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Search results

  1. spacemonkey

    Why do Christians believe that Jesus is God?

    First of all, there is no prejudice here, I do not treat anyone differantly because of their beliefs, I hate everyone equally. Therefore I will now go after ProfLogic. The Council of Nicaea did not write the Bible. The Bible is a compilation of compilations, the OT is pretty much the Jewish...
  2. spacemonkey

    Why do Christians believe that Jesus is God?

    First of all, there is no prejudice here, I do not treat anyone differantly because of their beliefs, I hate everyone equally. Therefore I will now go after ProfLogic. The Council of Nicaea did not write the Bible. The Bible is a compilation of compilations, the OT is pretty much the Jewish...
  3. spacemonkey

    Why do Christians believe that Jesus is God?

    Say what you mean then, you said you did not believe in the Council of Nicaea, which means you don't believe it happened. You did not say "not all christians believe in the Nicene Creed" (which, by offical christian doctrain, classifies you as non christian) you said "not all christians believe...
  4. spacemonkey

    Do Christians and Muslims worship the same Deity?

    The same way we do not know there was only one. Monotheistism isn't the only belief system around.
  5. spacemonkey

    Do Christians and Muslims worship the same Deity?

    Does making up a religon today make it any less real then making it up hundreds or thousands of years ago? Even better, does the fact that a religon was made up thousands of years ago mean that is more correct then Scientology (newest religion I could think of). I imagine that if I went to go...
  6. spacemonkey

    Why do Christians believe that Jesus is God?

    Well, for one, to not believe in the Council of Nicaea means that you believe that Constantine never called all of Christian bishops togeather and decided on things like the nature of the Trinity or the date of Easter. That means you are just in denial of historical fact. Now you can chose not...
  7. spacemonkey

    Why do Christians believe that Jesus is God?

    Well, all Christian's who didn't make up there own religion.
  8. spacemonkey

    Why do Christians believe that Jesus is God?

    Christians believe that Jesus is God because the First Council of Nicaea voted on it and made it offical doctrain after Constantine demanded a uniform Christian doctrain with which to reunite Rome.(After all, you can't use a religon to unite if it is divided in its beliefs.)
  9. spacemonkey

    Do Christians and Muslims worship the same Deity?

    This is a good question Genna, as you are more on point then most Christians would like to think. According to Muslim belief, the Qur'an was recited to the prophet Muhammed by none other then the angel Gabriel. Also, the Qur'an mentions many of the stories and people from both Jewish and...
  10. spacemonkey

    Why believe in the bible?

    My major problem with the Bible is how the OT and NT are lumped togeather even though they have little to do with each other. Even the deities described within each body of work are completely differant. One destroyed the world out of rage with a flood, the other promises salvation and...
  11. spacemonkey

    Krie's Question

    I actually meant the FIRST crusade against other Europeans, but you can always be sure that someone in these forums will be there to catch any error.:)
  12. spacemonkey

    Is Mormonism racist?

    Are Mormons racist? Not if you're Karl Malone!:biglaugh:
  13. spacemonkey


    We were refering specifally of the day of Pentecost.
  14. spacemonkey

    What kind of thinker are you? (a quiz)

    Are you left handed? I am always doing things in reverse order or juxtaposing words and I believe its because I'm a lefty in a right hand world.:D
  15. spacemonkey

    What kind of thinker are you? (a quiz)

    This is hillarious, I answered your poll question with Logical - Mathematical before I actually took the quiz and that is the result I got when I took it! Other Logical - Mathematical thinkers include Isaac Newton, Archimedes, and Albert Einstein. (Who would have guessed?) Careers include...
  16. spacemonkey


    Again, I'm no expert on the many variations of Christianity,but logic would seem to be that it is not the day that the Holy Spirit descended the Apostles that is important, but the day it descends upon you.
  17. spacemonkey

    Pro-life Debate (pro-lifers only)

    I disagree with the notion that life is precious.
  18. spacemonkey

    A Further Amendment

    Bah! Its impossible to debate with people that are being sarcastic! Basically everyone that has posted is in agreement.
  19. spacemonkey


    I thought pentecost was when the Holy Spirit descended upon the Apostles.
  20. spacemonkey


    I'm no expert on this, but something seems to tell me it is the Pentecostals who make a big deal about the date of Pentecost. I went to Catholic school for several years in grade school (about 20 years ago) and I don't recall ever celebrating or even recognizing it for that matter. Of course it...