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Search results

  1. spacemonkey

    There are Atheists in Foxholes

    I think you are missinterpriting the term "foxhole"....
  2. spacemonkey

    Pagan Gnosticism

    The term "Hellenistic" is derived from Homer's "The Illiad" and refers to Helen of Troy.
  3. spacemonkey

    Why do YOU have the right to vote on MY rights?

    Why would the "higher power" recognize a marrige that was purely one of convienince and profit that in no way recognizes the "higher power" in return just because it is between a man and women? It seems to me that a loving god, a compassionate one, would be far more inclined to recognize a...
  4. spacemonkey

    What Is Going On In Colorado?

    I find it interesting that Colorado has banned smoking in public places while Denver has decriminalized the possesion of marijuana. I'm so confused by all these mixed signals....
  5. spacemonkey

    Just Teach Geography!

    The only major problem I have is that the teacher is not letting the students discuss and debate what he is saying. I remember being in high school (10+ years ago) and remeber getting of topic MANY tmes as the result of a spirted debate on something brought up in the lesson. In this case I only...
  6. spacemonkey

    Why do YOU have the right to vote on MY rights?

    I was married by a Justice of the Peace and had absolutely no metion of any god or higher power other then "...the power vested in me by the STATE of..." Are you saying that marrige wasn't lagit? Aside from the fact that we were getting married to make more money in the Navy that is. If marrige...
  7. spacemonkey

    What Is Going On In Colorado?

    You are correct when you say that I did not take the job because it was smoking. If I was given a choice between working in a smoking or non-smoking enviroment (bar or restraunt mind you) I would choose the SMOKING establishment each and everytime (assuming that all other variables are equal)...
  8. spacemonkey

    What Is Going On In Colorado?

    That is the weakest argument I've ever heard. Speaking as a fomer bartender I can honestly say that it insults me that people like you think that I need to be protected from myself. I knew before I applied to any bartending job that there would be people smoking at the bar and I CHOSE to work...
  9. spacemonkey

    theories on penalties for drug offenses

    Why should any of those carry a punishment when alcohol, many stimulants, and a WIDE variety of pharmicuticals (many of which mimic the affects of the listed substances) are OK?
  10. spacemonkey

    Favorite Soft Drink?

    I've heard of a "Flaming Dr. Pepper" that involves dropping a flaming mix of 151 and amaretto into a glass of beer and chugging it. It does taste oddly similar to a Dr. Pepper...
  11. spacemonkey

    Saudi Arabia

    We wouldn't so much be "forced back in time", as we would retrogress. Just like in Europe when the Roman Catholic Church was in charge (an era known as the "Dark Ages"), all advances in the arts and sciences would be halted (and much forgotten or lost) while military advancements would continue...
  12. spacemonkey

    Three Days and Three Nights??????

    The sabbath was changed to Sunday by the Romans after adopting Christianity as a means of converting worshipers of Sol Invictus (the Invincible Sun) the chief pagan deity of the time (worshiped by Constantine the Great until his death). The Christian holy day then became "Sun"day while the...
  13. spacemonkey

    Republicans Need Change

    The problem is, there no longer IS a economic and political conservative party. The old Republican party is gone, replaced by a party that is just as much for a bloated federal government as any Democrat. The Republican party of today is conservative on "moral" issues alone.
  14. spacemonkey

    animals and souls

    The Demiurge was ony able to entrap the "Divine Spark" of Sofia into humanity, that is why he commanded all his prior creations to bow before them.
  15. spacemonkey

    Post your pic!

  16. spacemonkey

    What of Hell? Why must there be one? Why must we suffer?

    The "god" of the OT is NOT the one preached about by Jesus. In fact the Bible is made up of two COMPLETELY differant sets of texts that have nothing to do with each other. The Demiurge is another name for the OT "god" (Demiurge being Greek for "craftsman" or in other words the creator) who is an...
  17. spacemonkey

    What of Hell? Why must there be one? Why must we suffer?

    This is yet another example of the twisting of the words of Christ by the followers of the Demiurge. Hell is here, we are all in it, it is all around us. While we are imprissoned here by the Demiurge we are seperated from the God of Love and Light, that is what Hell is. Only through Gnosis can...
  18. spacemonkey


    Hospitals are for practioners of MEDICINE. Energy /faith healing is a form of alternative medicine and belongs in seprate clincs just like chiropractics or accupunture.
  19. spacemonkey

    The Demiurge

    It is ignorance that the Demiurge uses to keep us trapped in his creation.The story of Adam and Eve is not to be taken literally, it is an allegory. The "Tree of Knowledge" represents Gnosis, the one thing that can release us from enslavement by the Demiurge, the "God" of the OT. The concept of...