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Search results

  1. B

    Is it right?

    Jesus tap dancing Christ! Of course there are situations where it is "right to hide or omit something about yourself so as to gain something in return that would not have eventuated if the hidden or omitted was known". Everything from the crude or absurd (concealing a bad gas condition on a...
  2. B

    Obama's Speech: Was it Enough?

    That summary had the nuanced insightfulness of a 6000 year old trilobite.
  3. B

    Why Dont Christians Accept the Book of Mormon as Valid?

    Actually, I think there is the potential to fall into their trap by considering this point. Getting side tracked by these sensational details is one of the things that the film makers want, imho. Perhaps your point makes for good apologetics, but is it really something that has lasting value...
  4. B

    Why Dont Christians Accept the Book of Mormon as Valid?

    I googled "The God Makers" and watched most of it. WOW! What a piece of work, it really is over the top. I loved (snark!) the music they used while filming the re-enactment of a Mormon temple ceremony, nice. There was no shortage of the words "cult" and "cultic" practice. Man, you guys really...
  5. B

    Why Dont Christians Accept the Book of Mormon as Valid?

    I'm curious, what was in "The God Makers" that mormons don't believe? (I haven't read the book so I don't know).
  6. B

    Religious Ignorance.

    Well, basically reading your posts on rf is the virtual equivalent a of preacher on a street corner, lol. Even if you disagree with my analogy, it is beside the point; the point is, even if you preach all day long I am in fact free from your religion. I am free to walk away and free to blow you...
  7. B

    Religious Ignorance.

    You say that like it is a bad thing.
  8. B

    Religious Ignorance.

    Everybody should have a cyber stalker once in their life. (j/K)
  9. B

    Religious Ignorance.

    Regarding the second part of your sentance, how do you figure? I understand that we do in fact have freedom from religion. In others words, I am supposed to be free from religions compelling me to live their religion - freedom from religion.
  10. B

    What if...

    I should go to bed now so I am going to cop out and say .... what Mr. Sprinkles said. Terrific question by the way, I grove on the fantasy, really. :)
  11. B

    Why does God care about Homosexuality?

    MidnightBlue replied with what I had in mind. "It's not the post, it's the attitude that's fostered by Christianity and some other religions, that you can't possibly condone equal rights for homosexuals. It causes otherwise decent Christians to vote for anti-LGBT referenda and against...
  12. B

    Is it wrong to offend violent religious fanatics?

    "Is it wrong to offend violent religious fanatics?" I do not think it is wrong. These things should be informed by our values. For example, if I value human rights greater than being concerned about giving offense and if in the course of striving to protect human rights I give offense, I...
  13. B

    Why does God care about Homosexuality?

    Think of it as a small bone in the body of christ. (that may have been far to cryptic) I understand why you think Ricks post isn't hurting anyone. IMO any speech which condones intolerance is part of the problem. We probably differ on the interpretation of that speech.
  14. B

    Joseph Smith - Prophet of God

    WOW! that is really something ... I gotta say it again, WOW
  15. B

    Why does God care about Homosexuality?

    It seems we continue to just talk past each other. I have from the start been talking about the numbers for the world wide HIV/AIDS pandemic. The first link I put up talked about world wide numbers. I will put it before you AGAIN! Global Aids Pandemic and Medical Students - HIV Demographics...
  16. B

    What was the first thing God said to you?

    I didn't vote in the pole because I am not a theist but when I was a kid I thought god really had it in for me because I masturbated. If I had to pick the first message from god it was something like, "masturbation is bad, mmmkay". Whenever I imagine god might be talking to me it sounds like Mr...
  17. B

    Are Genius and Insanity Closely Related?

    I think I am a genius but I could be delusional about that.
  18. B

    Are Genius and Insanity Closely Related?

    That was a crazy smart response.
  19. B

    Does It Matter To You Whether Others Understand You?

    I care about my immediate friends and family. I enjoy the understanding we have of each other and it is important to a degree that we understand each other. I think we would find that couples often fight over not being understood and it seems perfectly natural to want to be understood. It is...