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  1. Inthedark

    Why the west leaving the Christainity ?

    Since the enlightenment and the Newtonian view of a mechanistic universe, the spiritual needs of the west have been pushed aside and science thrust to the fore about explaining our existence. Increased literacy in the general population, sharing of information and increased levels of education...
  2. Inthedark

    Do Wee Need Choices?

    When "we" choose have we really chosen? Who does the choosing? Free will is a complicated topic for discussion. I have read that the conscious mind can only tackle about 5 things at the same time, plus or minus 2, depending on the individual. The vast majority of what we think about whilst...
  3. Inthedark

    James, Son of Joseph, Brother of Jesus

    I think the court was unable to determine beyond reasonable doubt that the item was not a forgery. I do not attach any validation of the item in that determination, only that the required level of proof was not reached, that level being quite high. I don't think it is responsible to attach...
  4. Inthedark

    Is there any other religion other than Christianity that is based on grace not works ?

    Grace is an expression of selflessness isn't it? The gift with no strings attached or expectations, no self gratification, no pleasure, no thanks required etc. It is an example of how to live without ego, to have or emulate the "Christ Consciousness". I could be way off but it's how I like to...
  5. Inthedark

    Dawkins-Williams Debate

    I enjoyed it. Thanks for posting. :clap
  6. Inthedark

    Who is God ? or what are God's attributes ?

    This reminds me somewhat of Process Theory. Alfred Whitehead and I think to some extent Carl Jung talked about approaching matter from a different perspective than the Newtonian and your post reminded me of it. Here is a link you might be interested in Madhuri.... Why I became a...
  7. Inthedark

    Who is God ? or what are God's attributes ?

    It is truly fascinating to see all these opinions about the attributes of God in one thread. Just to throw another opinion in to the mix, what about Durkheim's assertion that we are Homo Duplex, two in one, the beast and the angel or more accurately the profane (common) and the sacred? The...
  8. Inthedark

    What evidence is there of Jesus?

    Prominent scholar Professor Bart Erhman talks about what is known not known and the likelihood of the texts we have being inaccurate with regard to history. He mentions the 5,200 plus texts I mentioned previously. He argues what we have are copies of copies of copies which at some point were...
  9. Inthedark

    What evidence is there of Jesus?

    Has anyone mentioned the Q document, which doesn't exist but clearly did exist at some point and provided the foundations for some of the canonical gospels as well as gnostic gospel of Thomas? There you have clear evidence as established by academics in the field, that something existed but no...
  10. Inthedark

    Was Jesus a Mystic?

    Do we all look in the deep well and see our own Jesus in our own reflection? (as a mystic might say!). I agree with some posters in this thread that we take from Jesus what we want, seeing with our life experiences as Jesus relates to us, to one degree or another. That is human and a mystic...
  11. Inthedark

    Was Jesus a Mystic?

    There are similarities for sure Me Myself and some of this may come down to the universal truths expressed across all the great religions, I suppose there are going to be striking simiarities here and there. Whether they are direct influences or pure coincidence is hotly debated. The pagan...
  12. Inthedark

    Was Jesus a Mystic?

    For those who have ears to listen...or words like that if I remember rightly. He did get a wee bit frosty on occasion with others not having his understanding didn't he? He could give the practical example of how to behave but conveying the meaning of that which cannot really be expressed in...
  13. Inthedark

    Was Jesus a Mystic?

    I have read a number of books about the likelihood of the historical Jesus being this or that. John Domonic Crossan in Jesus A Revolutionary Biography describes him as a Jewish sage and cynic, having likely been exposed to Greek Cynicism in a nearby city to Nazereth where Cynics are known to...
  14. Inthedark

    God is not the sole cause of creation

    God, whatever that might, must be first cause. From there, the clockwork universe rolls along according to nature, or God's law's if you like. Anything that pops in and out of existence within those laws must do so according to them. So in answer to your question I suppose God is the sole...
  15. Inthedark

    Was Jesus Eaten By Dogs?

    This is the long "academic" version from which the shorter version was written. I have been informed it is very good but hard going for the lay person (such as me). I thought the short version was very thought provoking and iot was enough for me. Each to their own. :)
  16. Inthedark

    Was Jesus Eaten By Dogs?

    Crossan theorised that he had a small following, was an agitator if you like, a potential trouble causer. Jesus took that a step further and turned over the tables in the temple and this is what Crossan believes he was crucified for. It's been a while since I read the book but I think he said...
  17. Inthedark

    Heaven or Hell | The choice is yours

    Interesting that this was you 666th post. Any significance in the numbers? ;-) Heaven by the literal definition provided in the bible takes away our free will. No free will, no empathy because there is no suffering, no happy or sad but eternal numbness. Heaven is a paradox. Which of the...
  18. Inthedark

    Is 'the order of nature' a valid argument? - I say yes.

    Everything within the laws of physics, i.e. not supernatural (read myth), is bound by nature, period. We are winging our way to heat death within the parameters of the laws of physics. I don't see how furthering this discussion is enriching our lives? It seems to be moving in circles. Paul
  19. Inthedark

    Is 'the order of nature' a valid argument? - I say yes.

    It was an observation and it certainly wasn't meant to be critical in any way nnmartin. Incest is a choice, an individual excorcising free will, usually at the expense of anothers. The abnormalities you speak of will be taken care of by the process of evolution, unless attributes can...
  20. Inthedark

    Is 'the order of nature' a valid argument? - I say yes.

    Your OP sounds like a simplified version of Maslow's Heirarchy of Needs: In order of importance ,1 being the base of the pyramid as it is typically drawn: 1. Psychological - Breathing, food, water, sex, homeostasis, excretion 2. Safety - Security of self, family, morality, family etc...