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  1. Atheologian

    Should Atheists Shut Up about God, since they don't believe in God?

    I believe that in any conversation where "faith" or "God" is included, concering the welfare of individuals not directly associated with or faithful to that paricular religion or belief, there should be an equal presence of the nonfaithful, and nonreligious.
  2. Atheologian

    Is Quantum Physics an open book for theists?

    I know, I was only being facetious. :) But we really aren't saying here, in this case, that God actually even "exists" ar we? Just that he sustains existance.
  3. Atheologian

    Is Quantum Physics an open book for theists?

    I think the biggest question, at least in the future when we understand the nature of the subatomic particle, and that is assuming we will, is why? When we get down to the smallest unit of energy, since we know the universe is quantitave, so this is theoretically possible, what is it? This is...
  4. Atheologian

    Is Quantum Physics an open book for theists?

    How do we know it's God expressing himself and not, say, Shiva throwing a temper tantrum :) I understand what you mean, of course, but how can we be so sure of that? Isn't that a little vague, or at least wouldn't it still take an act of faith to accept that?
  5. Atheologian


    So could we not say that science works "better" since it is more thorough and exact? By better I only mean more reliable as a source of truth.
  6. Atheologian


    I'll give you that, but it depends on what chapter you read.
  7. Atheologian

    Is Quantum Physics an open book for theists?

    So could you say that God was simply a "metaphor" for quantum physics, or better yet the laws of physics in general?
  8. Atheologian

    Is Quantum Physics an open book for theists?

    I've seen these expirements. If you ask me, they kind of look like standing wave patterns. Maybe he just faked it??? Standing wave patterns are responsible for the hexagonal shape of the clouds over one of Saturn's poles. This is another unique occurance in nature that people assign mystical or...
  9. Atheologian

    Is Quantum Physics an open book for theists?

    I think If I absolutely had to pick a theory of life, the universe, and everything, I'd go with Adam Douglas's theory of "42".
  10. Atheologian

    Is Quantum Physics an open book for theists?

    This reminds me of an example my old teacher used. If there were an erronous formula to prove 1 + 1 = 24, leading someone to believe that it actually was, and we can prove that equation wrong by clearly pointing out the faults in the math, why would someone still believe the answer is 24? Some...
  11. Atheologian

    Is Quantum Physics an open book for theists?

    This is what I believe too. The theist argument, at least one of them I've heard and read about, metion's god's little fingers, synonomous with the hand of God i guess, saying we have no way to encover God's secrets because he designed it that way. Of course, everything we know about the...
  12. Atheologian

    Is Quantum Physics an open book for theists?

    Given the nature of subatomic particles, and our ability only to predict their nature with a certain level of probability, quantum uncertainty and the quantum vacuum have been debated by modern theists as sort of a "foot print" of god. "If one wants to give an accurate description of the...
  13. Atheologian

    Should Atheists Shut Up about God, since they don't believe in God?

    never called you name... all i did was suggest that for someone who pretends to have the logic of Spoc, some of your posts are pretty funny. Not that, in your frame of reference, that's absolute. You highjacked my thread a long time ago, if I can get you to leave by being a dick, well, then so...
  14. Atheologian

    Should Atheists Shut Up about God, since they don't believe in God?

    and I'm the mystical weirdo here?
  15. Atheologian

    Should Atheists Shut Up about God, since they don't believe in God?

    I do apologise. I didn't realise who I was dealing with. LMAO
  16. Atheologian

    Should Atheists Shut Up about God, since they don't believe in God?

    mystical nonsense? Nope, like I said, you're a troll.
  17. Atheologian

    Should Atheists Shut Up about God, since they don't believe in God?

    I never said i disagreed with the statements you made that were true. Just the ones you made when you were talking out your ***. Like i said, what is possible, IS demonstrable in fact, or objective. By considering possiblities that are not your own observations, but those that are possible, or...
  18. Atheologian

    Should Atheists Shut Up about God, since they don't believe in God?

    what is possible is demonstrable in fact... you aren't proving anything but how poor your command of the english language is
  19. Atheologian

    Should Atheists Shut Up about God, since they don't believe in God?

    Nope, i typed the wrong word. here i'll even fix it for you. You've basically said that the theory of relativity is not true, apparently you have supreme knowledge the scientific community doesn't.