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  1. Trolle

    How Scared of Terrorism Should You Be?

    IMO politicians and the media are just as effective at spreading fear as the terrorists.
  2. Trolle

    Why insult?

    True story. Three young White people strapped themselves with automatic weapons (perfectly legal in open carry Ohio) and proceeded to walk through a predominately Black neighborhood yelling racial slurs. No one of course did anything to them because they were armed. A few days later, one of...
  3. Trolle

    Why insult?

    Yes, everyone should be able to insult other's views and beliefs without violent reaction, but let's face it, there are certain things that people know are off limits. Would it not be foolish to insult someone's spouse or loved one and not expect a reaction from them. You state that we need to...
  4. Trolle

    Why insult?

    I see nothing wrong with criticising or condemning the actions of others but I don't see this as what Charlie H. was trying to do. It seems to me that they were only looking to be provocative.
  5. Trolle

    Why insult?

    No disagreement here. I personally don't care what people think or say about me but it's safe to say that most people do care. It's just I don't see the need to intentionally make fun of people. It's like when a group of kids make fun of another kid because he looks funny or doesn't dress...
  6. Trolle

    Why insult?

    I read about their past issues depicting Mohammed and Islam and the only reason I could see why they were doing it was to provoke radical Muslims. This of course is just my opinion. The co-founder of the magazine told the editor that he was going too far and should hold back from publishing...
  7. Trolle

    Why insult?

    That's true but one should realize that there can be consequences when you insult people for no reason. However, to your point, there was also no need for these murderous fools to kill people over a cartoon. I guess I just believe that we all need to be kinder to one another.
  8. Trolle

    Why insult?

    No, but deliberately pissing off people for no reason is. What exactly did they look to accomplish by publishing this piece other than to insult some Muslims? People will always be offended by something but I never see a reason to purposely insult someone just because.
  9. Trolle

    Why insult?

    But they knew what they were publishing would **** some people off which is childish.
  10. Trolle

    Why insult?

  11. Trolle

    Experiencing God

    I had a spiritual wakining 2 years ago but have only told my wife about. I don't tell anyone because I now see the world in a different way than most people and I don't believe others will be able to relate to me. Spiritual experiences are also personal and hard to explain. I tell my wife...
  12. Trolle

    I Guess Obama Didn't Learn The Lesson

    Politicians and Wall Street are in bed together. Neither cares about the taxpayer who will ultimately get screwed yet again after the economy tanks and banks go begging on their knees to Congress for another bailout.
  13. Trolle

    Why insult?

    I agree. I believe in free speech but insulting anyone is never ok. Neither is attacking someone who insulted you. You reap what you sow, so if you purposely insult someone than you should be prepared for the consequences. That's not to say that anyone should have been killed over a...
  14. Trolle

    God is simple, not complex.

    How can one determine if God is simple or complex since these things are relative. What are we to compare God's simpleness or complexity to?
  15. Trolle

    God is simple, not complex.

    Not at all. I believe in a creator/higher intelligence but I don't know exactly what he/she/it is.
  16. Trolle

    God is simple, not complex.

    I thought it to be quite interesting as well, but it kinda makes sense. I don't think there is anything wrong with having opinions but to hold an idea of God as a fact when we truly don't know is quite arrogant in my opinion.
  17. Trolle

    God is simple, not complex.

    I've heard that this is the meaning of the Commandment "Thou shall have no other Gods before me".
  18. Trolle

    For atheists

    In some cases this is true. The difficulties I've faced in my life pale in comparison to someone born in war torn Somalia or other 3rd world countries. This may not be fair, but it is what it is.
  19. Trolle

    For atheists

    Yes, that's entirely possible and I like to think that they get another chance in another life.
  20. Trolle

    God is simple, not complex.

    I like to think that "God" is unknowable and all efforts to explain this entity are simply opinions.