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Mother mary without sin?


Veteran Member
Mother Mary without sin?

She is/was a great woman after all she was mother of a great truthful prophet/messenger of G-d and the Israelite Messiah, right?
Quran has appreciated her deeds and a whole chapter/surah of Quran is dedicated in her name, please, right?



unknown member
It's not a sin to make out with the Roman army's football team, and when she got pregnant she thought it was no one's business so she made up a little lie involving God, not a biggy, but things got out of hand from there and now we have a religion and all the bloodshed that followed from that. I don't think she did it intentionally, I mean, how could she have known?


Veteran Member
It's not a sin to make out with the Roman army's football team, and when she got pregnant she thought it was no one's business so she made up a little lie involving God, not a biggy, but things got out of hand from there and now we have a religion and all the bloodshed that followed from that. I don't think she did it intentionally, I mean, how could she have known?

Are you saying that Mary also made up lies about he son Jesus and what he did?


Veteran Member
Starlight said:
Is mother Mary without sin?
Mother Mary without sin?

She is/was a great woman after all she was mother of a great truthful prophet/messenger of G-d and the Israelite Messiah, right?
Quran has appreciated her deeds and a whole chapter/surah of Quran is dedicated in her name, please, right?

Another Bible contradiction.

That would make Jesus a blemished figure as the Bible states all have sinned.

You mean Paul's doctrine of original sin?
Paul and Church invented weird creeds this one is a classic that Mary sinned, the Israelite Messiah never said anything like that, please, right?
If yes, then quote from him, right?


blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Is mother Mary without sin?
I don't know.

Her chief fame is being a virgin mother. This is based solely on the gospels of Matthew and Luke. In Mark she's not a virgin, and with Paul and in John it's not mentioned, a rather thunderous silence, I'd say.

So at best Mary is 2/5th virgin mother, but as for her sins, the record is silent.

Though, what was the final finding about the disappearance of Joseph? Perhaps there's a record of interview somewhere in the Vatican archives.


Well-Known Member
Paul and Church invented weird creeds this one is a classic that Mary sinned, the Israelite Messiah never said anything like that, please, right?
If yes, then quote from him, right?
AFAIK he never said anything like that. The common law presumption of innocence comes from the Torah that he endorsed, so there's no way that they are on the same page on that point.


Veteran Member
Mother Mary without sin?

She is/was a great woman after all she was mother of a great truthful prophet/messenger of G-d and the Israelite Messiah, right?
Quran has appreciated her deeds and a whole chapter/surah of Quran is dedicated in her name, please, right?

" Quran has appreciated her deeds "

Quran Verse 66:13:
وَمَرۡیَمَ ابۡنَتَ عِمۡرٰنَ الَّتِیۡۤ اَحۡصَنَتۡ فَرۡجَہَا فَنَفَخۡنَا فِیۡہِ مِنۡ رُّوۡحِنَا وَصَدَّقَتۡ بِکَلِمٰتِ رَبِّہَا وَکُتُبِہٖ وَکَانَتۡ مِنَ الۡقٰنِتِیۡنَ ﴿٪۱۳﴾
English - Sher Ali
And the example of Mary, the daughter of ‘Imran, who guarded her private parts — so We breathed into him of Our Spirit — and she fulfilled in her person the words of her Lord and His Books and was one of the obedient.



aged ecumenical anthropologist
I do not believe that Mary was without sin, nor do I believe Jesus was either.


Veteran Member
I don't know.

Her chief fame is being a virgin mother. This is based solely on the gospels of Matthew and Luke. In Mark she's not a virgin, and with Paul and in John it's not mentioned, a rather thunderous silence, I'd say.

So at best Mary is 2/5th virgin mother, but as for her sins, the record is silent.

Though, what was the final finding about the disappearance of Joseph? Perhaps there's a record of interview somewhere in the Vatican archives.

In Mark it is not mentioned and in John it is not mentioned and nobody else in the NT mentions it asaik.
With your logic (well we'll call it logic for the discussion) that means that Mark and John and Paul anyone else who wrote the NT think that Mary was not a virgin.

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
In Mark it is not mentioned and in John it is not mentioned and nobody else in the NT mentions it asaik.
With your logic (well we'll call it logic for the discussion) that means that Mark and John and Paul anyone else who wrote the NT think that Mary was not a virgin.
If you were writing a history of Richard Nixon and it was widely understood that he could fly unaided, a feat beyond any other human, would you mention it in your history? Of course you would.

That's why the silence of Paul and the authors of Mark and John is so thunderous. That God personally made her pregnant and not any human is the one truly exceptional claim about Mary. If they had thought Jesus was born of a virgin they would have proclaimed it. And none of them did.