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Search results

  1. spacemonkey

    Christianity too Political?

    He said Eastern Roman Empire, not Rome. The capital of the Eastern Roman Empire was Byzantium (name later changed to Constantinople) which is the modern day city of Istanbul. Please know your history before correcting people.
  2. spacemonkey

    Christianity too Political?

    No, government and religon mix when the majority feel they can decide what's best for everyone else. Abortion and gay-marrige, while a "sin" in the eyes of a Christian, may not hold the same taboos for an agnostic or atheist. When the govenment gets involved with trying to legislate morality and...
  3. spacemonkey

    Christianity too Political?

    These are not political issues, they are religous issues that politicians use to try to distract the public from their actuall policies (or lack thereof).
  4. spacemonkey

    Abrahamic - Mormons

    Hey, the fellows who write South Park are equally suspicous of ALL religions. This weeks episode suggested that Scientology is a big, fat, global scam. I could fill a page of their shots at orginized religion.
  5. spacemonkey

    Fellow Gnostics

    I believe one of the Gnostic teachers believed that Jesus's mortal form was an illusion. This way of thinking came from the line of teachings about Jesus being an emination of the True God, like you said the Logos (word). All of the eminations were couples, which is emulated here on Earth by man...
  6. spacemonkey

    Fellow Gnostics

    The non - Christian Gnostic feels Jesus was mearly one of many "Messangers of Light" that were here to guide mankind to Gnosis. The Christian Gnostic feels that Jesus is the principle savior (the Soter) sent by the True God to guide mankind to gnosis.
  7. spacemonkey

    Is the Crucifix blasphemous?

    from the link in my last post
  8. spacemonkey

    Is the Crucifix blasphemous?

    Where do you get that info? Everything I've ever seen or read on the topic says that Constantine converted to Christianity due to a dream/sign (accounts differ hear) prior to the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Milvian_Bridge. I have never seen his mother mentioned, I'm not saying you are...
  9. spacemonkey

    Howard Stern

    If you feel it is noise pollution you have the ability, as a primate with opposable thumbs, of turning him off. No one forces you or anyone else to listen to his show. Personally, he gets on my nerves after listening for a while, but that is when I can stop listening. Despite the fact I don't...
  10. spacemonkey

    Is the Crucifix blasphemous?

    Yes, some folks may have thought Jesus really was a lamb.
  11. spacemonkey

    Open your Eyes

    If you think about it, Orginized Crime is actually modeled after the government. Orginizied Crime IS the government for those who engage in activities not sanctioned by the government. They set the rules, enforce the rules, provide prodection from other criminals, and wage wars against rival...
  12. spacemonkey

    Is the Crucifix blasphemous?

    I didn't say they teach it, I was just saying that I've seen alot of them doing it. Yet another veiled insult. Who says that I don't understand it, I said I don't BELIVE it verbatim. Give me a link where they admit Catholic fallibilty and I will know. So Constentine could reunify...
  13. spacemonkey

    The Simpsons or Family Guy

    WHY WAS SOUTH PARK LEFT OUT? It is better than both. IMO
  14. spacemonkey

    South Park and Religion

    Matt Stone is Jewish, he is represented by Kyle, Stan is Trey. Kenny and Eric come in because they said, "When you were a kid everyone had a poor friend and a fat friend." I think South Park is probably one of the best entertainment programs on television. I own every season on DVD and my...
  15. spacemonkey

    I Love Discussions!

    Welcome, always nice to have another Gnostic, I think that brings the total now to 4 or so. Oh well, not everyone is ready for the Gnosis. Michel, most Gnostics believe that Jesus is a Messanger of Light (that is a messanger of the True God), Gnostic Christians believe he is the princaple...
  16. spacemonkey

    Bible, evolution are perfectly compatible

    Here is one way to look at it, instead of thinking of God "building" man, maybe he just bestowed the gift of intelligence upon the species that had evolved the farthest.
  17. spacemonkey

    Old Testament justification for praying to the saints

    All that writing and the only thing that caught my attention was the fact there was a Pope named Dionysius.
  18. spacemonkey

    Fellow Gnostics

    I forgot to link these... http://www.gnosis.org/gnintro.htm http://www.gnosis.org/whatisgnostic.htm http://www.gnosis.org/951220.htm http://www.gnosis.org/971219.ram
  19. spacemonkey

    Fellow Gnostics

    Gnosticism ties togeather all of the loose ends the seprate religons leave. It is the fundimental belief that the creator and the True God are not the same entity, but that the creator (Demiurge) is actually a lesser, incomplete entiy. One without the "divine spark" of the True God. Gnosticism...
  20. spacemonkey

    Is the Crucifix blasphemous?

    1. No one worships George Washington as a God. 2. Nowhere in the Constitution does it state, "Thou shalt not carry graven images of dead presidents". Apples and oranges my friend