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  1. spacemonkey


    Just make sure you hold in the reset button when turning off your NES.:D On a similar note, my copy of A Link to the Past no longer saves games, as the internal battery that allows this to happen is dead :eek: . Speaking of SNES games, has anyone ever played Uncharted Waters: New Horizons? In...
  2. spacemonkey

    The What Are You Listening To? Thread - Part Three!

    Can't ya just make a list Vic?
  3. spacemonkey

    The Missing Link

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archaeopteryx http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/diapsids/birds/archaeopteryx.html These links both seem to agree that they DO exhibit characteristics of reptiles, including a full set of teeth, flat sternum, and a long bony tail. The reason we do not find more...
  4. spacemonkey

    Bible and the Quaran - same god

    Most of the arguments are over the details, Jesus as son of god, manner of worship, things of this nature.
  5. spacemonkey

    Opinions on a cartoon (No, not THAT cartoon!)

    As long as they aren't actually hanging black people, let them run whatever cartoon they want. Who are you to decide for everyone else what is permissable and what is not. If someone truly believes in free speach they should be willing to defend the right of others to say things they disagree with.
  6. spacemonkey

    Bible and the Quaran - same god

    I'm not sure what you are asking, but here is a great side by side by side comparison of Islam, Judaism, and Christianity. http://www.religionfacts.com/islam/comparison_charts/islam_judaism_christianity.htm
  7. spacemonkey

    Bible and the Quaran - same god

    According to Islamic ideology, the god of Mohammed is the god of Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus; these are the principle prophets of the Islam.
  8. spacemonkey

    The What Are You Listening To? Thread - Part Three!

    I never took you to be a rap guy Vic...
  9. spacemonkey

    Opinions on a cartoon (No, not THAT cartoon!)

    I have no problem with the cartoon, its just one guys opinion. Its not like every other religion/ethnicity/nationality doesn't have its own stereotypes/misconceptions about people that are not themselves. If you are offended by the cartoon, you have a right as a consumer to NOT purchase the...
  10. spacemonkey

    The What Are You Listening To? Thread - Part Three!

    The Coup's newest album, Pick a Bigger Weapon. Here is a sample of their lyrics from the song Head (of State): Bush and Hussein togeather in bed Giving H-E-A-D head Y'all muthaf***ers heard what we said Billions made and millions dead
  11. spacemonkey

    4 8 15 16 23 42

    Have you ever thought that they are just trying to throw people off? Even if they are not in "purgatory" that doesn't change the fact that the fictional author's name is an anagram of it. g-a-r-y-t-r-o-u-p p-u-r-g-a-t-o-r-y
  12. spacemonkey

    4 8 15 16 23 42

    Gary Troup also is the author of the "Bad Twin" book that Sawyer is reading, and his name is an anagram of purgatory.
  13. spacemonkey

    The tree of knowledge..............

    Its started under Entertainment/Movies.
  14. spacemonkey

    Gnosticism and The Matrix Trilogy....in a Nutshell

    In another thread about the tree of knowledge Nutshell quoted a line from The Matrix and I congradulated him for quoting the most heavily gnostic themed movie ever. He wanted an explanation of what led me to this conclusion, so here it is. Hmmmm....where to start..... In the gnostic belief...
  15. spacemonkey

    The tree of knowledge..............

    I'm with you there. It is definately a gnostic series (the trilogy I mean), but thats a whole other thread.
  16. spacemonkey

    The tree of knowledge..............

    Do you know you just brought up one of the most heavely gnostic themed movies ever made, I LOVE IT!!!
  17. spacemonkey

    Who is the Holy Spirit and What was His purpose

    Here are some places to look. http://www.adishakti.org/text_files/holy_spirit.htm http://www.breacais.demon.co.uk/abs/bsr04/43_abdo_femalespirit.htm
  18. spacemonkey

    The tree of knowledge..............

    You are still clinging to the notion that the "creator" and the True God are the same being when clearly they are not. The god of the OT is jealous, wrathfull, demands sacrafice, and inflects punishment. The True God, the one preached about by Jesus, is kind, loving, fogiving, and sacrafices for...
  19. spacemonkey

    The tree of knowledge..............

    That's EXACTLY right, because we were created by a flawed being.
  20. spacemonkey

    The tree of knowledge..............

    The serpent is the hero in this story, it is he that helps to lead mankind closer to Gnosis and a reunion with the True God, not the creator of our prison.