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  1. G

    Hell is not a Pagan belief

    maybe im wrong but wasnt hell the name of a place where the dead bodies of lepers were burnt....
  2. G

    A Debate About God.

    the whole idea of jesus dieing on the cross where most religions say that were saved by.....he was murdered by the herodian kings and the forces of sol invictus behind the roman empire.....they are right as they were saved by killing him as he started to warn people that they were those days...
  3. G

    Is It Time To Consider The Commandment "Be Fruitful And Multiply" Fulfilled?

    The quote was to be fruitful,multiply,subdue and replenish.....somehow the replenish has been discarded discreetly...
  4. G

    Would you date someone black/African?

    I went out with a woman for two years who grew up in a grass hut....never been to school. Wild as they come and completely messed up but....it was an experience in itself.....like with most woman just protect yourself by not revealing too much and enjoy yourself...
  5. G

    Arrested for weed

    thats because weed opens up the 5th or creative brain...its what the rastas talk about...anyway the plant were placed here by the gods to be used 4 everything and they were....a lot of wars were hemp wars anyway to control the hemp trade. george washington was a hemp trader....almost immediately...
  6. G

    Intelligent Design

    as ive said b4 those who were at the propergation of teaching evolution actually believe that the universe was created through an act of love...problem is these people confuse sex with love...and hence we came into existence through THE BIG BANG... evolutionist try to tell u what happens...
  7. G

    Is a Communist Utopia possible?

    no...communist countries were financed by west and are a death to the people who live in them.. ive got relos who lived under both nazi and communist russian rule....same difference... yes our current system is controlled by the same families ( they make money under this system to finance...
  8. G

    Christians & religious people, is supernatural realistic?

    the whole christian premise is wrong....we are and always have been standing under the throne of the gods. there is no supernatural(think what the words mean). so just like were projected into this creation(program) so can an angel or a demon....but neither will unless its 100% required. (...
  9. G

    Gaddafi captured alive .... then killed

    of course so he wouldnt talk......
  10. G

    Hatred of Christianity!

    Because at its heart the hierachy of christianity (not the masses that follow) have the same agenda as the pharmaceutical companies, military industrial complex,multinationals etc most people see the obvious results of the path the church took historicaly and feel that somehow this doesnt sync...
  11. G

    Evolution is a Big Lie

    evolution is an ancient iluminati constructed lie.....even they know it is...they tell you in a verbose way that the universe started through an act of love based on intelligent design...THE BIG BANG... its just that teach the slant on the truth of only what they want you 2 believe about came...
  12. G

    Mississippi Amendment Would Force Raped Women to Bear Rapist's Child

    of course they will....do you honestly believe that those in power do anything 4 no reason.... what a better way to produce rebellious children....how much do these rapists get paid,do they get out after 3mths on good behaviour and get the green light 2 do it again.....dont laugh at what im...
  13. G

    The debate of God.

    the hierachy of all religions are all following one agenda and always have....filling us with lies based on slants of the truth so of course people cant make sense of it.... its just the tradition of the elders dressed up as different flavors of the same thing... i believe there are some really...
  14. G

    "Help us stop the IndoctriNation!"

    mate study illuminati...theyve constructed all education systems from start.... tv and schools are programming devices so of course its pagan...pagan is the constructed viewpoint thrust onto the masses...a more sophisticated lie for the more intelligent.... but the masses are just that; a herd...
  15. G

    $144 fines for religious worship

    complicated.....iluminati protocol of offering an alternate lie,vice or organisation to give people some hope so they can go back into this world unquestioning and then take it from them.. could give many examples but that opens too many cans of worms...thats why its been done so...
  16. G

    Origins Of Evil

    evil is anything that makes it harder 4 u or someone to consider the truth of a matter no matter how trivial or great....if everyone treated each other how theyd like to be.....the world would b a different place...but it isnt and the children of evil are far more organised than ......so evil...
  17. G

    Is sex sacred?

    yes it is.....marriage was originally conducted as a ceremony part of which was that all and sundry would make every effort to honour and support the union... today were at a point where all is designed to tear the union to shreds with the express purpose of creating rebellious children. thats...