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Search results

  1. spacemonkey

    John Lennon's Imagine

    Four legs good, two legs bad.
  2. spacemonkey

    Separation of Religion and State

    You would think that someone with so much to say would use better grammer.
  3. spacemonkey

    Proof Against Evolution

    If you don't believe in evolution, how do you explain all of the differances in mankind? If we were "created in God's image" wouldn't we all look the same (at least similar)?
  4. spacemonkey

    Face of Jesus

    One of the people quoted (in hadith) of having visions of Jesus is Mohammed. In these Hadith Jesus is described as having either a red or brown complexion.
  5. spacemonkey

    Face of Jesus

    I was a Catholic for the first 16 or so years of my life, and what he says is not inaccurate or "ridiculous", but actually not far from the truth. That was actually one of the first things to turn me off to Catholicsm, the hypocrasy. They would tell you about the Ten Commandments, then pray in...
  6. spacemonkey

    Face of Jesus

    Many historians believe that many images of Jesus come from copies of pagan images of Zeus. The Mandylion of Edessa (mentioned earlier) did not appear untill around 525 while the Shroud of Turin didn't make its first appearance untill 1353.
  7. spacemonkey


    I seem to rember in school (its been awhile) that we were told the United States is a Democratic Republic. Just by looking at the way the phrase "democratic republic" is structured you can tell that we are a republic first (as states retain their individual governments). The democracy part comes...
  8. spacemonkey

    Mormonism and Racial Supremacy

    Is this not what it says in the Book of Mormon? If not then complain about this site http://scriptures.lds.org/ and not me.
  9. spacemonkey

    Mormonism and Racial Supremacy

    If you do not believe it is a good idea for faiths to debate their beliefs why are you posting in GENERAL RELIGIOUS DEBATES forum? That IS what this forum is about, as the title so plainly states.
  10. spacemonkey

    The Great Commission?

    Ummm...it seems to me Jesus was talking to his disciples, not telling people two millenia later to go harassing folks door to door.
  11. spacemonkey

    Mormonism and Racial Supremacy

    I suppose that depends on who you ask. If he was at one time head of the Mormon chuch, then yes, he would have been considered a prophet by other Mormons. I'm pretty certain that no Mormon religous leader is a considered a prophet outside of the Mormon church though.
  12. spacemonkey

    God's Kingdom

    ummm....what exactly are trying to debate?
  13. spacemonkey

    Scientific Evidence That Islam is the true religion

    I don't think you know your history very well. This was indeed a period during the Dark Ages, the EUROPEAN Dark Ages. The term "Dark Ages" refers SPECIFICALLY to the European Early Ages and was coined by Pletrarch. He used the terminology to counter Christian writers of the time who asserted...
  14. spacemonkey

    Mythical Beasts

    oops...sorry bout posting twice.
  15. spacemonkey

    Mythical Beasts

    Many mythical beasts were the result of ancient people with active imaginations and limited scientific knowledge stumbling upon the same types of fossils we find today. It is believed that the cyclops, for example, was dreamed up after some one ran across a wooly mammoth skull with its single...
  16. spacemonkey

    Mythical Beasts

    Many mythical beasts were the result of ancient people with active imaginations and limited scientific knowledge stumbling upon the same types of fossils we find today. It is believed that the cyclops, for example, was dreamed up after some one ran across a wooly mammoth skull with its single...
  17. spacemonkey

    The tree of knowledge..............

    The demiurge (literally "craftsman" in greek) is the name given to the false god who created this place and populated it with souless creations. He captured the essance of his mother, Sofia, and trapped it in a creation and called it "man". The demiurge was said to have been born to Sofia...
  18. spacemonkey

    The tree of knowledge..............

    No one has a comment on my first post? Come on, my gnostic rants can usually incite some sort of a response. As for Shema's post, kinda sounds like the story of Pandora huh, blaming women for all the woes of the world.
  19. spacemonkey

    Blessing on a school

    In my opinion the ACLU is as dangerous as the "religous right", if it were up to the ACLU we'd all be getting sued for being intollerant of intollerance.
  20. spacemonkey

    U.S. Military Officers violate Lt. Ehren Watada' Freedom of Religion

    Here's the thing, this guy is a COMMISIONED officer, not just some grunt who wanted money for college. He made the decison to make a CAREER out of the military and now he has to face up to that decision. It is not easy to become an officer in the military, and this guy would have had MANY...