Someone should. I spent minutes finding a list to link to. Well...minute (singular) anyway.Well let me address this
Phhht. We EXPORT most of the uranium, petroleum and coal we mine because we're so green we don't want to use it. Ahem...Just because you do not have the technology to be anything but green does not mean you are better at it than us
well that is just plain wrong......Have you seen the obesity rates of this guys have NO idea what you are talking about
Good food is see, the difference between eating crap and eating whole...ermm...
Sorry, I'm not sure how to translate my response into Americastani.
well that is just plain wrong......Have you seen the alcoholism rates of this guys have NO idea what you are talking about
Never challenge an Aussie on beer swilling. It's our official national sport. We consume 6 litres per person more than you guys annually, and majority of our beer is actually beer. We also discovered the world's only truly effective hangover cure. I can't give it away entirely, but there are a couple of key tenets;
1) Hangovers don't occur whilst drinking, they occur AFTER drinking.
2) Beer can be used as a replacement for milk on cereal
You're confusing 'job' and 'hobby' again.Again, not having a job or having a job outside wrestling crocodiles does not equal vacation
I'll assist.
A hobby is something you do by choice, because it makes you feel good about yourself, or similar.
We wrestle crocs, laze around with beer, and give the world someone to look up to.
You invade small nations. Or large nations. Any nations, really.
A job is something you do for monetary reimbursement. All Aussies know bosses are ********, it's part of the Australian psych. Therefore, I work for myself. Sure, my boss is still a *******, but he's unlikely to sack me when I skive off. Unfortunately, I don't get the holidays this article spoke about, but...umm...
(I am SURE I had a point here somewhere...!)
This is just an excuse for being unedu-ma-cated
We actually charge way too much for uni, and I have a personally soap box I like to climb on with regards to this. However, since we're only comparing Australiastan to Americastan, we come out smelling like roses, since you guys seem keen to place every college student in permanent debt as a payback for having frat parties, or something.
well that is just plain wrong......we have no NEED to travel domestically..... we know where we are
Just barely, I think, and as long as you're allowed to answer by saying 'I'm here" rather than where you are in relation to the rest of the world. I'm sure Americans think of the Southern Hemisphere as 'the other hemisphere'.
We actually spread out our cities, and only have five that are populated by more than a million people. So if ya wanna go from an actual city to an actual city in Australia, you're either driving a frigging long way, or you're flying.
No...can't compare don't have enough cars
You guys have us covered in terms of number of cars. I hope, for your sake, you also have us covered price-wise, since cars are expensive here, particular since local manufacture has all but stopped (quite a recent development). But we are probably better at the safety thing. It's weird, we have this reputation for being laidback, and saying no worries, but our road-rules are borderline ridiculously tight, and strictly enforced. Definite nanny state mentality. If I hear one more spokesperson mutter some drivel about reducing speed limits further because they know speed is a factor in deaths, I'll scream.
Of course speed is a factor. Travel at 1 km/h and you can ram every pedestrian you come across without killing them. Should we limit speed limits to 1 km/h? BAH!
*looks around*
Where am I ?
Ok...maybe you got me here.... but..... well.... never mind
Yeah. I'd bite the bullet on that one if I was you too. I was tempted just to offer that up, and leave it there, given that the rest of the list is of dubious quality/accuracy.
We did that in the it right and moved on.... try and keep up...
We said 'laid back' not hippie-free-love-protest-a-thon. Hippies seemed to stand for piles of idealistic stuff, then grew up to have brat kids called Sunflower that were never disciplined.
Standing seems like an awful lot of effort, and people with kids called Sunflower deserve a swift kick in the pants.