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Search results

  1. B

    Joseph Smith - Prophet of God

    Unlikely, I agree. However, I have enjoyed reading the exchange between DS and AD and look forward to the response by DS .... I'm just saying. :p
  2. B

    Joseph Smith - Prophet of God

    Well, that devil-worshipping bit is just dumb.
  3. B

    "Forgive them, they know not what they do".

    Well now, you are just being obtuse. If the author of the OP knows what the "point" is and gently tells you that you are not on board with the original point ... well, perhaps you might want to consider that you are imposing your point on the OP, just maybe. Never in the history of the human...
  4. B

    Name Some Kind Acts Caused by Religioun

    I agree that people have it within themselves to act kindly and that religion isn't necessary for that to happen. But I think you can say that religion does instill in some people a duty (duty at a minimum, I suspect that many people have learnt to love to act kindly because of their adherance...
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    Name Some Kind Acts Caused by Religioun

    What is the casual relationship between religion and the acts performed by those two? I'm not saying it doesn't exist but I am interested in how you support your claim.
  6. B

    "Forgive them, they know not what they do".

    Ah haaa, you reminded me of something else I read recently (I like the direction you are taking this btw, you are "speaking to me" my friend). "Lots of research in economics and psychology shows that when we know something, it becomes hard for us to imagine not knowing it. As a result, we...
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    Name Some Kind Acts Caused by Religioun

    Will you characterize what you think my logic is? I doubt we are on the same page. Regarding people causing wars, sure, people pull the trigger, but what motivated them to unload? If somebody believes that God is telling them to kill the infidel based on their religion it is intellectual...
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    Name Some Kind Acts Caused by Religioun

    Yeah, I get where you are coming from (which doesn't mean I accept the idea) and I find the "rotten to the core" doctrine one of the most destructive doctrines of Christianity. What logic do you have in mind? Is it your position that religion never caused war?
  9. B

    Joseph Smith - Prophet of God

    Well, clearly she is not snide in ALL her posts. Do you have to exaggerate in ALL your posts? Please, there's no need for all this hypersensitivity. And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? I guess there is always...
  10. B

    Name Some Kind Acts Caused by Religioun

    That would be like arguing about Luke Skywalker, was he motivated out of revenge or driven by the force, there may be a literary point to make but that is about all you can derive from these stories. And the problem you raise regarding the holy spirit and man's ability to do good is probably...
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    "Forgive them, they know not what they do".

    How Noble-Eightfold-Path of you. :) Jonathan Haidt, Associate Professor of Psychology at the University of Virginia has publish a fascinating book called The Happiness Hypothesis: Finding Modern Truth in Ancient Wisdom. I loved the bit in the book about confabulation. "This finding, that...
  12. B

    Is premarital sex really a sin?

    The Bible has been written by men, it is a work of fiction. The concept of sin is all about control, men wanting to control you. The people that love the idea of sin and talking in moral absolutes are control freaks. They talk as if they "know” which is incredibly ridiculous and often arrogant...
  13. B

    What religion is best?

    dead religions are best after that, the religion that does the least harm is best worst religion, the one that claims to be "the only true and living church upon the face of the whole earth"
  14. B

    Joseph Smith - Prophet of God

    I feel the spirit of your post.
  15. B

    Joseph Smith - Prophet of God

    Unlikely, cause they be "spiritual" daddy mack! :drool: YouTube - Diddly Wack Mack Mormon Daddy Joseph is rolling in his grave.
  16. B

    Joseph Smith - Prophet of God

    When all else fails tell em you know it is true because you feel it.
  17. B

    Pat Robertson endorses Giuliani

    Doesn't Rudy need to get more religious right support?
  18. B

    Joseph Smith - Prophet of God

    Yup, it does seem weird. Smith claims he used the Urim and Thummim (What were the Urim and Thummim?) to translate the plates. After supposedly translating 116 pages he lost them. Smith said God was upset with him for losing the 116 pages and therefore took away the Urim and Thummin and told...
  19. B

    Transsexualism/Transgender - Bad Parenting?

    "Meanwhile, other transsexual individuals and professionals believe that transsexualism is, in fact, a syndrome with a physiological basis as a form of intersexuality. Those with this viewpoint generally support research as to the cause, believing that it will verify the theory of a biological...
  20. B

    Was Jesus a Restorationist, a Reformist, or a Revolutionary?

    "Was Jesus a restorationist, a reformist, or a revolutionary?" Jesus was an overexposed pagan myth. YouTube - Christianity is Pagan Jesus was also attributed with saying some pretty interesting stuff.