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Search results

  1. T

    Honest opinions from Christians please

    The "primitive man" idea helps those who take the Bible as literal fact come to grips with how illogical "creationism" really is. I guess.
  2. T

    God's Magic

    Did we not arrange those atoms into something that we then perceive as a cup? Which is to say, we created that cup? You statement seems to suggest that the "cup" was always there and we came along and "named it a cup".
  3. T

    Growing World Population Impact on Religion?

    As of May 31st, 2009, the world population was estimated to be around 6.7 billion. It is estimated that by 2040, the world population will grow to over 9 billion. How do the various religions reconcile with this fact? How can all of these souls be "enlightened" and saved? Most of this...
  4. T

    gods vs super aliens

    Which is why the concept of 'God' has been and always will be a matter of individual perspective.
  5. T

    Honest opinions from Christians please

    Adam didn't write Genesis, did he? Now, I'm not a Bible scholar by any stretch, but wasn't the Bible written much later after the events described in Genesis occured? And why would Adam need to explain it to the rest of the "world", what world population are you talking about? Adam was the...
  6. T

    Modes of Time

    We are assuming that our supposed "laws of physics" are infallible. But what if our laws of physics are truly flawed due to the frame of reference we are constrained by (i.e. time)?
  7. T

    Science is the new religion

    Oh, and I meant to respond to this statement as well, but forgot to add it in previously... I agree there is no evidence for the existence of either due to one (or maybe all) of these three reasons: a) No sentient life in our universe has achieved the technological singularity yet b) A...
  8. T

    Science is the new religion

    I think you are confused about what i am saying, or perhaps i am not saying it in a way that is resonating with you. Let me try this approach... Again, my theory is not a scientific approach, nor am I claiming it to be "more scientific" than other religious ideologies...simply put, the...
  9. T

    Science is the new religion

    This made me laugh. Good one! :)
  10. T

    Science is the new religion

    Who is to say that it wasn't a world leader's religious beliefs that prevented them from pushing the button that would have started a nuclear holocaust during the Cuban Missle crisis? Who is to say that religious ideas didn't motivate early scientists to seek other answers and create the first...
  11. T

    Science is the new religion

    To respond to a few of your comments, and I don't take them as disrespect, but I do need to clarify. I agree that my theory is not scientific, nor was it intended to be. I am theorizing that science, as a method, will allow us to achieve the next evolutionary stage - the singularity. But...
  12. T

    Did science create the universe?

    My whole theory is based on this concept, so I would answer YES! ;) We have the "cycle of life" in nature, why wouldn't there also be a much more grand "cycle of life" on a universal scale? A cycle where super-intelligent beings evolve to create more universes that evolve other...
  13. T

    Science is the new religion

    If man is able to create, or indirectly bring about, an artificial-intelligence that becomes self-aware and is capable of enhancing its own capabilities outside of our influence, then it becomes its own unique entity. While it may have originally been "man-made" it is no longer "of man". In...
  14. T

    Science is the new religion

    Providing a specific point here would be helpful. :)
  15. T

    Science is the new religion

    First, religion has been a necessary step in our evolution towards the singularity. Whether it continues to be so going forward is the question. But, whenever organized religions seek to impose their belief systems on the greater society by influencing policy / laws that prevent knowledge or...
  16. T

    Science is the new religion

    No offense was taken. :) You brought up a good point which prompted me to clarify my statement, so thanks!
  17. T

    The sick concept of Eternal hell suffering.

    This statement here is proof on why debating religion with some is a futile exercise. Spacejanitor is making the false assumption that his faith = fact. But I give him partial credit for initially stating that it is his "opinion". There are no FACTS to prove or disprove anything on either...
  18. T

    Are we better off with or without belief in "God"?

    In my somewhat twisted perspective, I would cast my vote on "better off with" but add the qualifier that we need to redefine our concept of "God" first. And, I might add, dissolving all organized religions would be required. (Ya, I'm looking at YOU Catholicism)
  19. T

    Science is the new religion

    MY theory is not about worshiping "observation" at all. I made a poor attempt at a play on words there by stating "worshiping science", Ill go back and fix the post to make my point a little clearer.
  20. T

    Science is the new religion

    I'll concede that "worshipping science" might be a poor choice of words. I used both terms very very loosely. But it's funny that out of my entire post you picked that one statement to comment on. ;) Under this 'religion' (used very very loosely), any activity or research that doesn't get us...