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Search results

  1. S

    Can we survive the apocalypse?

    So " last days " or " the end " It means the days before the second coming of our Lord - Jesus Christ. He promised that He will return and take us with Him ... " And behold, I come quickly, and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be." Revelations 22:12 These...
  2. S

    Can we survive the apocalypse?

    First of all those links are my opinion too... Last days why ? 1. I will explain this if you belive in the Bible or at least in the existence of God. If i will start explaining to you you will not understand a thing if you don`t belive in these 2 things.
  3. S

    Can we survive the apocalypse?

    I think bad economy qualifies as an apocalyptical event. John in the book of revelations talks about it- it was predicted. And on the other hand you are right, We are overwhelmed with high Tech and we do not even know how to multiply numbers on our own. We don`t even know how to think...
  4. S

    Did Jesus really have to die for our sins?

    I think that Satan is Lucifer - the ex-leader of angels in Heaven. When he begun to envy the position of GOD, he wanted to be GOD - he sinned. No creature can be equal or greater than it`s creator. I belive Lucifer was created by God. I have to remind you of something. If you are with Satan...
  5. S

    Can we survive the apocalypse?

    It has ...it talks about the last days.Those were not the last days. Now is THE LAST DAYS
  6. S

    Can we survive the apocalypse?

    It is true . I am from Romania and we felt the consequences of the Cernobyl Reactor Exploding... But apocalypse is not local is Global... as you can see here
  7. S

    Happy Birthday Comet!!

    Happy Birthday!
  8. S

    The Person below me

    False ( I am a vegetarian :)) ) The person below me is a HE
  9. S

    Did Jesus really have to die for our sins?

    Hello, All begin in the Heaven. Satan blamed God that he is selfish and not loving. He accused God ... The punishment for sin is death - as we already know. Every person would have to die and did not had another chance for an everlasting life IF , someone did not die for us instead. God...
  10. S

    God's Trinity

    Hello.. I think first of all this is not an invented thing - this is so from eternity and it will be like - for eternity. The Father,Son and Holy Spirit are ONE - ONE in will , in purpose , in thinking , in everything. Each one has their roles in this life... Jesus ( the SON ) when left the...
  11. S

    Can we survive the apocalypse?

    Who told you that the sky will fall during apocalypse?
  12. S

    Why Isn't the Sabbath Saturday?

    The Sabbath is the day Lord blessed and gave to this earth to be a special day when we shall rest from our work .We must prepare our souls to be open in order to talk with HIM in this special day.
  13. S

    new to religion, which one is right & true

    Hello, I think the correct religion is that who obeys the BIBLE - the only book that has been demonstrated , the only book with true prophecies , the book which resisted the TIME experience. If you obey the Bible entirely , you belong to the right religion
  14. S

    Did God rape Mary?

    I think , for Mary it was a privilege to give birth to the SON OF GOD... She was told that she will have a baby - "But when he thought about these things, behold,an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, “Joseph, son of David, don’t be afraid to take to yourself Mary, your wife...
  15. S

    Can we survive the apocalypse?

    If you are on the right path it is not a depressing therm...but if you are in the wrong "team" than it is ...
  16. S

    Can we survive the apocalypse?

    The Apocalypse is the fight between good and evil...It is the final act before ending of the world... It is a prophecy that has to be fulfilled... Daniel in his book talks about the apocalypse ... the fact that our ruler try to unify nations - but this thing is impossible .Take Europe for...
  17. S

    Can we survive the apocalypse?

    Are you saying that none apocaliptical event happened until now? Think about last year and the year before... Think about the economy nowadays...
  18. S

    Can we survive the apocalypse?

    Hello my friend - please prove it that we will have to deal with zombies...because i don`t think we will be dealing with those... The zombies we are dealing with are among us nowadays - People with no brain , crazy people , who are lead like robots by the forces of Darkness...and that my friend...
  19. S

    Can we survive the apocalypse?

    Do we have a recipe in order to survive the Apocalypse ? Do you have ideas how it can be survived ?