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Challenge: I'm willing to convert if.......

Anyone can prove that the miracles of any kind in the major religious texts, actually happened.

Yes, that's right I am happy to become a Christian or a Muslim.

However, if these miracles cannot be proven, then you must reflect on your belief and the possibility that you believe in what you do, because of your upbringing.

Do not be afraid.
In other words you cannot discern proof from faith.


Active Member
or...steady state theory from other theories...as if they were all "true."

No, that's incorrect. They are theories based on something measurable.

Your beliefs are based on something that cannot be measured, i.e a book written 2000 years a go


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Yes you are right, I cannot put faith into something without some sort of proof.

Especially a book that was written 2000 years a go.
Well, you should open the "book that was written 2000 years ago" and read Hebrews 11:1 (or better yet, the entire chapter).


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
No, that's incorrect. They are theories based on something measurable.

Your beliefs are based on something that cannot be measured, i.e a book written 2000 years a go
This is also wrong. Belief in God is based on the knowledge that He exists. Since widespread literacy is a relatively recent phenomenon, it is obvious that beliefs are based on the actual existence of God and His interaction in our lives.


Jesus in me
I was healed of asthma in the hospital by Jesus Christ. The doctors were unable to break the spasm, but when a pastor asked Jesus to heal me, the spasm instantly broke and I immediately became a Christian. (I was a confirmed atheist right up to that moment.)
I believe you were fortunate to have a pastor who actually believed in healing.


Veteran Member
Thanks, being a Veteran Member, I imagine you have been on a journey, could you please share some of the miracles you have encountered and/
When I was young (1975), I wanted to travel the world. In 1989 I made my world trip. Half way my "travel desire" was gone, and I started reading Spiritual books. Reading got me interested in Spirituality. Next year I booked my trip to India. I was drawn to a Master in the South, and I stayed in the Ashram

First trip, second day, I got terribly sick, too sick to attend Darshan (meeting the Master).

My roommate wanted to share all the miracles he experienced or heard about.

BUT, I said "I don't know anything, so I don't want to hear anything, I want my own experiences, not being biased".

Ca. 7 days later, this boy runs into the room, shouting "you fool, the Master wanted to grant me interview, but said that 2 were missing, so we didn't get it". I was surprised the Master knew me, as there were thousands of people, and I was sick in my room. But I was too sick, so I said "Well if this Master is Divine incarnated, he should heal me, because I'm too sick".

2 hours later I was completely cured. My first miracle.

We went to Darshan, we did get our interview, I did see another miracle that blew my engineering mind away. I did get what I asked for (my own experiences). And from that moment I guess I was kind of hooked to Spirituality.
or explain how I could search for it myself.
Easiest is to get detached from the world. If too attached to worldly charm, you are not open to Spirituality. You only have so much time in a day. Worldly experience is easy to get, Spirituality usually not, unless you learned the art of not being attached to worldly sense gratification.

Purify your body, speech and mind is also part of Spirituality. Clean conscience will connect you to the Spirit within

Wish you all the Best on your journey
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"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
Since I was healed while in the hospital by Jesus Christ, so I don't need to prove anything to myself or others.
Out of curiosity, if you were looking for Christ's healing, why did you need to find it in a hospital? I would have thought a church a more likely place to find him -- hospitals being full of medical folks and all.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Out of curiosity, if you were looking for Christ's healing, why did you need to find it in a hospital? I would have thought a church a more likely place to find him -- hospitals being full of medical folks and all.
Challenge: I'm willing to convert if.......

So, did our friend @Madsaac got converted, please, right?

Even though this was posted in April...

a) I was not "looking for Christ's healing". In fact, I was an atheist at the time I was healed. I was healed by Christ via a pastor's prayer.
b) If you think that Jesus Christ's miracles are limited to a church building, you need to read your Bible.
c) The medical personnel in the hospital had nothing to do with my miraculous healing. In fact, they were astonished that my "unbreakable" asthma spasm was completely and instantaneously broken.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Even though this was posted in April...

a) I was not "looking for Christ's healing". In fact, I was an atheist at the time I was healed. I was healed by Christ via a pastor's prayer.
b) If you think that Jesus Christ's miracles are limited to a church building, you need to read your Bible.
c) The medical personnel in the hospital had nothing to do with my miraculous healing. In fact, they were astonished that my "unbreakable" asthma spasm was completely and instantaneously broken.
I am happy for you that you got better.


Active Member
Still waiting...........anyone, anything. If someone can show something I can then go and follow it up......have you ever heard of seen a miracle?

These huge religions have been on the something that just isn't there.

Maybe I'm wrong, I'll ask again anyone have anything, do you?

I only believe miracles and prophecies of the Bible because I have seen them happen.
So because I have seen them and know how they work, I can show them to you if you like.

As an example I can show you a prophecy about a miracle. The prophecy of the wolf with the lamb is known as a future magical event when predator and prey will be at peace with each other.

This prophecy:
"The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them". Isaiah.

I know the wolf has always been with the lamb. The prophecy was fulfilled the moment it was spoken.

I will show you how it works:

In Ezekiel there is a description of 12 city gates, each is assigned to a different tribe. Three tribes to each direction.

In the easterly direction is Joseph, and Benjamin.
And at the east side four thousand and five hundred: and three gates; and one gate of Joseph, one gate of Benjamin, one gate of Dan. Ezekiel

Here Benjamin is as wolf:
Benjamin shall ravin as a wolf: in the morning he shall devour the prey, and at night he shall divide the spoil. Genesis.

Here Joseph is as sheep:
"Give ear, O Shepherd of Israel, thou that leadest Joseph like a flock; thou that dwellest between the cherubims, shine forth". Psalm

Therefore the wolf is with the lamb in the east. It is a fact.

In support of this miracle evidence I will show you another part of the same prophecy, the lion with the calf.

Here Reuben as in the place of cattle:
Now the children of Reuben and the children of Gad had a very great multitude of cattle: and when they saw the land of Jazer, and the land of Gilead, that, behold, the place was a place for cattle; Numbers.

Here Judah the lion:
"And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof". Revelation.

Together in the North:
"And the gates of the city shall be after the names of the tribes of Israel: three gates northward; one gate of Reuben, one gate of Judah, one gate of Levi". Ezekiel.

So according to the twelve gates, the wolf is with the lamb in the east, and the lion is with the calf in the north.

Can you see this miracle?

This is how miracles, and prophecies work. The positioning of words. I can show more examples to confirm it.