Jesus spent 3 years trying to convert people right. Only ended up with twelve disciples. One of whom denied him, Matt. 26:69-75. One who betrayed him, Matt. 26:15.
While on the cross he was derided and mocked. Matthew 27:39–44.
Jesus said he came for the Jews, Matthew 15:24. Who he was rejected by.
It was Paul who went to the gentiles and started the Christian movement.
All of the miracles he did, healing people, bringing people back from the dead, feeding thousands with 5 loafs of bread and 2 fish. You'd think he'd have gotten more of a following among the people he claimed he came for.
Christians have promoted the idea that we should be more like Jesus? He was not a very good teacher/preacher to his chosen audience. Was it part of God's plan for Jesus to fail?
You need to look longer term. After you dig the earth and plant seeds nothing seems to happen, until the seeds finally sprout, the it takes time to to grow and then finally it bears fruit.
For example, after a shaky start, Christianity would go on to become the official religion of Rome in the 4th century, and inherit the Last Great empire of the Western Ancient World; Holy Roman Empire. In the modern era, the Christian nations of that Holy Empire in Europe, such as Great Britain, Spain, France, Portugal, Denmark, Germany, Russia, would own the world; combined world empire. They would even inherit the Western Hemisphere; Americas, with all that open pristine land and natural resources. It was being saved.
The message of Jesus was way ahead of his time. At took time to develop until the fruits start to appear. Paul worked the transitional time trying to teach people to understand how law could be used by crooks for the benefits of crooks; Trump Trial in NYC.
This is part of the reason a Third Testament should be written; Works of the Spirit, connected to the Holy Spirit and the inspired rise of Christianity, over the last 2000 years. We can documents all the fruit and the world wide impact, in spite of the Atheist mirror religion within, that constantly tried to undermine the works of the Spirit.
The Spanish Inquisition was based on the Atheism Influence; money and power, and not the teachings of Jesus; forgiveness of sins. The dark Atheist side of Christianity; mirror religion, should be part of the full story, so Atheism can get the credit it deserves, for the dark mirror side of the Christianity. Hitler was part of that dark side executing Jews, Catholics and Gypsies instead of loving his neighbor. In the Atheist mirror religion is a waste of time, when hate and force is faster and better serves the mirror.
Note: Atheism is defined by what it is not, so if Christian says love they need to say hate. If Christianity says forgive that say condemn. My guess is this group was successful in keeping Christianity down for the first few centuries. The merger with Rome would make a more balanced Christian; Christian/Pagan Composite, so there was a truce for 1000 years until 1400AD.