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  1. freelight


    Well, as it may be well known that the 7th day Saturday is the traditional Jewish Sabbath, there are many christians who do not see all the OT laws as applicable to themselves anyways, as they can pick, choose and re-interpret new ideas into their version of the 'New Covenant' as they please, so...
  2. freelight

    Isaiah says God will kill Jesus?

    Actually, real 'repentance' is what changes a person and brings transformation of one's life,...not the magical belief in the blood of any person, or a vicarious atonement concept necessarily. Such a belief may have its effect, but that enters into the more vague realm of 'faith' and subjective...
  3. freelight

    Jesus, from a traditional Unitarian POV - a 'god' who originates from a universal Father-God :)

    Jesus, from a traditional Unitarian POV - a 'god' who originates from a universal Father-God :)
  4. freelight

    Hi tigger! :) - just responded here in the Jesus being a god thread....always a fun subject :) -...

    Hi tigger! :) - just responded here in the Jesus being a god thread....always a fun subject :) - its an old debate, but fun to jump into sometimes ;) paul
  5. freelight

    Did you know Jesus is considered as a different god according to scripture?

    There are many different forms, versions and personifications of 'God', as well as 'gods' and 'goddesses',....welcome to the cosmos! (infinity). The generations-old debate between Unitarians & Trintarians is old hat (rather crusty too),....but frankly a Unit-Arian view is most logical and...
  6. freelight

    Election (the Calvinist sort)

    Frankly, they dont know if they or their kiddos are elected, but can only hope (or trust) in such an election ;) - since in this ideology 'God' is orchestrating and predetermining EVERYTHING, - you're just along for the ride....come what may, you have no say in the matter. The more hyper forms...
  7. freelight

    Theosophy will save humanity

    I see myself as an 'eclectic theosophist' of sorts,....so agree that mankind can be helped by agreeing to a set of universal ideas, ideals and principles and work together towards a common goal for the benefit of all. It would have to be a unity of spirit and will however based on universal...
  8. freelight

    Awareness of existence

    Yes, the technical points of the mechanics involved with both, do make my brain implode lol - Leedskalnin apparently used his knowledge of magnetism and the dynamics of the north/south poles to move those huge limestone blocks that weighed tons! - hence the mystery. I wish we would employ this...
  9. freelight

    Awareness of existence

    Yes, more or less :) - such depends as well as we define and distinguish various levels or degrees of 'godhood' or 'divinity'.....as in a hierarchy there are men, angles and 'God', while men could be called 'angels' or 'gods' too, but for some its important to 'differentiate' (terms vary). One...
  10. freelight

    Awareness of existence

    oops :) - ok....my page format wasnt working to scroll down, I fixed it now :) Interesting synposis,......yes...there is one universal reality it seems that is essentially the same thru-out all time, so that would be the source or origin of all time/space/relativity.......so this 'God' if we...
  11. freelight

    Awareness of existence

    Yes, we are ever evolving in consciousness.....so we are the ones defining terms, their meanings and values :) ~*~*~
  12. freelight

    Jesus The Magician, another take :)

    Jesus The Magician, another take :)
  13. freelight

    was Jesus a wizard?

    Man is the temple of Deity,.....so that very light, spark and divinity of 'God' indwells him,....you can call that presence the 'holy spirit' if you like,....this 'magick' (potential and power to manipulate energy) is always in Man....the 'law of faith' is a component of it. Jesus as both the...
  14. freelight

    Can we change our mind about what we believe?

    All souls see from whatever point of view or perspective they are viewing thru at any point in space/time..... with whatever evidence or lack thereof for anything considered thru various 'criteria' used to determine anything, so different factors may colour ones perception. The wonderful thing...
  15. freelight

    Awareness of existence

    Bingo :) - I AM aware, - I'm aware that I'm aware (consciousness that is the context of all)..... as well as the 'content' of awareness (all that is....substance and forms). It still remains that the original thread creator has no content on his webpage, so we dont know what his 'religion'...
  16. freelight

    Theosophical Thelema

    My own theosophical studies and musings see a commonality with both schools with wiggle room as touched on previously. I've probably delved a bit more into the broader spectrum of theosophy (orthodox and neo forms) than the Crowley school as Im not as familiar with Crowley's full library, beyond...
  17. freelight

    Awareness of existence

    Welcome to the forum, The link to your website has no 'content' just a title with black background, guess its the 'Void' of existence being aware of itself? :fearscream::smile::hearteyes: I enjoy pure ontological musings as well, as I reflect on the "I AM", for that is the most intimate...
  18. freelight

    The Book of Mormon and Aliens

    Interesting, I think there is much more in the Bible than the BOM concerning possible UFO/aliens,.....as the BOM is mostly just an extension of biblical literature, added fiction and plagarism from the KJV bible. The Bible draws from traditions more eclectic in its cultural context/influx and...
  19. freelight

    Is There Death After Life After Death?

    Let us consider an essence of life not subject to time being birthless, deathless, immortal in nature; - so that life would not be defined or distinguished by a 'beginning' or 'end' at all. If that life-essence is eternal, immortal in itself, it is timeless/deathless. - it is only when life or...
  20. freelight

    Where Do You Put Your Faith?

    Im always evolving, but put my 'faith' in 'God' alone, since I see 'God' as the very source of All That IS or Ever Will BE, so there is nothing or anything seperate from 'God'. Faith in that invisible supply of all substance, life, energy and consciousness is the only absolute reality, - there...