So are you claiming that saying "Bahai texts call homosexuality an evil passion to be purged from the world, immoral, a shameful aberration, a handicap, affliction, against nature", is misrepresenting what Bahaism says about homosexuality?
During the time frames when most religious works were written, humans did not have modern science or modern medicine. Some combinations of human sexuality were observed to be more unsanitary and disease prone. If there had been an AIDs pandemic 2000 year ago, there would be mass death and no way to stop it. The people of the time would observe these things, correlate behavior, and then make some more taboo and others behavior more acceptable, based on the observed health and/or attrition.
Today we have all types of science and medical mops; good and services, to clean up after behavior that can still create natural pushback/feedback. Morality was not subjective and/or arbitrary but had a logical basis connected to healthy natural living, at a time before science and medicine learned to cheat mother nature, with artificial prosthesis. These criteria are still used today to help people differentiate behavior that are self standing natural, versus behavior that needs propping up to create an illusion or fantasy of natural. Resistance to total acceptance is there to keep the natural line in the sand, conscious, less unnatural gets ahead once again and causes lots of tragedy.
In the Bible, I never found any direct taboo against being lesbian. I have read where translation has lumped all references together as homosexual, but only gay behavior was singled out. Men are dogs and gay men can take this to the next level; Sodom and Gomorra without female resistance.
In terms of lesbians, polygamy was common due to war, death and the need to help widows with children avoid adultery; too many women and not enough men. Many women were not ready to forget the love of their life, but they needed assistance to help with their children; sisterhood.
Males are the one's that tend to think with the lower brains; daily desire to procreate. They tend to be the creators and spreaders of intimate diseases; spread of AIDS. This has not changed in thousands of years, so the push back is still there.