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  1. Judgement Day

    You're going to Heaven, like it or not!

    The difference it that in an Islamic point of view, we are responsible for our own deeds, so as I said before, not all will go straightaway to heaven, but will first have to pay for their own sins at the cost of hell. This is justice in Islam. Most of the time you will this verse quoted: "And...
  2. Judgement Day

    You're going to Heaven, like it or not!

    Does that mean my comments too? :) I agree that most of humans will go to heaven: Volume 9, Book 93, Number 575: Narrated Abu Said Al-Khudri: The Prophet said, "Allah will say (on the Day of Resurrection), 'O Adam!' Adam will reply, 'Labbaik...
  3. Judgement Day

    So, those cartoons then...

  4. Judgement Day

    So, those cartoons then...

    Thats basically what Geoffthe3rd was trying to say. That he doesnt approve the insults, but then he also doesnt approve the violent responses as well.
  5. Judgement Day

    So, those cartoons then...

    Are you saying that you approve the insults?
  6. Judgement Day

    Original Sin Fact or Fiction?

    I agree that the concept of original sin is quite injustice and doesnt represent the attribute of God as being the most just. If I were a just ruler, I would not make innocent people to be responsible for the action of others. If you do something wrong, you yourself needs to be held accountable...
  7. Judgement Day

    Celibacy vs Marriage

    Good points, but...all prophets before Jesus were married. They live by the commandment of God to perform marriage. Even the first human ever created, Adam, performed marriage. Marriage is a better example than celibacy because it restrains you from fornication, adultery, whoredom etc. God even...
  8. Judgement Day

    Celibacy vs Marriage

    Ok, its a discipline, again, my question is: is it a good example?
  9. Judgement Day

    Celibacy vs Marriage

    Is it necessary for us to remain celibate to focus ourselves to God? I do think it is not. If were Jesus I would do such examples that all my followers could follow and practice. After all, one of God's first laws and commandments to man was marriage. God has continued to bless and sanction...
  10. Judgement Day

    Celibacy vs Marriage

    Celibacy that Christians claim to be practiced by Jesus, is it really a doctrinal law of God? If all humans were to practice celibacy, human population will decrease gradually and eventually human race will come to an end. Is celibacy a good example, what do you think?
  11. Judgement Day

    So addicted!

    Sheeezzz...this IS addicting. Forget what I said. I've decided to do the same thing! See you guys in one week! :computer: Regards, JD
  12. Judgement Day

    So addicted!

    You're not gonna make it :D
  13. Judgement Day

    Orchestra, anyone?

    You play a cello? Thats marvellous! Theres going to be another concert orchestra performing next Sunday. Its going to be based on the work from Beethoven to Crumb. I'm planning to come :).
  14. Judgement Day

    Solar Storm Warning

    Yes, and that day is called the end of times, my friend :).
  15. Judgement Day

    Hi, my name is...what?

    Same with me here! And welcome to the forums :)!
  16. Judgement Day

    SAS soldier quits Army in disgust at 'illegal' American tactics in Iraq

    Good for him :clap. I once quit the Police Academy because I felt that the police were doing things moraly wrong. I wonder what my friends thought of me. Obviously most of them would think that Im a coward :ignore:.
  17. Judgement Day

    Misconceptions about Islam

    Assalamualaikum, Brother, Yes thats what Ive been taught as well. The base of my argument is with hadith: Volume 9, Book 93, Number 575: Narrated Abu Said Al-Khudri: The Prophet said, "Allah will say (on the Day of Resurrection), 'O Adam!' Adam...
  18. Judgement Day

    So, those cartoons then...

    Precisely, Muhammad pbuh is the dearest to our heart, more closer than our parents, wives, husbands, and children. They have slandered Muhammad pbuh to have taught terrorism which is awfully not right. How would you feel if someone slandered your parents, wife, husband, or children? I also dont...
  19. Judgement Day

    Hadith (Sayings of the Prophet pbuh)

    Volume 9, Book 93, Number 611: Narrated 'Abdullah: I asked Allah's Apostle "What is the biggest sin in the sight of Allah?" He said, "To set up rivals unto Allah though He alone created you." I said, "In fact, that is a tremendous sin," and added, "What...
  20. Judgement Day

    Orchestra, anyone?

    I must agree there, so very true :clap.