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  1. spacemonkey

    Praying in school?

    Many people think that goat was the animal that we get the word barbeque from. In french "barbe a queue" means "from beard to tail" referring to fact the whole goat is cooked at once. That is a whole other debate though.
  2. spacemonkey

    Spider Webs

    Ummmm....reproduction is a human instinct, put a completely uneducated (think Tarzan) man and woman on an island and I'll bet their having sex within a week. So is eating, drinking, and sleeping, you don't have to be taught that you are hungry or tired, you just are. Also it is instinct to...
  3. spacemonkey

    Praying in school?

    They can pray on stage if they let me sacrafice a goat (on said stage) after they get done.:sarcastic
  4. spacemonkey

    Why Are Atheists Less Likely To Become Criminals?

    The point I was trying to make is that there are many people incarcerated for reasons they do not believe to be criminal, leaving them feeling oppressed and therefore more likely to turn to a religion that promises a better afterlife.
  5. spacemonkey

    The tree of knowledge..............

    Finally you all are asking the questions they will lead you to the answer. Why do those in power prefer to keep those beneath them uneducated? They are easier to subjicate. It was the creator of the planet that forbid Adam and Eve from eating of the tree, but does that mean that he is the True...
  6. spacemonkey

    Must I vote in order to complain?

    Great episode of South Park about this, its called "Douche and Turd" and is on the recently released 8th season on DVD and I highly recommend watching it. If for no other reason than P Diddy's "Vote or die ************ vote or die".
  7. spacemonkey

    Jealousy and the Jealous God

    The god of the OT is jealous because he is not the TRUE GOD. He is the Demiurge, the craftsman, one with form but without the spark of divinity that he trapped here on his creation to create us. He is jealous of HUMANITY, because we have souls unlike himself or any of his creations. We were not...
  8. spacemonkey

    Why Are Atheists Less Likely To Become Criminals?

    I don't believe that the belief or non belief in god determines if someone will engage in criminal behavior or not. Economic factors and education (as already stated by several) is the primary (not the only) cause of one turning to crime. Many incarcerated people also convert while inprisoned...
  9. spacemonkey

    Scientific Evidence That Islam is the true religion

    OF COURSE the Qur'an is more scientifically correct then previous religous writings, that's because they are PREVIOUS WRITINGS!!! If I wanted a map of the world, I wouldn't use the one that Christopher Columbus did. The people alive during Muhamed's time had a better understanding of the world...
  10. spacemonkey

    Scientific Evidence That Islam is the true religion

    Muhammed never actually wrote the Qur'an, he just recited it.
  11. spacemonkey

    Scientific Evidence That Islam is the true religion

    I am sooooo impressed that Muslims spend all their time memorizing the Qur'an. You have memorized the rantings of a man fasting in a cave in the desert, aren't you proud of yourself? What are you going to be working on next, Ted Kazinski's manifesto? Perhaps instead of spending all of their time...
  12. spacemonkey

    Do Christians and Muslims worship the same Deity?

    These are debate forums, I don't think anyone is here searching for the meaning of life. Why is the question based on the assumption that a God exists? Muslims, Christians, and Jews worship a god regardless of whether or not he exists. That said, it seems pretty obvious to me that they...
  13. spacemonkey

    Do Christians and Muslims worship the same Deity?

    We didn't say that God created the religions, man creates religion plain and simple. I would like for you to list for me the ways that Islam and Christianity are RADICALLY differant (aside from the whole Jesus is son of god thing, that makes Christianity radically differant from ALL religions)...
  14. spacemonkey

    Why believe in the bible?

    Exactly what expieriance have you had in your life that makes you believe that the Bible is the word of God beside people telling you it is.
  15. spacemonkey

    Scientific Evidence That Islam is the true religion

    I was under the assumption that Islam was the SAME religion that was revealed by Abraham to the Jews, by Jesus to the gentiles, and by Muhammed to the Arabs. How can you claim its the TRUE religion when it is really just an offshoot of a much older religion? As for you "scientific evidence"...
  16. spacemonkey

    Scientific Evidence That Islam is the true religion

    This is how most religions were started, explanations of things people did not understand.
  17. spacemonkey

    Why do Christians believe that Jesus is God?

    Exactly what RESEARCH have you done to prove to yourself that Jesus is God and not just another messanger like Buddah, Abraham, Moses, Muhammed, or countless others? Muslims believe in the virgin birth (unlike myself) and still believe Jesus to be just a prophet, sent to bring the word of God...
  18. spacemonkey

    Why do Christians believe that Jesus is God?

    Why would I be kidding? Hating everyone equally means that I do not hold any preconceptions based soley on someone's race, nationality, creed, or culture, but rather that I wait for you to prove yourself worthy of my respect before I give it out.
  19. spacemonkey

    Do Christians and Muslims worship the same Deity?

    Any Christian who says that Allah isn't the same god that they worship is either stating that out of ignorance or prejudice. At the bottom of page one of this thread I posted a few of the MANY direct Judeo-Christian refrences found within the Qur'an. Like I said in that post, the Qur'an itself...
  20. spacemonkey

    Do Christians and Muslims worship the same Deity?

    Well, if you believe humans were created by God...