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Search results

  1. C

    The existence of god

    The basis of my statement is that there is no proof or observation that supports the idea of god other than the fact that humans believe in it. I then went on to conclude that man invented god, and gave it the most logical reason: convenience. What I stated was almost purely logical, with very...
  2. C

    The existence of god

    Yeah, I think I'm missing the point. I was responding to the comment "Because it would be pathetically obvious that you were just making up a story, and nobody would believe you. It only works in context " I'll be sure to check it out. Such events, please elaborate. I don't understand what...
  3. C

    faith is a useful tool

    The nature of the beast is that sicence and logic cannot deal with God because there is nothing in the world of our experience that we can observe that either supports or negates the theory of god - god is an untestable hypothesis. That is the reason why it is not supported by science. 1...
  4. C

    faith is a useful tool

    Some people have faith in Intelligent Design and try and get it taught in schools, thus damaging the education of little kids who believe what they are told and haven't learnt to think logically for themselves and question.
  5. C

    The existence of god

    I guess I was moving the goalposts a bit. OK, context: a bunch of people a while ago, with no real scientific concepts for creation, evolution etc, couldn't work it out, so they attributed it to a god or other being. They all believed it, because it was the only expliantion and they did it...
  6. C

    The existence of god

    They all provide some sort of comfort and reasoning as to why I exist and what I am doing here, which helps me deal with death. Why? There is something I don't understand, so to explain it, I say perhaps there was a creator. The idea grows from there. The fact that we may be hardwired to...
  7. C

    Does the world need religion?

    This is my view: we cannot know whether there is a god or a metaphysical setup of some kind or not no matter what we do on this earth. What, therefore, is the point of believing or debating religions that can only be based originally on the speculations and hopes of ignorant people? Just wait...
  8. C

    faith is a useful tool

    Faith is a useful tool for avoiding answering difficult questions: Innocent believer: 'oh father, the existence of god doesn't really have any evidence and I see no reason to believe it.' Father 'you must have faith' IB 'oh father, why is evolution wrong according to our religion' Father...
  9. C

    Devil Worship

    Slightly off-topic, but the whole concept of devil-worshipping and the church of Satan doesn't really work that well: The devil is a christian creation that represents evil and all bad things. Worshipping the devil is agreeing with the christian view and worshipping something that by definition...
  10. C

    The existence of god

    position: God only exists as a concept in the minds of humans and exists for two reasons, both based on humans' insecurity: 1 - Death. If god/metaphysical setup doesn't exist, then when I die, I will not exist. I cannot comprehend this. I don't want to comprehend this. God is a convenient...
  11. C

    Can you still be a Christian and a Gravitationist?

    I didn't state his religion, but was I right in saying the church (or at lest the fundamentalists) didn't like it much?
  12. C

    Why does this sub-forum even exist?!

    I reckon creationism is on the way out. Really, it has been effectively enough disproven, and it's just a matter of time before the radicals are no longer radical (at least on the same point). But it's a good one to argue over, if you're looking for an argument (not that you'll ever get anywhere).
  13. C

    Man 'Created' words

    In english you "have" sex - materialistc In french you make love
  14. C

    Can you still be a Christian and a Gravitationist?

    I spose. But is it useful? or does i encourage a greater gap between atheists and christians?
  15. C

    Can ID be taught in schools? What's ID's next move?

    For me, the teaching of ID in schools is a crime. It teaches impressionable children false ideas and instructs them to reject science. This is sad. Where the blazes would humans be if everyone was creationist?
  16. C

    Evolution, what evidence is there and what does creationism have?

    Yay! Why can't creationists just look at, on one hand their lack of evidence, on the other, the overwhelming evidence for evolution, and just put the two together?
  17. C

    Can you still be a Christian and a Gravitationist?

    I question your reasons for starting this thread. Yes, I can understand your point of view and what you are talking about, but it seems you are going a bit extreme with this thread and attacking christianity on a point that every Christian agrees with you upon. My opinion is that bickering...
  18. C

    how did man appear on earth

    Not an impossibility, but an incredibly unlikely state of the universe. When it is based on the probability of another life-supporting planet existing, it cannot be impossible. The universe is not infinite.
  19. C

    Christian Evolutionist:

    wasn't there a papal bull acknowledging evolution and saying that the Catholic Church could no longer deny the validity of this theory? No, turns out it was in a book: www. signonsandiego. com/news/world/20070411-0300-pope-evolution-.html
  20. C

    Christian Evolutionist:

    Yes. It seems to imply a minority group with one set belief, which is not the case. Evolution is the current scientific theory for the progression of life and most of modern biology is based on it, surely those who believe this theory is correct don't need to be clumped together under as a...