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Why Does Religion Exist

Why does religion exist

  • 1-Superstition

    Votes: 22 38.6%
  • 2-Tool of control

    Votes: 20 35.1%
  • 3-To convey valuable life lessons

    Votes: 19 33.3%
  • 4-Profound truth

    Votes: 15 26.3%
  • 5-Other

    Votes: 38 66.7%

  • Total voters


Non-Binary Physicalist
Premium Member
I personally believe religion is a side effect of how our intelligence evolved, and how our brain works.

We are a curious species, pondering, we love patterns, even to the point that we see patterns where there are none (because that can have evolutionary advantages). Guesses is better then no action at all.

I suspect religion has been unavoidable for an advanced intelligent species, not necessarily in an organized form as homo sapiens has had it though but that has worked well for our social structure.

I think we humans want to have an answer for everything. Even if we have to make one up.


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
Here are a few reasons you may or may not agree with.

1-Religion is a holdover of superstition from a time with limited scientific knowledge that we have since grow out of so it no longer has any value in our lives.

2-Religion is a tool is a tool that was and can be used to control the masses.

3-Religion contains valuable lessons like fables to aid people in their journey through life.

4-Religion is a profound truth that if understood leads one to a correct understanding of reality/the universe.

5-Other. A different reason for why religion exists which doesn't fit into any of the above. Please explain.
I wpuld choose “other”. Religion exists because our brains have naturalistic evolved traits that favors the belief in conscious agencies, even when there is no conscious agency involved. Therefore, beliefs in gods are a by-product of our evolutionary past.


- viole


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Interesting that when you think about rudimentary religion, you think "feelings of awe," but when I think about rudimentary religion, I think "tribalism."
I base my thoughts about rudimentary religion on things like the development of proto-religion in chimps, which very definitely is connected to feelings of awe.


Veteran Member
What does Paul's writings have to do with what gospel writer Luke wrote in Acts of the Apostles __________________
Paul did Not address Theophilus - Acts 1 to 5.
Acts 1:6-8 is Jesus (Yeshua) speaking and instructing in verse 8
Just as Jesus gave instructions at Matthew 24:14
" Acts of the Apostles "
"Luke-Acts was written by an anonymous Christian* author who may not have been an eyewitness to any of the events recorded within the text."
*Pauline Christian
It was definitely neither written by Yeshua, nor by anyone amongst the "twelve " so its contents and as also the contents of other Gospels, I understand, are not reliable, please, right?



Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
" Acts of the Apostles "
"Luke-Acts was written by an anonymous Christian* author who may not have been an eyewitness to any of the events recorded within the text."
*Pauline Christian
It was definitely neither written by Yeshua, nor by anyone amongst the "twelve " so its contents and as also the contents of other Gospels are not reliable, please, right?

It's as reliable as the quran.


Veteran Member
I personally believe religion is a side effect of how our intelligence evolved, and how our brain works.
We are a curious species, pondering, we love patterns, even to the point that we see patterns where there are none (because that can have evolutionary advantages). Guesses is better then no action at all.
I suspect religion has been unavoidable for an advanced intelligent species, not necessarily in an organized form as homo sapiens has had it though but that has worked well for our social structure.
Where there is intelligence there is a mind, where there is a mind there is a person, where there is a person there is personality
In the Bible the intelligent Person with a brain/mind and a personality is: God - Psalm 90:2
In the Bible God's patterns do repeat
Even when we look up at the clouds we can see or look for patterns where there really are no concrete ones
Without organized morality social structure suffers, a biblical moral life style is beneficial
Moral living is part of worship/religion

Eli G

Well-Known Member
Religion exists for exactly the same reason that family exists: we have an original Father in heaven.

Atheists always ask the same question because they believe that religion or worshiping God is something artificially created. Well no, the original religion was not invented, because it was the way to honor our Father, the One who created the planet, filled it with abundant things to enjoy and then placed our first human parents on it.

When humans separated from Him, they looked for substitutes, and out of necessity began to serve other gods, real or fictitious, but who will never be God either by authority, nor by power, nor by wisdom... and much less by right.


Veteran Member
Religion exists for exactly the same reason that family exists: we have an original Father in heaven.

Atheists always ask the same question because they believe that religion or worshiping God is something artificially created. Well no, the original religion was not invented, because it was the way to honor our Father, the One who created the planet, filled it with abundant things to enjoy and then placed our first human parents on it.

When humans separated from Him, they looked for substitutes, and out of necessity began to serve other gods, real or fictitious, but who will never be God either by authority, nor by power, nor by wisdom... and much less by right.
Here, in one's post "Father " is in poetic/symbolic and figurative, not in physical or literal sense, right, please?


Eli G

Well-Known Member
When Jesus spoke about God to his followers, he often called Him "your Father in heaven."

So, yes, the true God is our Father, and we can try to find Him if we still don't know Him ... like a child looking for his biological father does.


When Jesus spoke about God to his followers, he often called Him "your Father in heaven."

So, yes, the true God is our Father, and we can try to find Him if we still don't know Him ... like a child looking for his biological father does.
Yes. The one who made Mysteries into Wonder and Awe.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
The creator, in the sense of the initial "seed" I would say.
The "creator" is a noun indicating a person -- notice the suffix "or." Create + or means the person who creates. It does not refer to the first thing that the Creator creates.

Not everyone believes in a creator, so if you don't, that's okay.


Veteran Member
paarsurrey said:
Here, in one's post "Father " is in poetic/symbolic and figurative, not in physical or literal sense, right, please?
The creator, in the sense of the initial "seed" I would say.
Only if one has used the natural word "seed" ,in poetic/symbolic and figurative, not in physical or literal sense, right, please?



Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Depends on the definition of person..
..but certainly not 'person' as in human being :)
Good point. If you define person as a human, I agree there is a problem. But most religions do consider God or gods to be a "person."

Regardless, the suffix "or" added after a verbal root word does indicate a person who does that action. For example, actor, director, instructor, translator, etc. etc... Once in a blue moon, you will get this pattern indicating an object rather than person, such as elevator. However, a non-person cannot create, so that option is not available.
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Veteran Member
Regardless, the suffix "or" added after a verbal root word does indicate a person who does that action. For example, actor, director, instructor, translator, etc. etc... Once in a blue moon, you will get this pattern indicating an object rather than person, such as elevator. However, a non-person cannot create, so that option is not available.
Well, that would be a language issue .. which is one of the reasons why G-d is referred to as 'He'..

It denotes respect, but not a person. The same as in many languages i.e. objects can be male/female.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Well, that would be a language issue .. which is one of the reasons why G-d is referred to as 'He'..
God is referred to as "he" for a number of reasons, for example see your quote below:
It denotes respect, but not a person. The same as in many languages i.e. objects can be male/female.
Right, and in Hebrew, there is no "it." There is only he and she. So in choosing which pronoun to use for God, an obviously patriarchal culture chose he.

None of this indicates that God is actually a male. He doesn't have a penis. God trascends gender.

If someone wants to refer to God as "she" or "it," I have no problem with it.