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  1. spacemonkey

    A Further Amendment

    Doing that infringes on the rights of those who do not hold the same view of marrige as yours.
  2. spacemonkey

    Who would you like to see run in '08?

    I realize that, I said it was just my idea that I wanted opinons on. If I thought my ideas should be automatic laws, then I would be "Dubbyah" :eek:
  3. spacemonkey


    :biglaugh: Isn't it the day we recognize Baphumet?
  4. spacemonkey


    thats thread not threat :sorry1:
  5. spacemonkey


    I'm confused, what are we supposed to debate about on this threat? It is in the debate forum.
  6. spacemonkey

    Does the davinci code theory affect Christ's divinity?

    I would have to say your conclusions are a little off then. The main group of "heretics" at the Council of Nicaea was a group known as the "Arians" after their Bishop (a Bishop of the Catholic Church) Arius. Arius taught that Jesus was not the same as God as he was "begotten", or created, by God...
  7. spacemonkey

    Who would you like to see run in '08?

    I agree with Nader and Perot on Comet's list, but I am perplexed to see them on a list with Pat Buchanan and DAVID FRIGGIN DUKE!:slap: I personally like Wesley Clark and John McCain, I feel our CIC should have REAL military experiance. I also have an idea I want to hear some opinions on...
  8. spacemonkey

    A Further Amendment

    Though the actual phrase "separation of church and state" does not appear in the Constitution verbtim, I use the phrase like many others do, to summarize the First Amendment when it states "Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise...
  9. spacemonkey

    Religions, Controlled by man or god?

    You are not entirely correct here. Hades was the underworld, we might call it the afterlife, and was seperated into area. First was the Fields of Aspodel, were those judged neither virtuous nor evil were sent. Next was the Elysian Fields, the resting place of the heroic and those blessed by the...
  10. spacemonkey

    A Further Amendment

    That is what seperation of church and State IS! BTW, I am sorry for the zealot remark if Fluffy was indeed being facisious. You should let us know that you are not serious in that case, perhaps a ;) or something.
  11. spacemonkey

    A Further Amendment

    Oh, and MY god is not one that should be feared.
  12. spacemonkey

    A Further Amendment

    It is people like you that make me glad that I live in a country with seperation of church and State. I can't stand the fact that religous zealots like Fluffy here want to tarnish our Constitution by trying to use it to force their way of life onto others. They tried that once before (proabition...
  13. spacemonkey

    Does the davinci code theory affect Christ's divinity?

    First of all, the ideas presented in The DaVinci Code are not Dan Brown's, so calling anything from that book a DaVinci Code Theory is inaccurate. All of the information concerning the Priory of Sion, the Dossirs Secrets, Roslin Chapel, or anything else in the book for that matter was presented...
  14. spacemonkey

    Krie's Question

    I didn't realize the question was only refering to the present day. I was just trying to give the reasons someone my say that Gnostics were a hated group. I'm not feeling sorry for myself, but for the people who were slaughtered for their "heresy".
  15. spacemonkey

    Krie's Question

    There are cases of Gnostics being persecuted pretty intensly though. The Cathars of southern France were completely wiped out by the Albagensian Crusade, the only Crusade to pit Europeans against other Europeans. The Inquistion was also created primarily to root out Gnostic "heresy".
  16. spacemonkey

    Germans dressed as Superheroes stealing food to give to the poor!

    It said in the article that it seemed the thieves were trying to highlight the inequality in German society. Sometimes the best way to help is to draw attention to your cause. I' m thinking of starting a branch in my own home town.
  17. spacemonkey

    'Da Vinci Code'et al....Is the public really that gullible?

    The image you are refering to is station xiv of the stations of the cross at Rennes-le-Chateau. It was a priest there who, while renovating the church, alledgely came across the Dossiers Secrets hidden in a Visigoth pillar. The Dossiers are the documents that trace back the bloodline for those...
  18. spacemonkey

    Bigots 1; Dubai Ports World 0

    I can say that Kev's comments probably come from lack of knowledge about the UAE. I have been to the UAE when I was in the Navy, it has been a regular port stop for those upholding the no-fly zone over Iraq for over a decade since the end of Operation Desert Storm. Dubai is a shining example of...
  19. spacemonkey

    Hurt My Feelings....i'll Sue!

    The think that I find of interest in this story is how the writer states that the "psycho" lady used drugs and alcohol in the PAST to "self-medicate her angst" as if she's still not doing the same thing with the Ambien and whatever else she's picking up at Walgreen's (it not just Ambien, an...
  20. spacemonkey

    What if?!?!?!

    This question is like when your girlfriend in high school would ask, "If I got hit by a truck and lost my arms and legs, would you still love me?". You can't give an honest answer to it unless it actually happens to you.