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Search results

  1. Mr.Advocate

    Theistic/Traditional/Spirituel Satanic views by a satanist

    "5) the jews are working with greys and angels to destroy Satan, which is impossible and enslave humankind."   I for one, would like to hear more about this. What do you mean that the "greys" are working to destroy our father Satan? Please elaborate on how you came to this...
  2. Mr.Advocate

    What's the Best Libertarian book?

    "How I found freedom in an unfree world", by Harry Browne. Harry is not above gorilla capitalism. I have no idea why he wasn't voted in as president.
  3. Mr.Advocate

    Anyone think the market will rebound soon?

    As a retired stock broker, I find it amusing that folks are so emotional about the market. There is more than one way to skin a cat. Have a read of "Reminiscences of a Stock Operator" by Edwin Lefevre. One of the greatest accumulations of wealth in the USA was by shorting the "great...
  4. Mr.Advocate


    Disney is a repulsive cult, selling a sickening morality to a consumerist culture. The only thing I have ever enjoyed, Disney wise, was when the old hag offered Snow White a poisoned apple. Apart from that, Disney makes me want to smash children's heads open. Stupid Disney...
  5. Mr.Advocate

    Philosophy Needs a Visceral Connection

    Greetings Coberst, After reading your second post, I'm not sure how this strengthens your original assertion. Prior to Descartes, the Atomists such as Leucippus based their philosophy on monist materialism in the 5th century BCE. Science has simply returned to the Greeks and away from the...
  6. Mr.Advocate

    Philosophy Needs a Visceral Connection

    It is not the process of thinking, but the results of thinking that appear in consciousness. Consciousness is to the contents of the brain, what a binocular view is to horizon. A limited vision of the entire field. Whether the brain is thinking in terms of mathmatical equations, musical...
  7. Mr.Advocate

    Worship of Truth

    Truth is an elusive beast. We can only experience the world through our senses, and unfortunately we can not (yet) prove to another that our sensations are the same. For example, what you taste as apple pie, might appear to me as the smell of a potato. Even something as commonly accepted as...
  8. Mr.Advocate

    Secularist Setian

    What do they have to gain from “initiating” you? You’re looking at this from the eyes of an initiate. Try looking at it through the eyes of an initiator. At what point is it necessary to serve the self, that one begins to teach others the tricks of your trade? Altruism is a deceitful form...
  9. Mr.Advocate

    The Complete Temple of Set Dogma Revealed

    "Mr Advocate... I'm sure you are aware of my intentions here on the Setian Forum... But i'm curious as to your motivations? Let us all here "hear" about your motivations concerning your Being,Becoming and Influence in this Forum? It seems as though there has been a insurmountable ammount of...
  10. Mr.Advocate

    The Complete Temple of Set Dogma Revealed

    It has been said by those who’ve crossed the Abyss, that Set is not the demon of Daath that the ToS purports, but the microcosmic source. Do you possess “Of the Nature of the Gods”? If not curiosity, the gravity of the Whore. I think you are on to something Daelach.
  11. Mr.Advocate

    Secularist Setian

    Greetings Daelach, Once again I find myself in agreement with you. It is the whole attempt to “legitimize” itself that makes it so ludicrous. When Robert Ethel left to form the Order of the Inverse Pentagram, the Temple nearly collapsed. How does Aquino try to justify the fact that the...
  12. Mr.Advocate

    The Complete Temple of Set Dogma Revealed

    Have you considered the possibility that you can only Xeper so far in the ToS? Call it Chronzon, call it ego, call it what you may, it’s nothing that 9 ½ grams of mushrooms won’t take away. %) Meditate on this if you will: “If you know that you are in truth a Magus, then consider them well...
  13. Mr.Advocate

    Secularist Setian

    "Not only that, but also the "infernal mandate" stuff from the BOCFBN would just not wash with Set as symbolic icon. Nor would Aquino's opinion when he claimed that the TOS was Set's sole and exclusice initiatory agency on earth which also is founded upon the BOCFBN because that would boil down...
  14. Mr.Advocate

    Secularist Setian

    Oh, and to Sireal: No, my application was not rejected.
  15. Mr.Advocate

    Secularist Setian

    “Is it necessary for a Priest or Priestess of the Temple to believe in the existence of Set? In one sense the answer must be Yes. Simply put: If you are a member of the Priesthood and your answer is no, than I ask you who in the hell are you a Priest of. If you do not recognize Set, you cannot...
  16. Mr.Advocate


    "The BoCFbN to my understanding is a stand alone document. If an Initiate is drawn to its content then it exerts a magical affinity but that certainly does not make it mystical." So a man gathers himself in his chamber, opens the ritual and recites a 400 year old Key designed to summon angels...
  17. Mr.Advocate


    Sireal, “Setian Philosophy is not "basically" like any other philosophy you have encountered and a cursory glance at it will give you nothing but cursory knowledge. It also has no mysticism whatsoever in its philosophy but is founded on accurate scholarly knowledge and is furthered by the...
  18. Mr.Advocate

    Know Thy Self?

    Greetings Ultraviolet, I’m not sure that you understood what it was that I was pointing out. The self is unknowable. The perceiver can not perceive itself. What is said below the Abyss is nonsense, and what is said above it is only lies. There is no becoming. Allow me to explain...
  19. Mr.Advocate

    Is logic an assumption?

    Greetings Suraj, I’m not sure that any form of rebuttal will win the debate. The application of non-contradictory identification takes years to develop, and it would appear that there is a time limit to grasp the use of symbols. I was recently reading a paper written by a linguist who by...
  20. Mr.Advocate

    Know Thy Self?

    “Who are you under the surface,what gives you *pleasure*(ahem),what causes you pain?what makes you tick?are you a good person?where have you ever gone*wrong*?is their anything you could have done to be *better*?” There was a point in my life where I would have given the same...