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Search results

  1. Nessa Nenharma

    Abortion is murder

    Thank you for that Draka, I enjoyed watching that one :) :bb: Nessa
  2. Nessa Nenharma

    Abortion is murder

    Hypothetically speaking : If 100 women wanted abortions and abortions were illegal, they would have to find another solution. Back alley abortions with rusty medical tools, coat hanger abortions, throwing themselves down the stairs, etc. If these 100 women were allowed to have abortions you...
  3. Nessa Nenharma

    Abortion is murder

    A good friend of mine told me she found out she was pregnant. I could see the happiness in her eyes as she spoke of a nursery and tiny clothes ( yes she considered it a baby as soon as she found out). She put off going to the doctor at first because she was picky and couldn't find one that she...
  4. Nessa Nenharma

    Is Hinduism Wrong? Christianity OK?

    Nothing is wrong with Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, etc. I believe they are ALL the right and true religion. Whichever path you choose to take is right for you. It is a personal decision. In fact there a quiet a few Christian Witches ( I am not one of them) , that choose to believe in...
  5. Nessa Nenharma

    School Says Halloween Disrespectful to Witches

    Sounds like a clop of fresh BS to me. Still steaming even. I don't think witches, myself included would give a rats arse if children dressed up to celebrate a holiday. Sounds like there is another agenda here and they are claiming it in the name of witches, wiccans and pagans...please...
  6. Nessa Nenharma

    does masterbation make you feel guilty

    I would like to know why you feel it is embarassing or bad. I find the art of masterbation a calming relief in both males and females, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. It is YOUR body and no one elses. I found it sad that you have abstained for up to a year :(. I masterbated...
  7. Nessa Nenharma


    For me, I feel that forgiving is the first step to healing. I am not saying I forgive right away, or that I don't get angry, or even sometimes even, but eventually I find it in myself to forgive, others as well as myself. I think that while you hold some sort of annimosity or grudge towards...
  8. Nessa Nenharma

    Does Love Subvert Society's Norms?

    I believe that sustained love is dangerous to the established social order. In a society where divorce is high and couples counseling is prevelant, yes, sustained love is dangerous. Too many people are going with the socail norm and not allowing themselves to love, live, and be loved. It's...
  9. Nessa Nenharma

    The Death Penalty

    I see you still have forgotten I wrote most. I realize that some people who are murdered don't have relatives, hence the most. I also realize that a lot of people are falsely on death row for "crimes against the state". While still others are sent free. My point was that not ALL crimes are...
  10. Nessa Nenharma

    Is mrscardero A Racist?

    cowns <<< did I actually spell it like that ? Sheesh CLOWNS is what I meant...:o :bb: Nessa
  11. Nessa Nenharma

    Is mrscardero A Racist?

    I too have a fear of clowns and/or painted faced performers. I don't feel this makes for racism because clowns/painted performers aren't born that way, therefor it isn't a "race". So carry on mrscardero, there is nothing wrong with not liking cowns :) :bb: Nessa
  12. Nessa Nenharma

    The Death Penalty

    I believe I said "MOST". So please jump down off your high horse :) :bb: Nessa
  13. Nessa Nenharma

    How do You All Feel About This Kid?

    I think part of his "courage"- if you will, to hit his mother comes from the fact that this was taped and highly publicized. I think the boy took certain librities that he might not have otherwise taken had he been at home. On another note, we don't know if he was abused at home and this was...
  14. Nessa Nenharma

    Human euthanasia moral?

    If I was asked to do this for a family member BY that family member to end their pain and suffering I would certainly want to be the one to take away the pain. My grat=aunt died (this morning actually) at the age of 72. She was on a life support system due to the fact that she had one lung...
  15. Nessa Nenharma

    The Death Penalty

    I have a problem with the death penalty because most of the time it isn't the state or the government that was wronged to begin with. I don't see how you can justify strapping someone down while you inject them to die, yet they have a problem with suicide or even assisted suicide. They make...
  16. Nessa Nenharma

    Saved from what?

    From the wrath of God is all I can come up with. :bb: Nessa
  17. Nessa Nenharma

    Why do you believe The Bible is the literal "word of God?"

    )( But if you have ten people interpreting it ten different ways...who's interpretation is right? I mean at the end of the Bible << King James Version it says: Revelations 22:19 "And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take his part out of...
  18. Nessa Nenharma

    Should Christian churches be allowed in Muslim lands?

    Depends on if they are going to IMPOSE their beliefs on others, if so...then NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. :) :bb: Nessa
  19. Nessa Nenharma

    Fornication -what is it?

    Fornication is sex between two unmarried people << absolutely nothing wrong with it :). I see nothing wrong with a good fornication party in the back of a 70's car that allows you to get your feet as far apart..... soory was reminiscing:drool: Anyway, get down with your bad selves you...
  20. Nessa Nenharma

    Do We Have A Right Not To Be Offended?

    Anyone can say anything they want about anyone's religion, it is their opinion only, if you don't choose to believe it then so be it. I don't expect an appology from anyone saying anything about my religion, nor do I plan on giving any appology for my belief on their religion. It's a dog eat...