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  1. spacemonkey

    Beat the Picture

    nothing beats this EDIT: hmmm...technical difficulties
  2. spacemonkey

    What do you think of the new term I just coined?

    Then what would you call an unfavorable opinion or feeling formed afterward with knowledge, thought, and reason? Just because someone is informed on a topic doesn't mean that the opinion they form will be favorable. Everyone here is implying that anyone that has a problem with Momonism is an...
  3. spacemonkey

    If you allow homosexuals marriage then...

    I have to agree jmoum on this point, the point of all life is to reproduce for failure to do so would mean the end of life. Improved reproduction is the driving force behind evolution, as the organism that can reproduce the most effectively is the one most likely to survive. This being said...
  4. spacemonkey

    OBE: Out of Body Experience

    Out of Body Experiance, a great song by Rabbit in the Moon http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eiAorKe6cpM
  5. spacemonkey

    Badgers or Hamsters

    :monkey: :monkey: :monkey: :monkey:
  6. spacemonkey

    Pledge of Allegence

    Its been awile since I've been to court :D but its good to know they are doing away with the whole Bible thing altogeather. :monkey:
  7. spacemonkey

    What do you think of the new term I just coined?

    I wouldn't say they have an unrational fear of Mormons, as the term "Mormonphobe" would imply. By the way, I'm not anti-Mormon or pro-Christian, I'm pro-LOGIC.
  8. spacemonkey

    The Purrrfect Margarita

    If you want a yummy martini, substitute the vermouth for about a 1/4 oz of olive juice, this is known as a "dirty" martini.
  9. spacemonkey

    Ow! Owowowowowow! (Very large images, as I haven't been able to resize them yet!)

    Did you get all the feathers out of your hair? (sorry, I couldn't resist)
  10. spacemonkey

    Scientific Evidence That Islam is the true religion

    What I want to know is why do you believe his (Mohammed's) claim that it came from Gabriel? I could say that all my posts are inspired by Gabriel, would you believe me?
  11. spacemonkey

    Bible and the Quaran - same god

    In Exodus it is the Demiurge who demands worship from man and says that their is no god before him, not the True God that sends his messangers here to try and awaken us.
  12. spacemonkey

    The Purrrfect Margarita

    Excellent recipe, most margaritas nowdays are overly complicated concoctions that barley resemble the original. The key to a good margarita is high quality liquor, I generally prefer a 100% Agave, Silver, tequilla (silver tequillas are much better for mixing) like Patron Silver. I usually use...
  13. spacemonkey

    If you allow homosexuals marriage then...

    I didn't take the time to read all the posts on this thread, I was just responding to the title. What I want to know, is who thinks they have the right to deny marriage rights to ANYBODY? Why do some people feel they have a right to tell others how to live their lives? What if going to church...
  14. spacemonkey

    Bible and the Quaran - same god

    There is no contradiction here from a gnostic point of view, because the being who made the statement in Exodus is not the same one the Jesus refers too.
  15. spacemonkey

    Bible and the Quaran - same god

    See, this is what I'm talking about. You dismiss Islam as incorrect without providing a SHRED of substansial evidence to back it up. Islam does the same thing. Guess what guys, YOUR HOLY WRITINGS (both Bible and Qur'an) ARE NOT PROOF OF ANYTHING except that there were some people long ago who...
  16. spacemonkey

    Xbox Live

    I've got both games, and my gamertag is spacemonkey420.
  17. spacemonkey

    Badgers or Hamsters

    Animal Tryouts (as told by Dennis Leary): "What are you?" "I'm an otter." "And what do you do?" "I swim around on my back and do cute little human things with my hands." "You're free to go. Next, ok what are you?" "I'm a cow." "Get on the truck." "But I'm an animal..." "You're...
  18. spacemonkey

    The What Are You Listening To? Thread - Part Three!

    Jonathan Coulton? What about Sir Mix-a-lot? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baby_Got_Back
  19. spacemonkey

    Scientific Evidence That Islam is the true religion

    The Qur'an came from Mohammed, and if you believe his story he got it from GABRIEL. If I remember correctly Gabriel is an angel and is NOT Allah.
  20. spacemonkey

    hitler was a genious

    OK, he wasn't a good or decent man in any way, but to call him an idiot is not accurate. http://www.history.ucsb.edu/faculty/marcuse/projects/hitler/sources/30s/391time/391timemanyear.htm