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  1. spacemonkey

    Homosexuality Is Of God !

    This is how we got to where we are. As you can see it is still on topic.
  2. spacemonkey

    Can you support our troop but not support the war?

    Did you ever consider that morale might be low for a war that is publicly unpopular because the soldiers feel the same way. Does it not make sense that the sldiers themselves can come to the same conclusions as everyone else. I was in the service, and involved with "combat actions", and I can...
  3. spacemonkey

    What Makes Jesus The Son Of God.The Son Of God Theory.

    For one thing all of the NT prophicies were penned after the death of Jesus. Its easy to fulfill prophecies made to fit you.
  4. spacemonkey

    How to make an atheistic statement seen by thousands in America, using only a red pen

    That means just because YOU don't use cash doesn't mean NO ONE uses cash. I ONLY USE CASH.
  5. spacemonkey

    Homosexuality Is Of God !

    OK, I'll concede the point on cats, they are nothing but killing machines. If you examine the reason that domesticated cats kill things though, you will realize that it is because they were bred by HUMANS to do so. Pest control was the princaple reason for the domestication of cats, and if they...
  6. spacemonkey

    What Makes Jesus The Son Of God.The Son Of God Theory.

    So how is it you belive Luke but not Mohammid, of Budha, or any prophet of another religion? I have read on many of your posts that you belive Jesus is the only way to God, so why do you chose to ignore so many other prophets.
  7. spacemonkey

    What Makes Jesus The Son Of God.The Son Of God Theory.

    It seems that most of "prophecies" you referance come from the NT. It is easy for Jesus to meet the rquirements of a messiah if those requirements are set after his demise by his followers. That would be like letting the Branch Davidians explain why David Koresh meets the qualifications of a...
  8. spacemonkey

    How to make an atheistic statement seen by thousands in America, using only a red pen

    Anyone who says that people don't use cash, how can you explain the $5000 - $10000 CASH deposits I make EVERYDAY as a restraunt manager?
  9. spacemonkey

    Who Invented The Trinity ?

    I wasn't aware that God wrote the KJV, as far as I know EVERY WORD in the Bible was written by a mortal man. Besides that, not in one of those passages does it state that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are one in the same being as suggested by the christian doctrine. Again I quote...
  10. spacemonkey

    An algebra problem for you: How much is the average person in the World worth?

    I would say that is exactly what the greedy people of the world already try to do. Besides, i think you are missing my point. Greed creates value, if you remove greed, then one would be happy with having what it needs to survive and live comfortably. If you take away someones desire to...
  11. spacemonkey

    Atheist Plans Lawsuit Challenging Motto on U.S. Currency

    No, Confucius was a man, whose teachings are followed as a religion in China. You may know him as the fortune cookie guy.
  12. spacemonkey

    Atheist Plans Lawsuit Challenging Motto on U.S. Currency

    Having President Lincoln's portrait on the $5 is not a direct contradiction of the 1st Ammendment like "In God We Trust" is. How happy would all you Christians be if it said "In Confucius We Trust".
  13. spacemonkey

    Atheist Plans Lawsuit Challenging Motto on U.S. Currency

    While I have not used the slavery argument, I belive it stems from folks saying the motto should be on the currency to represent the religous traditions of the past. They are trying to make the point that not all traditions are good for everyone in the modern world.
  14. spacemonkey

    Atheist Plans Lawsuit Challenging Motto on U.S. Currency

    Sounds to me like the Christians in this counry are for freedom of religion as long as it is "their" rreligion. In reality the motto on our currency should say "In This I Trust" because money is really what drives this country.
  15. spacemonkey

    An algebra problem for you: How much is the average person in the World worth?

    What I mean by my 1 word answer is that wealth is a concept made up by humans in order to satisfy feelings of greed. If you are not greedy there is no need to accumulate wealth. Something is only worth what someone will do to obtain it.
  16. spacemonkey

    Homosexuality Is Of God !

    For one thing, animals kill each other for food/survival only. They do not commit wholesale slaughter of other animals because the belive in differant things. If there is savage killing among any species on this planet it would be HUMANS and no other. Also, I belive the real reason behind the...
  17. spacemonkey

    Open your Eyes

    Though there have always been attempts to suppress that freedom as well. Richard Nixon couldn't quiet the opposers of the Viet Nam war so he made the DEA to persecute them for their recreational activities. Ask Larry Flint if the Religous Right believes in freedom of speech or if there is a...
  18. spacemonkey

    What Makes Jesus The Son Of God.The Son Of God Theory.

    I have no evidence, whch is why I said it was my belief. The reasons I belive this i gave in the original post in abridged form. The fact is, there is no EVIDENCE that Jesus was born of a virgin either, only a second hand account written by a person who was obviously biased.