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  1. spacemonkey

    Ask any question about Christianity!

    Don't forget the Gospel of Mary...and what about excluded OT works like the Book of Jubilees or Enoch?
  2. spacemonkey

    Religion and politics, can you seperate them?

    Religon and politics NEED to be kept seperate, something the founders of the United States knew (considering most of the initial settlers came here fleeing religous persecution themselves) but more ans more Americans seem to be forgetting. When you mix religion and politics you get HOLY WARS!
  3. spacemonkey

    The Demiurge

    Why do you think that Adam and Eve where forbiddin to partake of the fruit of "knowledge"?
  4. spacemonkey

    The Demiurge

    My interpritation is that the demiurge is not the gnostic version of "Satan", but he is what most of the world (at least followers of most Abrahamic faiths) worship as god. The word "demiurge", as someone pointed out, means "craftsman", the "creator" of this world. It is his creation, the world...
  5. spacemonkey

    Romans 2

    I think you miss the point, its not that you do the same EXACT thing, it just says that no one is without fault and therefore should not judge others. "Judge not, before you're judged yourelf. Judge not, cuz you're not ready for judgement"
  6. spacemonkey

    Old Testament justification for praying to the saints

    I meant no offense, it was just a joke.
  7. spacemonkey

    Who Invented The Trinity ?

    This is very Hindu way of lookiing at it. Look fot your self... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hindu_trinity
  8. spacemonkey

    Is it unpatriotic to not support a war?

    This is from everybody's favorite online resource, Wiki.
  9. spacemonkey

    Where Is The Love?

    You see how Jesus says, "I give you a NEW Commandment..." not an additional commandment. On the lighter side, I wonder if George Carlin is familier with this passage? In one of his famous rants during one of his shows, Carlin was able to distill the Ten Commandments down to two. I think he'd be...
  10. spacemonkey

    Bible, evolution NOT perfectly compatible, despite Jesuit apologetics

    Perhabs its not so much a bastardization of evolution as it is an admission by the Catholic Church that the Genesis might not be the "literal" story of the creation, but rather a metaphor.
  11. spacemonkey

    Star Wars (episode III)

    I was pleasantly suprised that Lucas had Sidious use Anakin's LOVE for Padme turn him to the Dark Side. It showed that any emotion, even one as innocent as love, can be twisted and corrupted if allowed to cloud ones judgement.
  12. spacemonkey

    What is the nature of agnostic conviction?

    Seyorni is correct here, I believe you mean to ask, "Why do Atheists beieve in their disbelief?". An agnostic doesn't disbelieve as much as denies knowledge of.
  13. spacemonkey


    Just because a belief has foundations in many faiths, does that make it contradictory? Did you ever consider that all religions might come from the same root. Gnostics attempt to reconcile the differances between the faiths and realize that it is the MESSAGE that is important.
  14. spacemonkey

    Christianity too Political?

    That is the first sentance from the first link I provided, did you skip over it?
  15. spacemonkey

    Christianity too Political?

    As a Gnostic I feel that it is attachment to matierial items that binds us to this plane and prohibits the attainment of Gnosis. This statement by Jesus just backs up the Gnostic belief that he was a Gnostic as well.
  16. spacemonkey

    War and Religion

    Did you not see the capital letters saying IN THE PAST? Are you denying the existance of the Dark Ages or that the Church persecuted those whose therories (i.e. the world is round, the Earth rotates around the Sun, etc.) went against what they said to be the "truth". If so it is you who has the...
  17. spacemonkey

    Christianity too Political?

    No, it threatens everyone elses rights.
  18. spacemonkey

    Christianity too Political?

    It wasn't known as Byzantium until AFTER the fall of the Western Roman Empire, and the Eastern and Western Empires where ruled by TWO SEPARATE EMPERORS for the last two centuries. The ENTIRE empire (both halves) where still the ROMAN empire, in 350 AD (for example) you could be a Roman citizen...
  19. spacemonkey

    War and Religion

    That is why most religions IN THE PAST (I don't want anyone attacking me) tried to keep the general population UN-educated.