for many reasons, not only for conversion of religions.




The Lost One
paarsurrey said:
"Muslims had conquered many lands"

Wars are fought by the states/empires for many reasons, not only for conversion of religions.

You're being terribly naive.

With the Muslim army and Muslim colonists settling on land not belonging to them, come the religion.

You still don't understand the Muslim Arabs had invaded land that were never Islamic. Later other empires invaded more non-Muslim lands.
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