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  1. J


    I'm not sure why Luke mentioned the point of their sleepiness. It does though bring to mind the Garden of Gethsemane, when the three disciples fell asleep while Jesus was praying desperately. Perhaps you could state more clearly what you think the meaning is. I get the feeling that you may be...
  2. J


    I believe that in this case the spirits of Elijah and Moses were actually present, and were speaking to Jesus. The disciples also Jesus in his spiritual state. While Moses and Elijah were great prophets, Jesus as the Son of God, and being completely one with God, shone with a bright light. That...
  3. J


    I don't know, what do you think? I believe that either is possible, but I would incline towards the second in this case.
  4. J


    Okay Katzpur, thank you also for your ideas. Your post quite a bit in different threads, and I always enjoy reading your comments, even though I haven't posted so much myself.
  5. J


    I agree that Jesus' body was immortal and incorruptible, but nevertheless a spiritual body. The body had spiritual flesh and bones, that is, it was not just a hollow shell. Perhaps incorruptible could be seen in two lights, although I'm not sure if all would agree with me. One sense would be...
  6. J


    Katzpur, I guess based on what you said in reply to my last post that we do agree on a lot as regards the meaning of the resurrection. Going back though to what you said about a physical resurrection, there I have to respectfully disagree. It is true that in some regards the body in which Jesus...
  7. J


    Hello Katzpur, sorry to get in on this discussion so late. I agree that the spirit cannot die, in the sense of being snuffed out and ceasing to exist. But I think the idea of spiritual death is very biblical, which is portrayed as being a separation from the love of God. Spiritual resurrection...
  8. J

    Would foreknowledge contradict free will?

    I'm don't know if in this very long thread someone brought up the relationship between God's omniscience and his omnipotence, but here goes. If God is all powerful, is he powerful enough to limit what he can know? Can God place limits on himself? I would say that he can. If his purpose is to...
  9. J

    Do you think God wanted Adam to stay in Eden?

    Eden could be seen as a limited area, but it could also be seen as a symbol for the whole earth, governed by God. In any case, I don't think there would have been a problem with over-population if Adam and Eve had not fallen. I believe the death that came as a result of the fall was spiritual...
  10. J

    Questions about 666

    For what it is worth, here is the essence of Reverend Moon's view of the number 666. Man was created during the 6th day (or period) of creation, so for that reason six can be considered to be a number symbolic of humanity. Through the fall of man Satan gained power over, or the potential to...
  11. J

    Your thoughts on death.

    Death is the gateway to birth into the third stage of life. The first stage corresponds to life in our mother's womb, the second to life in the physical world, breathing air, and the third to our eternal life in the spiritual world.
  12. J

    Seeing dead loved ones? Fact or Fiction

    What is your view about Peter, James and John seeing Jesus talk with Moses and Elijah on the Mount of Transfiguration?
  13. J

    One question for Creationists, and another for Evolutionists

    Thank you for your thoughtful reply. I'm going to have to kind of "shoot from the hip" with my own reply, as otherwise I won't have enough time to make the post. That also covers me for any slip-ups I might make!:rolleyes: It is true that evolution has developed as an explanation for the...
  14. J

    One question for Creationists, and another for Evolutionists

    It is true that the term "human spirit" is a little ambiguous. The sense I am using it in is similar to that depicted in the movie "Ghosts", an essence of ourselves, containing our personality and retaining our memories, that continues on after the death of our physical bodies. In such a case...
  15. J

    One question for Creationists, and another for Evolutionists

    I have two questions, but I think those questions may generate debate. First, for those that consider themselves Creationists, or somewhere in the Intelligent Design camp, by what means did God actually create all the different species? For instance, was it out of nothing? Or did he have some...
  16. J

    The Trinity

    Hello. As you can tell from my practically non-existent point total, I'm new around here, so new that I probably don't even qualify as a legitimate freshman yet. But the topic is so interesting that I read through the whole thread(more than an hour's worth of reading). I think one important...
  17. J

    Paul ... Paul ... Paul !!!

    The quotations from the Book of Acts you mentioned are very interesting, and certainly worth thinking about. But for me what's most important about these passages is the experience of Paul himself-an experience so powerful it changed his life forever. I think that is the essence that needs to...