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  1. Jane Doe

    IR New

    Welcome to the forum! :)
  2. Jane Doe

    Hi all!

    Welcome! Welcome! :)
  3. Jane Doe

    What happens when we die?

    Doesn't really matter if they're clean or not. When you die, your body releases all waste products - so no matter what, by the time the paramedics/coroner/whoever gets there - you've already icked them up anyway. Fresh clean underwear are a must - but strictly for hygenic reasons.
  4. Jane Doe

    Ask a Mormon! (Part Two)

    Pushy Canadians. Whoda thunk it? :D
  5. Jane Doe

    Ask a Mormon! (Part Two)

    FFH, Actually, that was informative. :) I've never really thought about the "urgency" of their message. I believe in reincarnation, so what I don't get around to in this life, I'll get to in the next. ;) I AM an educated woman. I was also born, as with every other creature, with free...
  6. Jane Doe

    Ask a Mormon! (Part Two)

    Then.. I'm so adorably cute that they feel compelled to tell me about lions and lambs. :) Either way, I'd rather read my book. Hrm.. maybe it's my usual reading choices that makes them gravitate towards me... Horror, Crime, True Story Serial Killers.. you know.. the usual cute n' fluffy stuff.
  7. Jane Doe

    Ask a Mormon! (Part Two)

    Sorry - I was wearing sunglasses and the tags were shiney... and I tried not to spend too much time lookin' 'cause that's an INSTANT invitation to start talking to me, apparently. :) Still wearin' nametags.
  8. Jane Doe

    Ask a Mormon! (Part Two)

    Only I get two types of missionaries bangin' on my door. LDS and Jehovah's Witnesses. The JW usually pick older people - and usually it's a man and a woman. (which also ticks me off 'cause I was taught to be polite to my elders. #!$#@) The LDS are ALWAYS wearing suits, always look like Opie...
  9. Jane Doe

    Ask a Mormon! (Part Two)

    No confusion. They wear little gold pins with "Latter Day Saints" or "Elder" or something to that effect. And they tell me who they are and what they're doing.
  10. Jane Doe

    Ask a Mormon! (Part Two)

    "Saved" was my word, not that of the Mormons I've been.. accosted by. They'd just like to enlighten me as to how one day, the lions will lie down with the lambs. ~shrug~ I'll bring the BBQ sauce when it happens. :rolleyes: I just meant that they must think I really need to find religion...
  11. Jane Doe

    Ask a Mormon! (Part Two)

    I do! I've never hit one of them with a broom when shooing them off my doorstep. Lovely. Lucky me. But I don't get the same ones all the time. Maybe they teach them to be more assertive up here?
  12. Jane Doe

    Ask a Mormon! (Part Two)

    Right, then.. here's where I get to jump in. :D After wading through 25 pages (that's why it's taking me so long to post, btw - I'm trying to read all of the threads in their entirety), I've seen the exchange regarding the missionaries (and their black suits) but it didn't answer my...
  13. Jane Doe

    Frubals and Awards...hmmmm I want some

    Welcome! And have some frubals! :) Sometimes talking to yourself is the only way to have an intelligent conversation. ;)
  14. Jane Doe

    Why I use my own name!!!

    Who says I don't use my real name?! Yeah.. I guess it might be a bit obvious... But... SOMEONE had to be the first Jane Doe, right? :)
  15. Jane Doe

    Hello... Again

    I just got here a couple of days ago.. but welcome back! :)
  16. Jane Doe

    Hey There!

    You have more influence than you realize, Ðan! You lead, we follow. :bow:
  17. Jane Doe

    Hey There!

    Rinoa!! HEY!! Nice to see another familiar face! New friends.. old friends.. this is awesome!! :D
  18. Jane Doe

    Looking for the salt

    OMHigherBeing!!! Calamity! erm.. I mean.. unsalted.. erm.. nut.. ? It's ME.. You know.. erm.. low cholesterol.. erm.. egg...? Either way - c'mere and give us a hug, you!! :hugehug: Imagine seeing you here. I was just mentioning you in a post this morning. Must be my "fizzykick" senses...
  19. Jane Doe

    New here and shouting out a big HEY!

    Erm.. thanks.. but.. WHO'S truth? :)
  20. Jane Doe

    New here and shouting out a big HEY!

    Ðan!! :hug: LOL Thank you. I will absolutely look at his stuff! A link exchange would be awesome!! Calamity would defnitely benefit from this place. And I've been very good so far. Haven't uttered a single questionable word. Time n' a place for everything. LOL 'Sides.. if I...